To say it was all good news would definitely be going too far, but the Autumn statement definitely wasn’t as bad as it could have been for claimants.

More details will need to emerge, but here are some of the main highlights.

Benefits Uprating
Benefits will go up by 10.1% next April, in line with the September 2022 Consumer price Index.  Given the hints that benefits might only rise by 5% in line with wages, this is good news.

But inflation is already running at 11.1% and uprating does not apply until next April, so this is already a real terms cut.

In addition, people on low incomes spend a much larger part of their money on food and energy, which are particular drivers of inflation at present.  So the real rate of inflation for many claimants has been calculated as between 14% and 20%, meaning a very serious cut in income.

In Scotland, where some benefits are devolved, and in Northern Ireland where all benefits are devolved, it will be up to the devolved governments to decide on the level of uprating, though it seems likely they will follow Westminster’s lead.

ESA to UC migration
The government is pushing back the forced migration of claimants from income-related employment and support allowance (ESA) to universal credit (UC) to 2028.  It was due to be completed in 2024, with an impossible target of 2.5 million claimants being moved in that year.

So the fact that it is being delayed is good news.  The downside is that many thousand more claimants will now be subject to ‘natural migration’ because of a change of circumstances and will lose out on the transitional protection that managed migration claimants receive.

Claimants receiving child tax credit are not included in this postponement.

Cost of living payments
There will be more cost of living payments next year.

  • Households on means-tested benefits will get an additional £900 Cost of Living payment in 2023-24.
  • Pensioner households will receive an additional £300 Cost of Living payment.
  • Individuals on disability benefits will receive an additional £150 Disability Cost of Living payment in 2023-24.

These payments will be made on a UK-wide basis.

These additional sums are clearly good news, but they will not be enough to make-up for the increased costs many claimants will be facing.

Benefit cap
The benefit cap will be raised by 10.1% from April 2023.

The cap will be raised from £20,000 to £22,020 for families nationally and from £23,000 to £25,323 in Greater London.

For single adults it will be raised from £13,400 to £14,753 nationally and from £15,410 to £16,967 in Greater London.

You can read the full Autumn statement on the government website


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    I have lost the warm home discount which I have had for a few years because PIP is no longer a qualifying benefit.  Is there anyway of getting the government to re-instate this as a qualifying benefit? Thank you
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      · 1 years ago
      @Dawn Everyone should write to their M.P. or nothing will get done.
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    · 2 years ago
    My husband was medically retired in 1999. When we married in 2000 we were then in receipt of Incapacity Benefit. In 2012 we were then moved onto ESA, but contribution based not income. However, it does include some income based. We also get full housing and council tax reduction as we have underlying carers allowance. We are both in receipt of PIP. The only help we have received since the beginning of lockdown is the £150 cost of living payment. I don't understand why we can't get more help, especially when the benefit letters say that "this is the amount the law says you need to live on"!! Why can't we get any extra help, we're struggling just as much as anyone else. I don't understand :(
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Angela C I agree that bring in CONTRIBUTION based ESA means just the £150 ( in the same boat ) BUT you have some INCOME based ESA too then you should receive the higher amount ( £600 this year, £900 next year ). ALL means tested benefits are eligible. 


      You may get a payment of £650 paid in 2 lump sums of £326 and £324 if you get payments of any of the following:

      Universal Credit
      income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
      ***income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)***
      Income Support
      Pension Credit
      Child Tax Credit
      Working Tax Credit

      There is a Link to Report a MISSING COLP but it's currently only for the £150 Disability Payment. 
      It will open again for the £326 tomorrow as the deadline is today. You could try that and hope they check both payments and realise you've had neither. 

       Otherwise ask ESA to confirm you ARE on Income Based and ask what you should do ( they aren't dealing with the COLP but should at least tell you where to go next ). Also get your last Uprating letter out ( the one we get in April ) and you have proof there too.

