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Capita complaint. Can I use this as part of appeal

5 years 2 months ago #228225 by Eggcustard
I complained to capita about my PIP assessment and several points were made in the reply which I think might be useful to my appeal. Should I include these points please?

1. Says the report took so long to be written up because it went through the audit process (rolling audit). Then “there are occasions, although rare, where an assessment report doesn’t not meet our high standards.....My review has revealed that the report was put through a quality check on 8/2/18. The amendments were made 12/2/18.”

Can I argue this proves the report wasn’t fit for purpose??

It seems very unfair that an auditor who has never met me can change the report when they only have half of the information because the assessor didn’t record it all.

2. Several things that show a lack of care e.g. duplicates in the evidence list, evidence missing from the list.

3. Assessor mixed up the activities I have problems with. Can I argue this shows she didn’t read the evidence before assessment, didn’t notice the error when writing up the report so again didn’t read through everything? Again showing not fit for purpose??

4. When replying to the fact that the assessor didn’t include a lot of what I said under functional history which makes the report incomplete the reply says “the report is not designed to be a verbatim account of everything which is discussed”. Are there guidelines which say assessors DO need to record everything that I said?? Otherwise they can just miss out whatever suits them.

I was thinking of putting this in a small section at the start of the submission and then moving onto showing how I think I qualify etc.

Thanks for your help.

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5 years 2 months ago #228241 by Gordon

You can argue what you want at your appeal but think about the relevance of the information to your scoring points.

1. Even though the report was subject to audit, the DM will only have seen the final version of the report which I assume had the corrections.

2. It shows a lack of professionalism in compiling the report maybe this reflects on other parts of the report as well but you might be better of commenting on these specifically.

3. Yes, their not having read the evidence available to them would be something that the panel will be interested in.

4. No, it down to the assessor on the day, also, just because you think something is relevant does not mean that those who assessed you will.

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5 years 2 months ago #228244 by Eggcustard
Thank you for the reply. In regards to point 4 an example is that the assessor recorded that I can wash myself but didn’t record how often I said I could do this so it is worded in such a way that the DM will assume I am doing this everyday when I am not and I told her that. Surely she should record that otherwise it completely misleading?? She only wrote down what fitted her argument and left the rest out which is very biased.


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5 years 2 months ago #228259 by Gordon

So this is an issue that could lead to your scoring, so it's one to address but I would do so by referring to your form, which I assume does say how often you wash, rather than just pointing out the absence of the information in the report.


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