We recently suggested to Benefits and Work readers that they consider contacting their MP if they can’t get through to the DWP on the phone.  We’ve heard from lots of readers since about their experience of asking their MP for help.  One lesson seems to be: don’t make assumptions about whether your MP will be helpful based on which party they belong to or what their voting record on benefits is.

Our reader Anees has nothing but praise for Labour MP, Sam Tarry who she says is a “fantastic person and his staff are lovely. He help me always and every time, after his recent help I was awarded enhanced award in PIP.”

And Mo is just as impressed with her MSP Patrick Grady.  She says that he and “his staff are fantastic,  Patrick goes above and beyond,  he is always supportive and has helped me many times navigate the appalling service from the DWP, after his recent help I was awarded £50 compensation by the DWP’s complaints department.” 

But it seems even a “useless Tory MP” can actually be very helpful, reader Alison tells us.

“Surprised to say, my useless tory MP made a complaint,  ATOS took it up, saying my assessment was totally unsatisfactory,  then I had a massive 3 way assessment and had my pip reinstated. For a while there, I was both grateful and amazed. So don't be put off if you think you might not get help.”

Conservative MP Kemi Badenoch helped Sandra after her husband died and she struggled to get the DWP to look at her ESA award again.  Sandra says that “Not only did her department sort out my supersession and get me onto ESA income based but also got a refund of my Bereavement Support Payment that the DWP had been wrongly taking off my ESA and also managed to get my disabled premium put on and backdated and secure me the cost of living payment I was due.”.


Another Conservative MP helped Ani, who was facing destitution:  “Yes, my MP Desmond Swayne did intervene at the last minute, speaking directly with Jeremy Hunt when he was health minister to force the DWP to restore my benefits after 18 months with no income, as I was very ill and facing homelessness.”

One reader, John,  told us that he was one of the very first people to apply for PIP.  After waiting 6 months he still hadn’t had an assessment and was concerned he might miss out as he was nearing his 65th birthday.  He contacted his Conservative MP, Tobias Elwood and, John tells us:

“The response was immediate from the MP's office. They sent me a copy of their letter to the DWP demanding that my case to be reviewed urgently. Within two days, I received a face to face appointment, which resulted in my PIP award, backdated 6 months. I'm 74 now and still getting PIP. The moral is, contact your MP for action.”

But not all Conservative MPs are so helpful. Helen says she has contacted her Conservative MP Mark Harper three times about her PIP and never had so much as a reply.

Meanwhile Viv was less than impressed with Labour MP Derek Twigg after she sought his help.  The DWP claimed that Viv had not responded to a letter or texts they sent her and so stopped her PIP.  Viv had never received any of the communications. Twigg suggested that Viv should try to prove that they had never been sent, a virtually impossible task as second class post is not tracked and the recipient cannot prove they didn’t receive a text.  Viv said of Twigg, “He & his assistant we’re not fit for purpose.”

Some posters didn’t tell us which MP they had asked for help, but experiences were still varied.

One reader was told by their MP “it is not the job of MP's to raise issues on behalf of individuals”.

 Another poster, Phil, is a carer for his partner who has chronic long term lower back pain, IBS, severe diverticulitis, borderline personality disorder and severe anxiety.  In spite of submitting very large amounts of medical and other evidence for a PIP claim, they were told they would have to undertake a 160 mile round trip for an assessment.

Even after Capita were told the claimant couldn’t be far from a lavatory, the best concession they would offer was to reduce the round trip to 80 miles.

Phil contacted his MP and within days Capita had decided they had enough evidence for a paper assessment and our Phil’s partner got a 10 year enhanced award of PIP.

As Phil says “The point I'm making here is, when all may seem lost, contacting your local MP and asking for their help really does make a difference.”

 Reader Jean’s daughter was incorrectly and repeatedly told by the DWP that she was earning too much to claim Carer’s Allowance – even though she wasn’t working at all.  In the end she contacted her MP and “within two weeks it was all sorted and her claim was backdated, our MP was amazing she even contacted our daughter to check all was well.”

So, we’re sticking by our advice to try to get help from your MP if you can’t get through to the DWP by phone.  But whether you’ll be happy with their response is, unfortunately, as much of a lottery as whether the DWP will answer your call.


