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DLA to PIP - success

9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #128940 by nomad205
DLA to PIP - success was created by nomad205
Hello everyone - first off I will apologise if I make any mistakes, this is my first time posting, although I've been a member of B&W for several years. I've used the guides a lot and really appreciate all the time and effort that is put into them - thank you :)

I have a diverse mixture of mental and physical problems, the mental problems causing most of the issues.

I had been receiving DLA - high rate care, low rate mobility for 5 years (the first award being for 3 years and the second for 2 years) My award was due to end February 2015. I received the application form for PIP in September 2014, I used the B&W guides and filled the form in within 2 weeks.

At the beginning of December 2014 I received an appointment to attend a medical assessment on 15th December in a town almost 30 miles away! Luckily I had an appointment with my CPN the day following the letters arrival - he agreed that there was no way I could travel that distance and he rang ATOS on my behalf. They re-arranged the assessment to a town 9 miles away on 2nd January.

None of the professionals that I had listed had been contacted for evidence (I realise now that I should have sent the evidence with my application) My CPN produced a report and included reports from 2 consultant psychiatrists and an occupational therapist. He sent copies of these to ATOS and DWP but also gave me a copy to take to the assessment in case they hadn't received them. The reports proved invaluable during the assessment, with the lady taking a lot of the answers from there.

By the time I got to the assessment centre I was an absolute wreck! The lady was actually really nice and the first question she asked was 'why hadn't I been offered a home visit?' My husband explained that we hadn't been offered one and weren't aware that it was an option. She then went on to explain that she had no qualifications in mental health issues. She went through the questions and was patient and appeared to be listening to my husband's answers (by now I was in such a state of anxiety that I could barely talk) The only physical test was if I could press my legs upwards while she was pressing down. She then asked if she could complete the rest of the questions by using my reports that I had taken with me, she said it would make the assessment much shorter and hopefully less stressful for me. We agreed that she should do this.

I received a couple of letters after the assessment, the first from ATOS saying that my medical assessment report was being audited for quality assurance (I think!) and then another saying they had completed the audit and my report had been sent to DWP.

Sorry for rambling!! Today I received the dreaded/longed for brown envelope. I 'scored' 23 points for the care component so have been awarded enhanced care and 14 points for the mobility component so awarded enhanced mobility. The award is for 3 years.

I think it's important to note that my disabilities are in the majority mental health based - even the mobility issues and I was awarded the points for mobility due to the mental health problems - this seems not to be the norm so will hopefully give others hope that yes, you can be awarded enhance mobility due to mental health problems.

Thank you so much to B&W again, and to the members who post on the forum, although I haven't posted, I have lurked and it's been very reassuring reading of others successes :)
Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by .

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9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #128942 by
Replied by on topic DLA to PIP - success

nomad205 wrote: Hello everyone - first off I will apologise if I make any mistakes, this is my first time posting, although I've been a member of B&W for several years. I've used the guides a lot and really appreciate all the time and effort that is put into them - thank you :)

I have a diverse mixture of mental and physical problems, the mental problems causing most of the issues.

I had been receiving DLA - high rate care, low rate mobility for 5 years (the first award being for 3 years and the second for 2 years) My award was due to end February 2015. I received the application form for PIP in September 2014, I used the B&W guides and filled the form in within 2 weeks.

At the beginning of December 2014 I received an appointment to attend a medical assessment on 15th December in a town almost 30 miles away! Luckily I had an appointment with my CPN the day following the letters arrival - he agreed that there was no way I could travel that distance and he rang ATOS on my behalf. They re-arranged the assessment to a town 9 miles away on 2nd January.

None of the professionals that I had listed had been contacted for evidence (I realise now that I should have sent the evidence with my application) My CPN produced a report and included reports from 2 consultant psychiatrists and an occupational therapist. He sent copies of these to ATOS and DWP but also gave me a copy to take to the assessment in case they hadn't received them. The reports proved invaluable during the assessment, with the lady taking a lot of the answers from there.

By the time I got to the assessment centre I was an absolute wreck! The lady was actually really nice and the first question she asked was 'why hadn't I been offered a home visit?' My husband explained that we hadn't been offered one and weren't aware that it was an option. She then went on to explain that she had no qualifications in mental health issues. She went through the questions and was patient and appeared to be listening to my husband's answers (by now I was in such a state of anxiety that I could barely talk) The only physical test was if I could press my legs upwards while she was pressing down. She then asked if she could complete the rest of the questions by using my reports that I had taken with me, she said it would make the assessment much shorter and hopefully less stressful for me. We agreed that she should do this.

