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Anyone know answer to this question re uni credits

6 years 7 months ago #199948 by holdingout
I look after my husband the last 21 years because of brain damage,he does not work
I am is paid carer and were on income support, he his on PIP both highest awards both components, when we made the change from DLA to pip a year ago he was assessed on a full 24 points for his disabilities.

Our area goes live next year sometime someone said it may well be 2 years before we are envited to actually go onto Universal credit but

would my husband for sure have to go through another humiliating

Work capability assessment ??? because its just a joke 30 years of hell now, win one thing then another and then another

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6 years 7 months ago #199957 by Gordon

You don't mention any benefits that come under UC, so based on your post there would be no impact.

The WCA is the ESA assessment, so do you actually have an ESA claim?

Even if his PIP is an On-Going award, we would expect him to be reassessed at some time. At the moment most fixed term awards are being reassessed a year in advance of the award ending.


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6 years 7 months ago #199972 by holdingout
Hi Gordon I think our wires are crossed, you say were not on a UC benefit at the moment , but in my last post I said were on income support, and that after our area go's live in the new year, at any time in the next couple of years we would be invited to claim UC.

My question was,,, myself and my husband will still be on income support when the change over comes for us, and that when were made to claim UC would being on income support before our invitation to UC, mean he would have to have the WCA, because we looked at the details, and it seems that you do.

The other thing is in two months he may to have a WFI for gods sakes because we would have by then been on income support for 6 months, I think we can print some kinda form out with regards to that.??

So are you saying when we are invited to go onto UC he wont have to do a WCA even though before we would have both been on income support. ??

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6 years 7 months ago #199981 by Gordon

I'm really sorry, I don't understand how I missed the Income Support :blush:

It may well be that we will have to wait for the Transfer legislation to be published to make a definitive statement as it may clarify issues such as this.

UC treats both partners in a couple as being claimants, this is different from most benefits currently where the partner only has to attend WFIs occasionally.

As a couple both claimants are expected to be working or seeking work. As a carer you should be excused from this, the situation with your husband is less clear. JC+ advisors can waive a Claimant Commitment if they feel it is justified to do so, but there is little if any information in the Public Domain that covers this, so I can't say with any certainty that this will happen.

If it doesn't then the only way your husband would avoid a Claimant Commitment is, as you suspected to undergo a WCA and to be found Unfit for Work.

Based on the current situation with UC I doubt the matter will become any clearer in the immediate future but would hope that we can provide a more detailed answer when IS claimants start to be moved to UC.


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