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    Anne · 3 days ago
    This is just the last gasp of a government that is panicking so they choose to hammer disability benefits and demonize immigrants. Beyond sickening that they think it will gain them votes but in fact in order to do that they would have to clean up the mess they have made of our nhs, the transport system, schools the list just goes on and on. Also lets not forget the complete absence of trust caused by the covid debacle. They partied, they gave contracts to their mates and then tried to lie about it. This is just a green paper, the first step and they know it will in all probability never happen as they will lose the election but they still choose to taunt and terrorise us. My pip is invaluable to me, it absolutely changed my life and I just would not manage without it. Rishi Sinai how do you face yourself in the mirror? When did disability become a crime? You are a disgrace to humanity and I would still rather be me, in pain everyday and choosing between eating and heating than the disgrace of a human being that you are.
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      Sandra Bowes-Rennox · 3 days ago
      @Anne Well there not going to win votes by this cruelty.. They've taken millions for granted and treat disabled people like dirt as history proves and not just in this country.
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      Amanda · 3 days ago
      @Anne Nicely put! Far more articulate than my own contribution - I just saw red! 
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    DC · 3 days ago
    comes as absolutely no surprise the government pick on the most vulnerable people in society, yet happily spend billions on weapons to send to wars that are nothing to do with us.  i have severe anxiety and mental health issues and every statements like these can send people over the edge.  THIS COUNTRY IS A DISGRACE
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    Linda · 3 days ago
    Just how many times do disabled people have to prove they are in need. The move from DLA to PIP has just completed or about to complete. Now they are looking to switch us onto some other thing that probably wont work. They did the recent changes to weed out those who don't have real diabilities whatever they are. What happens to Motability or is that gping to be a catalogue? What a crock of s--t. This Government is a joke. 
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    Nanny · 3 days ago
    If I could physically get to a place of work, I'd be a constant safety risk to an employer, the public and of course myself.

    How many will lie about their disabilities to find work? Then what?

    Add onto that, I'm almost 60, and we all know age discrimination is still rife by employers. I've no chance.
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    Nanny · 3 days ago
    Anyone noticed how the questionnaire is buried deep inside the green paper and not easy to locate? It takes some doing to find it!
    Very few even know of it's existence.

    The questionnaire itself is a disgusting joke upon the senses. Those with certain sensory conditions will give up and not complete it.

    Many questions are worded so badly that I had to re-read many to make sense of them.
    I did complete it, but it took about 40 mins, with perseverance.
    With no function to save and having to be completed in one go is another clever move by them...
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    paul keenan · 3 days ago
    I filled out the consultation and said it was A TERRIBLE IDEA. They are going to kill thousands. KEEP PIP as it is.
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    Steve · 3 days ago
    DWP needs a complete overhaul of staff. Was on PIP at the standard award for Daily Living and Mobility. My mobility has rapidily decreased and have been issued with crutches by physo for daily use whenever moving around. This change in mobility was reported to DWP as i am required to do so. Had a telphone asessment and was patiently waiting to see if they would increse the mobily portion. After 4 months waiting i got the decision letter over the weekend. Instead of increasing the award, the decision maker has reduced the scores in both sections so that i dont qualify for any PIP and the awardds have been removed. Mandatory reconsideration applied for.

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    paul keenan · 3 days ago
    The online consultation deliberately has many Nonsensical questions. Embarrassingly obvious what they are doing.
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    Nin · 3 days ago
    As a person living with a disability under this cruel and corrupt government, and who is unfortunately reliant on PIP to meet my basic and daily needs, this absolutely stuck a chord:

    "It’s important that whoever forms the next government understands the strength of feeling against dismantling the disability benefits system and instead concentrates on dismantling the department that was cruel enough to publish these proposals."

    The entire political-economic system we have needs to be completely abolished and replaced from the ground up. However, this paragraph serves as an ethical starting point for societies most vulnerable.
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    Michelle · 3 days ago
    I've read the green paper and one thing that comes to mind after reading is the way they have written the questions (all in their favour may I add) is that they have not considered side effects to medication that we all take. I am on 13 prescription meds every month and have been on some of them for years. The side effects can be just as debilitating as the condition they are treating. An example being, nausea/being sick, hallucinations, anxiety, fatigue, dizziness and that's just the side effects from one of my prescribed medications. Do they honestly believe that we would all rather be disabled than to live life without pain or meds!
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    Mark · 3 days ago
    To say either food or medication don't they realise you need food to take medication to help stomach absorb medication 
    This to me is just ludicrous as it gets rish has got his sledgehammer out again just like previous tories the attack is on the disabled 
    The time this bill gets the green light through parliament a removal van will be at no10 to oust him out before this comes into power 