I received a couple of letters after the assessment, the first from ATOS saying that my medical assessment report was being audited for quality assurance (I think!) and then another saying they had completed the audit and my report had been sent to DWP.

Sorry for rambling!! Today I received the dreaded/longed for brown envelope. I 'scored' 23 points for the care component so have been awarded enhanced care and 14 points for the mobility component so awarded enhanced mobility. The award is for 3 years.

I think it's important to note that my disabilities are in the majority mental health based - even the mobility issues and I was awarded the points for mobility due to the mental health problems - this seems not to be the norm so will hopefully give others hope that yes, you can be awarded enhance mobility due to mental health problems.

Thank you so much to B&W again, and to the members who post on the forum, although I haven't posted, I have lurked and it's been very reassuring reading of others successes :)

Hi n205,

Welcome to The Forum !!! :)

All that "lurking" really seems to have paid off !!!! :laugh:

Congratulations on the Enhanced PIP Awards for both Daily Living and Mobility !! :cheer:

As you may know, your Enhanced Mobility automatically entitles you to a : Blue Badge

You are also entitled to free Road Tax for a car that you have the use of.

You can also lease a car under : The Motability Lease Scheme.

Thank you for taking the time to post your experiences of claiming PIP !!

Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by .

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9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #128948 by nomad205
Replied by nomad205 on topic DLA to PIP - success

bro58 wrote:
Hi n205,

Welcome to The Forum !!! :)

All that "lurking" really seems to have paid off !!!! :laugh:

Congratulations on the Enhanced PIP Awards for both Daily Living and Mobility !! :cheer:

As you may know, your Enhanced Mobility automatically entitles you to a : Blue Badge

You are also entitled to free Road Tax for a car that you have the use of.

You can also lease a car under : The Motability Lease Scheme.

Thank you for taking the time to post your experiences of claiming PIP !!


Thank you bro58 :)

I already have a blue badge, I had to have an assessment for that last year with me only being on the lower rate mobility at the time.

There was a leaflet in with the letter about free road tax, this is definitely something we will be doing. Do you know if this is issued upon going to the post office or is it something that has to be sent away for? Really sorry if the info is glaringly obvious in the link, I just can't seem to find it! Our car tax is due at the end of February so it's most definitely going to be a welcome bill less :)
Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by .

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9 years 4 months ago - 9 years 4 months ago #128957 by
Replied by on topic DLA to PIP - success

nomad205 wrote:

bro58 wrote:
Hi n205,

Welcome to The Forum !!! :)

All that "lurking" really seems to have paid off !!!! :laugh:

Congratulations on the Enhanced PIP Awards for both Daily Living and Mobility !! :cheer:

As you may know, your Enhanced Mobility automatically entitles you to a : Blue Badge

You are also entitled to free Road Tax for a car that you have the use of.

You can also lease a car under : The Motability Lease Scheme.

Thank you for taking the time to post your experiences of claiming PIP !!


Thank you bro58 :)

I already have a blue badge, I had to have an assessment for that last year with me only being on the lower rate mobility at the time.

There was a leaflet in with the letter about free road tax, this is definitely something we will be doing. Do you know if this is issued upon going to the post office or is it something that has to be sent away for? Really sorry if the info is glaringly obvious in the link, I just can't seem to find it! Our car tax is due at the end of February so it's most definitely going to be a welcome bill less :)

Hi n205,

You won't have to go through an assessment next time if you are still in receipt of The ER Mobility PIP Award.

You should have a letter with a serial number on it regarding your Road Tax exemption.

This has replaced The Exemption Certificate that used to be issued and had to be periodically renewed.

I would advise that you make a few copies of this and keep them safe.

This is what you take to The Post Office along with your Insurance & MOT Docs.
(Although I think that they can now check MOT & Insurance electronically)

Best to take them to be on the safe side, and maybe a copy of your PIP Award Notice letter.

If you can visit a local Post office that deals with Road Tax before the end of this month and Tax your car, you may be entitled to a refund for February on your current Tax Disc, they only refund full months.

The PO should be able to help with this, I do not think that you have to involve DVLA unless you change your car, but I may be wrong, it has all changed recently.

Once it is sorted, you can simply renew your Road Tax online : Here.

Last edit: 9 years 4 months ago by .

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9 years 4 months ago #128975 by slugsta
Replied by slugsta on topic DLA to PIP - success
Hi nomad, congratulations on your PIP award. Thanks for taking the time to tell us about your experience - and for your kind words about the B+W guides :)

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