      I've been advising on the DWP/Benefits Reddit sub and we DWP and CA Advisers there too and I promise you're entitled ! 
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    · 2 years ago
    So does that mean that even though ESA migration is being put back to 2028 the people with a disability and who have a family are still getting discriminated against and still getting moved over to UC by the end of 2024 with know   “transitional migration “ cover now in place. This sounds and feels unfair on the people with a disability who have children. Again this is a government who target he vulnerable and who are now discriminated against  people who are getting child tax credit . This government should be ashamed of themselves there’s enough child povert in this country .
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Andrew Weir So it's not 2028 if you get child Tax credits? Have I got that right?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Andrew Weir I literally don’t understand the gov’ts logic here at all. The whole migration from ESA to UC should be frozen. More needs to be done on how this migration should work painlessly and smooth. As it stands the migration is cruel.
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    · 2 years ago
    I worked when I was bringing my children up on my so I only paid married woman stamp so hence my pension is only low . My husband has retired now and we are just about £25 over pension credit amount that you can get it . So we get hardly any help and miss out on lots we have to pay dental care glasses etc. I am disabled so we are living on weekly of  about £306 and my gas and electric monthly works out at at about £385 a month we have to pay some rent and council tax so things are really tight. How come others get so much and we miss out for sake of £25 approx 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Sally Peacock Please call NHS or go online for an hc1 form. I had to do that and I received a certificate which gives me free dental,glasses etc. It's for low income people and I only found out about it by accident. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Is there anyone  who can listen to the  horrible way I've been treated by  the dwp  over  my pip claim and  why it  took over two years for them to  reach  a decision  that I  wasn't entitled to anything and  had in fact  scored 0 points  I broke down with severe  panic attacks and depression due to  party  my medical  condition  bipolar  and  personally disorder  I  had been  trying to  survive  on £60 a week  and keep my one bed flat  and this  news  was  devastating  I told  the representative  that  I didn't want to  continue with the life they had given  me as a 52 years old man who  wasn't  capable of working with  leaving the  plumbing and heating industry  I've been  trying to  get the  support and  help to try and  work although I new it was impossible to  but what  was the alternative 
    The  pip  representative then said  just  hang on I'll  call you back  I was devastated a  black cloud  envelopes  me I was planning  taking  my life  she called  me back  and  said  they had made  a mistake  and I had I fact  been  awarded the  lowest  rate  and  no  Mobility  I need advice 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Chris 1957 I Did as was successful i'm also entitled to back pay.It seems most people get 0 points wjich was good for me as it was clearly a mickey take. Also when you appeal and money is paid until the appeal is heard.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Robert Birtley Maybe it might be better to write on the forum on this page as someone may be able to help you. Tell someone what you said here and they might know more about how to get help with this Robert. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Robert Birtley Could you not have gone to the Tribunal?
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    I have been medically retired and although I only get £450pm from company pensions I am not state pension age do I don’t get any of the cost of living payments. How is this fair?
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      · 1 years ago
      @Frances Perhaps because Universal credit is means tested !
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Neil Windard Why are you not claiming Universal Credit?  If you are below the state pension age and only have £450 per month coming in, you should be entitled to something. Give them a call to start your claim. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Neil Windard You should be entitled to ESA and maybe PIP. You need to ask for advice from Citizens advice or go on the forum on this page see if someone can advise you further
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Re: the Warm Homes Discount Scheme for 2022/23 beware the additional conditionality!
    I had a quick look at the guidance for warm home discounts on this page -

    It does seem to indicate that the energy cost score is relevant as well as entitlement to means-tested benefits.

    The regulations that provide for it are the Warm Home Discount (England and Wales) Regulations 2022

    The reasons for the policy changes are set out in section 7 of the Explanatory Memorandum. It appears pensioners getting pension credit will qualify regardless of energy score, but for working-age people on means-tested benefits the energy score will be taken into account.

    Given that Disabled People's access to this has been restricted already by removal of PIP and DLA from the qualifying benefits, even those in receipt of Means Tested Benefits on the list of qualifying benefits may not get it (including me) because of assumptions made about the energy score of their home. If you want to challenge it, then you need an up to date EPC and you have to get that yourself.
    This from Touchbase:
    Warm Home Discount Scheme

    A new online tool 

    is available to make it easier for the public to check if they are eligible for the Warm Home Discount,

    which provides eligible low-income and vulnerable households with a £150 discount off their energy bills.

