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PIP Question

6 years 6 months ago #202154 by Daz
PIP Question was created by Daz
Quick question, I notice a lot of emphasis is placed on how many days of the week you can't do the tasks at hand and how it varies from day to day or throughout the day etc but I have Muscular Dystrophy which doesn't vary so my ability/inability to do the tasks don't vary, for example the muscle weakness in my arms and legs are equivalent of an 80 year old and my ankles have -15 degree contractures so they are locked at an angle so most of my feet cant touch the floor so balance is always affected and my arms are locked at 90 degrees so reach is always affected, so is lifting anything due to muscle wasting or even grip related tasks

anyway my question is if on an average day your condition doesn't change and your ability to do the task doesn't change is it ok to put "I have these problems every day and all throughout the day"?

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6 years 6 months ago #202171 by Gordon
Replied by Gordon on topic PIP Question

Daz wrote: anyway my question is if on an average day your condition doesn't change and your ability to do the task doesn't change is it ok to put "I have these problems every day and all throughout the day"?

Yes this is fine.

Remember that they will also be considering whether you can use aids to help you complete an activity and also whether help from someone else would make a difference, so you need to cover these situations as well.


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6 years 6 months ago #202190 by Daz
Replied by Daz on topic PIP Question
Thanks Gordon, I have tried my best to cover every possible angle, this is what I have for Q3C and Q4C

Q3c Because of my Muscular Dystrophy I have trouble with any task in the kitchen that involves using my arms and hands this is due to the muscle wasting in the arms that have also caused contractures in both elbows which are locked at approx. 90 degrees. This muscle weakness causes me to fatigue very quickly so preparing a meal would exhaust me and it would take a long time even with assistance or supervision. If I didn’t get the help the muscle weakness and elbow contractures would leave me at serious risk of burns and injury when using an oven, knives or anything of even moderate weight because my reach, grip and strength are considerably reduced/limited, I have dropped lightweight pans and cut myself in the past as fatigue quickly builds up and accidents started occurring more often so now meals are prepared and cooked by family members. The muscle wasting also affects my thighs, calves and ankles which causes stiffness, tight hamstrings and poor balance due to ankle contractures, being on blood thinners increases the risk of internal bleeding if I fall and heavy bleeding from cuts so my family don’t consider me to be safe in the kitchen and do it for me. I have these problems every day and my condition is degenerative so it is constant throughout the day and can only deteriorate further


Q4d Because of my Muscular Dystrophy I have muscle weakness in my arms and hands. This means that I have difficulty using cutlery and cannot safely pick up hot drinks. I have dropped cups and glasses so many times that I now use light plastic cups and use easy grip cutlery when I eat. The lighter plastic cups and easy grip cutlery make it easier to eat and drink and without them I’d struggle to take nutrition at an acceptable standard. I have these problems every day and all throughout the day

Have I missed anything glaringly obvious that would cause tem to throw my application in the bin? I think I am on the right track but any advice would be hugely helpful, I'm hoping for 4+ points for Q3 and 2 points for Q4

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6 years 6 months ago #202206 by Gordon
Replied by Gordon on topic PIP Question

The immediate thing that stands out is the following in regard to Preparing Food.

"it would take a long time even with assistance or supervision."

This implies that you could prepare and cook a simple meal given sufficient time. As you don't qualify this then it won't be covered by the reliability criteria.

Although you say that you have problems you do not deal with the issue of your using aids to help you complete the tasks, for example a perching stool would avoid you having to stand, a vegetable chopper would avoid your using a knife.

It's not clear whether assistance and/or supervision would help you to complete the activities.

What is your INR?


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6 years 6 months ago #202224 by Daz
Replied by Daz on topic PIP Question
ok I get you, I have to say question Q3c is a mish mash of several attempts to get this down on paper, so I am restructuring It, clarifying some things and adding examples of aids I would struggle to use

For example a perching stool is no good because I have arms like a t rex :lol: so would have to balance on the edge of the perching stool with my face over the hob completely off balance! however expressing that succinctly is not a strong point but I will get there, thanks for the advice

my INR is 3 btw

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6 years 6 months ago #202227 by Gordon
Replied by Gordon on topic PIP Question

You need to deal with these issues in your reply, you cannot assume that those assessing you will make the connection between your conditions and the limitations that result, this is all about dotting the "I"s and crossing the "T"s.

Don't rely on your being on a blood thinner, an INR of 3 is not that high so whilst there is a
risk if you cut yourself or fall, it is unlikely to be seen as substantial.


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