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review form for pip

5 years 11 months ago #214360 by Gordon
Replied by Gordon on topic review form for pip

I would speak to this new GP, they have suggested that they need you to update them on your problems so I would ask them the best way for you to do this, just be cautious of just "dumping" information on them as this could be seen as your leading them in what to write.

I think you need to be careful of antagonising them by asking for revisions of what they write, it would be better if they understood your problems from the outset and write about your problems correctly from the outset..

If you want some evidence to support why they need to help you then show them a copy of the following



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5 years 11 months ago #214419 by Shazier
Replied by Shazier on topic review form for pip
Thanks again Gordon,
I didn't think of it in that way, that was not my intention.
My daughter took in the dear GP letter earlier this morning before i got your reply as she herself had an appointment this morning.
I need to get in touch first thing on Monday and ask them to put it on hold. I don't want my new gp thinking I am trying to mislead her into what to write, I thought it would give her a chance to see how my conditions affect me and, the help I receive and what, a medical assessor has written about me and give her a better understanding. That's why I gave them my medical report to.
I do know my GP is going away so, a delay in getting this done will be after my form has to be back
Maybe I am best to ask and see if i can get a home visit from another GP although, im not to sure if they will come and do a home visit if it's not for a medical condition that I need to see them for? it would be just to tell them how my condition affects me and the help i get. They should know by my diagnosis how difficult it is for me? I have had several letters written my old GP which do go towards my evidence, she has clearly written all my diagnosis and that i need a home visit if asked for a medical but, her last letter was 2105 . I'm just hoping that my retired GP who knew me extremely well has put how my conditions affect me and the help i get, in her notes? she was informed.
I will get my daughter to ring on mon and put it on hold until I am able to tell them myself in person.
I'm worried now in case she thinks what you have said was my intention and that never crossed my mind. always in a pickle me and certainly not thinking straight at the moment with my son dying. Hope iv not done any damage but thank you for pointing this out to me

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5 years 11 months ago #214452 by Gordon
Replied by Gordon on topic review form for pip

To be honest it is going to depend on the attitude of your GP.

Some will write "my patient tells me", with the intent of saying; "I don't have any idea, I'm just recording what I have been told whether it is correct or not"! If yours is one of these, then they are likely to do this however you approach them.

Some GPs will ask you to do what I will call a "symptom dump" of the patient's problems and will write a letter based on this.

Some will actively question the patient about their problems.


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5 years 10 months ago #215092 by Shazier
Replied by Shazier on topic review form for pip

Gordon wrote: shazier

To be honest it is going to depend on the attitude of your GP.

Some will write "my patient tells me", with the intent of saying; "I don't have any idea, I'm just recording what I have been told whether it is correct or not"! If yours is one of these, then they are likely to do this however you approach them.

Some GPs will ask you to do what I will call a "symptom dump" of the patient's problems and will write a letter based on this.

Some will actively question the patient about their problems.


Hi Gorden many thanks for your reply. I suspect my new gp is not going to be very helpful when it comes to how my conditions affect me. My daughter rang about my esa this morning and they have sent a reguest for infom to my gp on the 15th july. She is on holiday until next week. I have read the copy of the form for gps in your guides and its basically asking what problems i have to each question that is on the questionare that i sent back. She isnt going to be able to answer most of those question because she doesnt know me or dealt with my conditions apart from my copd and heart disease. So im worried now that just leaving them blank will not do me any favours? She cant coment on things she doesnt know. Will DWP think it strange that she does know? I cant see her writting back saying she is my new gp

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5 years 10 months ago #215109 by Gordon
Replied by Gordon on topic review form for pip

I think that the DWP will be surprised if they get any response from your GP at all, the last time that I saw statistics on this no more than 25% of requests were actually replied to by GPs and most often the responses were "yes", "no" and "I don't know".


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5 years 10 months ago #215196 by Shazier
Replied by Shazier on topic review form for pip

Gordon wrote: shazier

I think that the DWP will be surprised if they get any response from your GP at all, the last time that I saw statistics on this no more than 25% of requests were actually replied to by GPs and most often the responses were "yes", "no" and "I don't know".


I wouldn't of thought gp's would have the time to sit and fill these forms out, I spoke to a lady in medical records at my gps yesterday, she said that the gp's are now receiving an awful lot of these forms recently requesting info on the patients. Have they been given more funds to pay for this information? I had a lady from the cab round this afternoon, she was very surprised when i told her they sent a request to my gp. she also said this is very rare., she helped me fill in the form for ESA, She thinks maybe its because i have recently been bereaved and i suffer from severe depression and, severe anxiety and also a lot of stress can cause me to have angina attacks which it has and,, maybe they are gathering gp info to see if i will be up for face-face assessment. I don't think so and wouldn't of thought they would care about how im feeling right now or fit to have a medical. My daughter is speaking to the gp on mon, We would rather she ticked the boxes where she can and, we have supplied her with the medical assesment report ,from atos from my last pip review 2015, nothing has change apart from new diognose . It just gives my GP a guide and more information how my conditions affect me Who knows it just might help with my new pip review thats waiting to go back? cab have put very little writing on it with ticking no change. im at the point where i have really had enough, dreadful esa form sent back 15th may the night my son died, a date i will never forget, i was supposed to of rung my son but thought i will ring in the morning,i was that stress from filling forms. he died early hrs that night so, now im really angry and tormenting myself thinking, if only i had rung him, i maybe could of distracted what ever it was that he was doing? funeral took place on the 15th june then my pp form arrives not long after. I suppose its one easy way to grind another clamant into despair. I would of been retiring at 60,in two yr now its 67 I cant be doing this until im 67
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