    The online tool will guide customers through the eligibility criteria in England and Wales, asking questions about electricity supply, the benefits they receive and characteristics of their property. After answering the questions, customers will be told whether their property meets the high energy cost criteria.

    All customers will receive a letter between November and mid-January confirming their eligibility and the payment will be made automatically through energy suppliers by March 2023.

    The Government is also writing to customers who may be eligible, advising them to use the tool to check eligibility, as well as using the helpline for particularly complex cases.

    The case for Social Tariffs for Energy gets stronger by the day. 

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    It's crazy that I get the same amount of Contribution Based ESA as anyone on Income Based ESA yet I miss out on the extra Cost If Living payments and many other things such as NHS dental treatment. I definitely feel punished for having worked until I no longer could. My tax and insurance payments for all my working life have left me much worse off. I'm really glad for those who get the extras but feel really miffed at this government that I lose out. Whinge over! 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Sue C Same here!
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      · 2 years ago
      @Sue C Same here. Both myself and my partner on CB ESA as ill Health Retired early ( we get £150 for my PIP TBF ).

      I advise on another site ( ex Benefits Officer ) and we have 20 yo's on UC living at home with their ( working ) parents getting it but paying no bills or board who can't believe it. One said he was off to buy computer games !

       Another had 4 people in the same house all receiving it ( his parent and siblings as two of them had just finished uni, come home and were looking for work, another was on zero hours and parent on low income with younger child - I told him to give it to his mum to help feeding the 4 of em. Said he was keeping it !  )

      Whinge Over ! 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Sue C Yep, with you all the way - as we've worked and bought our home, with a mortgage, with a small amount of savings for those emergencies, like you, we get none of the government help.  No wonder nobody wants to get a job in the UK these days.
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      · 2 years ago
      @jossmer I am with you both worked all my life then that was it serious illness and now disable unable to work 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Sue C I ran out of contributions ages ago, but still my ESA is contribution based because I'm medically retired, so I feel your pain, there is some help for you though, fill in a HC1 form off the govt website to get either a HC2 (full costs) or HC3 (partial help) with dental and prescrition costs
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    · 2 years ago
    Elizabeth Vidler (real name maybe showing?) 

    re: (the goal is to get you off the benefit and then wash their hands of you), i agree totally.

    And additionally, 

    they will have tried their utmost in denying/rejecting your claim in the first place, before getting one off. 
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    · 2 years ago
    All those that have commented that Labour will not be any more sympathetic to those with disabilties than Tories, I have thought this for years which is why I would never, never vote for them, in truth I think no party understands the difficulties those with disabilties face in or out of the work place.  They have no conception of what it is like to have a disabilty, or what it would be like to try and get and keep work with one, and whats more they don't care either.  But the goal is to get you off the benefit and then wash their hands of you.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Ken R Absolutely correct, people need to realize a vote for anyone else other than Labour allows the Tories back into government,as it dilutes the Labour vote,and Tory voters will always cast their vote.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Ian A Ian A is right that Labour are the only possible opposition that can form a Government and they will be better than the this Tory government who take great joy in getting disabled people off benefits but NOT into work. I think anyone on benefits should vote Labour as their best option.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Elizabeth Vidler I have been disabled since l was 19(industrial accident) I'm now 64, l have lived through various government's, believe me their All as bad, never expect anything from them and you won't be disappointed

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      · 2 years ago
      @Elizabeth Vidler
      "I have thought this for years which is why I would never, never vote for them" they are the only viable opposition party you are basically cutting your own throat and enabling the Tories to stay in power here ...unless you live in a constituency where one of the minor parties has a chance of winning the seat.

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    · 2 years ago
    Yes, i too was going to vote Labour come next election as sick of these self serving Tories however, after listening to the shadow chancellors interview on TV yesterday, plans going forward should they get in power, god help us all as the mentality is exactly the same. As long as they can get everyone working for a pittance, no matter what their health maybe like, they seriously don't give a crap. They would all do better in accepting the reality of, they have helped create a false economy with millions in low paid jobs, that many now need to claim benefits while working to just exist. I've been around long enough to know, this is an economics' disaster in the making. But hell, why don't they just waste more billions on their bullyboy tactics of work programmes and Oh i forgot, the work HEALTH programme, because that will miraculously cure everyone's disabilities and health having such experts handling that .
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    · 2 years ago
    Some, either too young to remember or know by not being involved, perhaps think Labour is more sympathetic, it definitely is not.

