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other members living in France re IB to ESA

  • Landlord
12 years 4 months ago #78529 by Landlord
Replied by Landlord on topic Re:other members living in France re IB to ESA
Worried/cochondinde thank you very much for your replies, and cochondinde sorry to hear you are unable to drink wine due to your accident, especially now living in France!

Can I ask you both how long it was from when you returned your ESA-N50 form to you being asked to attend a medical, if you can remember please.

Must admit the whole episode is wearing us both down at the moment, especially when I look at my wife to see the state she is in now health wise. I find this whole episode sickening, still must keep fighting and face a medical if or when it comes.

I was going to post a French phrase here, but I know it will only upset bro, :silly: so I will just say may thanks again for your replies.
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  • bro58
12 years 4 months ago - 12 years 4 months ago #78530 by bro58
Landlord wrote:

"I was going to post a French phrase here, but I know it will only upset bro, :silly: so I will just say may thanks again for your replies".

Thankyou LL. :laugh:

Last edit: 12 years 4 months ago by bro58.
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12 years 4 months ago #78555 by cochondinde
Replied by cochondinde on topic Re:other members living in France re IB to ESA
Landlord wrote:

"Can I ask you both how long it was from when you returned your ESA-N50 form to you being asked to attend a medical, if you can remember please".

I posted my ESA form on 3/10/11 and received a letter dated 10/11/11 from the Pension Service at Newcastle informing me that they had written the same day to the French authorities to arrange for me to be "medically assessed" by them. I then received an appointment letter, from the French authorities dated 26/12/11, on 31/12/11.

I must admit this whole ESA thing has had an negative impact on my health but I hope for the future that things will improve; me being positive again!
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12 years 4 months ago #78567 by Berlioz
Worried wrote:

Hi Berlioz,

You will have to take your ESA50 to be filled in on the back page by your local doctor. I presume your Form is both in French and english. It has been about 6 months since I got my ESA50. It takes longer living here because everything must be translated.
I do not know anyone else that has been through the system here and have not found any information on the Expat websites.

Thank you for your reply Worried and the input from other posters in this thread.
I am lucky that my 'French' Doctor is actually English so I will ask him to write his part in both English AND French on the ESA50 so that the assessor will understand. My husband speaks flutent French but I expect with my luck they will send an appointment during the 2nd week of the month when he works in London! I don't want an official translator as in my experiance they 'summerise' answers/sentances which would be a disaster for me. Also if it is more than 1/2 hours drive in daylight he will have to take me. Is it possible to insist on an appointment that my husband can attend?
I normally send, with the ICB forms a copy of a very detailed medical report prepared in 2005 for the Court by my BUPA pain Clinic Consultant in Cambridge. It summerised the treatments and results I had so far with the Rheumatologist, Orthopediac surgeon, Pain Clinic interventions,Physio. I had critical Illness insurance for my mortgage, they actually settled the claim after 2 years before it went to court as the report clearly states that my fibro was of long standing and progressive, I had low stamnia, associated working with increased stress and pain levels,and also had various associated medical conditions and in his opinion I would be unable to work again in ANY capacity.I was an Accounts Dept Manager. I suppose I Should I get my husband/doctor to translate it to French ????
Since this report was prepared I have been also been diagnosed with Hypothyroid,colitis, and gluten intolerance, had bladder surgery and am having eye surgery soon as I have High Myopia (severly short sighted) (-10.5 d)and can't tolerate contact lenses anymore and often trip/fall and break bones wearing my glasses!
The ESA50 form has so little space for detailed answers and multiple diagnosis, I realise it is scored by computer. Another poster mentioned that additional information/letter was missing from the paperwork the French assesor was given. I'm typing this at 5am as I cannot sleep with stressing about this and my husband is away this week so I have only the dogs, cats and chickens to mull over all this with!
I really don't know what I would do without this website!
Sorry for the long post but I'm sure you all understand how it all just goes round and round in your brain and it has made me feel better just venting! :(
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12 years 4 months ago #78571 by cochondinde
Replied by cochondinde on topic Re:other members living in France re IB to ESA
Hi Berlioz,

You could send your medical report from 2005 although I was told that the consultant letter I sent dated 2006 wasn't up to date enough so wasn't valid. I don't know why as it stated that my condition was severe and permanent and it is very unlikely that I will work again.

As my accident was at work I had a medico-legal report which was in 2005 and an addendum report in 2006 which I didn't bother sending with my ESA form. I took a consultant letter from a recent consultation to the assessment, as I didn't receive it until after I returned the ESA form, and also a more detailed letter from my GP.

I wish I had found this site before I had completed the form.

I don't know if you would want to phone Newcastle to ask and see what they say. As a legal document it may be relevant despite the date.
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  • Landlord
12 years 4 months ago #78623 by Landlord
Replied by Landlord on topic Re:other members living in France re IB to ESA
Thanks for your reply cochondinde relaying the timetable for you being called for a medical. Looking at the dates you have posted it looks like DWP were just waiting for your form to be sent back, before automatically sending you for a medical. Not sure if you read the front page of the Daily Mail yesterday, but they were questioning the competence of foreign doctors when examining us benefit scroungers living in the sun. If it wasn't so serious it would have been funny.

We will post back my wife's ESA-N-50 form tomorrow, like I mentioned it has taken nearly 3 weeks to complete in a manner we are reasonably happy with. Her doctor has specified that she has limited mobility and in constant pain, but not sure if this will be good enough for DWP. I am now trying to look on a medical as being positive if she is sent for one, as if my wife is examined by a French doctor, rather than just bombarded with questions from somebody behind a computer, I have some faith that justice will be done when a decision is made back in the UK. If she is placed in the WRAG group without a medical, then obviously it will mean appealing and returning to the UK for the appeal, so maybe a medical here in France is the lesser of the two evils.

Keep fighting!
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