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    Sarah Steer · 3 days ago
    I will be 57 this year and from November last year I am sadly no longer able to work due to ill health, I have worked and paid tax and NI since I was 15 years old, even bringing my children up still worked albeit PT for a short time. 
    I am currently claiming standard PIP and I have been forced to take my claim to a tribunal as I feel I’m not getting what I feel I deserve, I have a multitude of disabilities and I’m registered disabled, I have no income Independently, other than my PIP. 
    It disgusts me that many many ppl like myself are made to feel like we are lazy and don’t want to work.
    Once again the government are trying to penalise the real ppl who need help.  
    It makes me so cross. 
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    May the force be with you · 3 days ago
    I’ve filled out the consultation. It is clear from filling it in that the intention is that people with mental health disabilities or learning disabilities clearly won’t be covered at all by PIP. The intention also is to take away the ‘independence’ element altogether, and merge everyone’s needs (so in effect no-ones needs) to be met by the (almost non-existent) local authority and/or stigmatising vouchers. How does this help anyone live with dignity, with any independence, as part of their local communities? I’d be surprised if all this is actually legal. 
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    Alex · 3 days ago
    I’ve just finished a course of ECT having been admitted to a secure psychiatric ward at the start of the year. I’d made intricate plans to end my life. I am desperate to work but my mental and physical health no longer permits me too, I’ve clung on to jobs by my fingernails out of sheer desperation, and to the detriment of my mental health. This government exacerbates my feelings of self loathing for being dependent on benefits, and I like everyone else live under the constant threat of benefits being taken away, adding to the fear and uncertainty of what the future holds. Every headline about the Conservatives’ plans for benefits claimants, particularly with mental health conditions, increases my anxiety of how I will continue to survive. When suicide ideation is a permanent fixture in your life, the fear and uncertainty that these proposed changes bring are quite literally another nail in that coffin. I suppose that’s one way of saving money for these ruthless bullies
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    EarthaCeleste Phillipson · 3 days ago
    Many people who get pip do not even see the cash , it is taken every week by the local authority to contribute to their care and support they get from a support worker who goes into their homes or takes them shopping or to appointments, etc.
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    A · 3 days ago
    It's the usual from this lot of Tories and past Tories. We can steal as much as possible from this country and get away with it
    However have a disability  that effects your everyday life and you will be crucified by US because its much easier for us to make you look despicable and draw the heat away from us!!!
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    aj · 3 days ago
    my husband ran his own business but over time i noticed changes in him.  he sadly  had a severe mental and nervous breakdown. 20 yrs later he still takes medication and was told he will never fully recover due to the severity. we now manage on a day to day basis never knowing how he will cope  one day to the next. the government and dwp should try and experience this for one day never mind 20 years and get an idea what some peoples lives are like and not play games with them. pip for us and many others is a life line. show some compassion for god's sake.
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    AMH · 3 days ago
    This is yet another unfair suggestion by the Government to push disabled people into work in order for them to be able to live. 

    Firstly PIP is supposed to pay for additional 'physical items' of equipment or medication that a disabled person might need. As claimants we know that many of us use the benefit they receive to support them to live without working. Many of us are unable to hold down a job because of our medical condition. Let's not even start to discuss why employers are never going to make adequate workplace adjustments in order for disabled people to be able to 'work' putting in level access, ramps, lifts and wider doors may go some way to help wheelchair users but it dosen't address anxiety, depression, mental health conditions, issues with strength, ability, wakefulness, people whose medication affects their ability to drive, concentrate and function! 

    I have been a tax paying worker for 38 years but due to illness and disability I had to leave my employment and am now trying to survive on PIP & contribution based ESA (I am in the support group) I have Transverse Myelitis (damage to the spinal nerve), Osteoarthritis in many places in my joints and spine, and Fibromyalgia. I am on a cocktail of drugs to help with pain and nerve issues. I am getting the standard PIP rate of both daily living and mobility, and at my last assessment they took points away from me (probably because if they didn't it would have put my daily living payment into the advanced level. 

    The Government are already stripping away payments from people who need them. This system is already demoralising and is obviously set to become even more so. Having to justify what you need to spend your benefit on is ridiculous and would be unworkable. If indeed the DWP did move to such a scheme it would inevitably lead to less people being able to justify what they spend their benefit on, the mere fact one is unable to 'work' would  no longer be an adequate reason. Changing society, changing workplaces, changing employers, changing buildings, changing the way the NHS is funded and operates (if the Government dosen't get rid of that too!) all needs to be addressed never mind stripping away money from people who need it just to get by and function never mind live.
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    mave · 3 days ago
    instead of crucifying the disabled and vulnerable how about they scrap the subsidised restaurant serving pheasant and steak to the most wealthy in society and scrap the house of Lords where each member gets paid £300 per day to do what exactly???? Then they can get thier fingers out and start clawing back the billions they wasted on ineffective PPE through the pandemic by giving contracts to thier crony mates - the amount of money this government wastes in complete mis-management is a drop in the ocean compared to the welfare bill - they want to bring the welfare bill down - then I suggest a country wide rent cap if rents were affordable according to earnings then people would not have to claim housing benefit just to keep a roof over thier heads. Trying to get votes they cut NI and now are demonising the most vulnerable for it trying to claw the money back
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      Maureen · 3 days ago
      @mave Absolutely I agree . How they waste money.. they claim for everything .. houses travel  expenses far more than they should.. the House of Lords should definitely be scraped . Most of them fall asleep anyway..the bar s in the House of Parliament…. What job can I do or anyone and drink at at lunch time then carry on at work … all subsidies of course.. I could go on and on .. yet they make it so difficult for disabled people just to live  ..every few years they change disability benefits have to make a new claim it gets more and more complicated each time .. it causes that much  stress and worry … how I wish I didn’t need to apply.. how I wish I could live independently and not need any one s help .. I could tell the government many ways how to save money with out keep nibbling away at the disabled.. 
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      Mark · 3 days ago
      @mave Well said mave fancy being new pm 
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    Leigh · 3 days ago
    Communication support and on going changes to technology would cost the government a lot more money that is paid by PIP.