    So don't be under any illusions, Labour governments don't hold back shredding/slashing claimants benefits or pushing them back into work.

    In 2008 Labour and Gordon Brown introduced the original ESA WCA. assessment tests.

    At the moment looks quite possible Labour may win the next Election....heaven help the genuinely disabled & sick. Starmer, Reeves won't care, as long as in power..... don't pin your hopes on Labour being more sympathetic, that is simply not the case.

    As Welshval said below - Rachel Reeves (Labour shadow chancellor) could not honestly give two hoots about any benefits claimants. 
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    · 2 years ago
    Does the 10.1% increase apply to *all* benefits? PIP and CB ESA too? 
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    · 2 years ago
    I see that once again those of us claiming Contribution Based ESA will not receive the Cost of Living award mentioned in the Autumn Statement. I enquired with my MP about this last time we were left out and received a reply from Chloe Smith saying “Claimants of Contribution Based Benefits were not included in the award because they MAY HAVE other means of income”. I asked “what if we haven’t” unsurprisingly I received no reply.
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      · 2 years ago
      @John I thought that those claiming contribution based ESA will be getting the living award mentioned in the autumn statement. Am I right in saying, or not, but if you received this year the £650 that you will get the £900?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @John Absolutely agree John, no mention of an increase for April 2023. I am also in the support group. No increase there by the look of things
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    · 2 years ago
    Keir starmer has reported saying that the Tories have not got the long term sick back into work, and his government would get this sorted,
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Kilncraigs It is well known that Rachel Reeves( shadow chancellor) has no time for people on benefits I am afraid that the current Labour party has more of the same attitude as the Tories- we are not important to them only" hard working people" figure in their calculations
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    · 2 years ago
    RE Jason below Hope Labour get in and make life easier for people on sick? And end assessments..?

    Don't be a silly billy Labour are just as bad, All posturing (I'm a Labour Supporter) Starmer & co really don't the rest only care about winning to stay in power.  
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    · 2 years ago
    marginally off topic here BUT and Because presently much smoke and mirrors ie Jeremy Hunts speech, talking about one thing UC work coaches etc but not including yet IS/ESA people with health problems i see more is being suggested/hinted/ about the veiled mental health issues of people.

    IDS is back Cloe Smith ex DWP on Radio 4 earlier even Gloucester Council spokesman.  

    The point here is - its starting to raise its ugly head again, the big Mental Health Smear, IDS was commenting on people's mental health is this jerk a qualified Psychiatrist.   NO ways and even lied (fact) about his academic qualifications.  now stating what mental health disabilities are is curable/treatable Ho hum see where were heading....... 
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    · 2 years ago
    Is CONTRIBUTION BASED ESA getting the 10.1% increase also ??? This is not stated anywhere 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Kilncraigs That's right, no cost of living payments but CB ESA apparently do get 10.1% rise in April 2023. Sen it in news articles and via Martin Lewis in last day or two.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Kilncraigs Cost of living payments
      There will be more cost of living payments next year.

      Households on means-tested benefits will get an additional £900 Cost of Living payment in 2023-24.
      Pensioner households will receive an additional £300 Cost of Living payment.
      Individuals on disability benefits will receive an additional £150 Disability Cost 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Mb8 no mention of an increase for April 2023. I am also in the support group. No increase there by the look of things
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      · 2 years ago
      @Kilncraigs I paid in for over 30 years prior to being unwell but chose to live on my savings til they ran out so am on income related as a consequence. Some people are born severely disabled so can never pay into the system. Living on means tested benefits alone is almost impossible.
      The government wants us divided.
      Pensioners are also divided by old pension rates and the new state pension rates being £50 a  week difference. 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Mb8 I want to know that too. I can’t find the information anywhere. 
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    · 2 years ago
    Surely DLA should have risen. Lots need the money to pay for help in daily life
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    · 2 years ago
    Hope Labour get in and make life easier for people on sick?  And end assessments..?

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