Disabled claimants are missing out on £24 million a month because of delays to personal independence payment (PIP) reviews, a Citizen’s Advice report this month has claimed.

In Playing Catch-Up: The impact of delayed health assessments for Personal Independence Payment Citizens Advice highlight the fact that more people than ever before are applying for PIP due to rising levels of ill health and the effects of the cost of living crisis.

A shortage of staff, particularly health assessors, initially led to DWP delays of six months in assessing new claims. However, the backlog of new claims has now been reduced, but only by failing to process reviews of claims in a reasonable time instead.

This means that claimants are having to wait many months for a higher payment because their request for a review due to a change of circumstances is yet to be looked at.

Claimants who are waiting for a planned review whose needs have increased are facing a lottery in decision making, Citizens Advice claim. Sometimes the DWP backdate any higher award to the date on which the review form was returned, which may be well over a year ago, but in other cases it is only backdated to the date of the decision.

The number of people waiting for a PIP review has hugely increased, with over 430,00 PIP claimants now in the queue.  Citizens Advice estimate that 100,000 of these are likely to be missing out on higher payments.  The delays also cause difficulties with issues such as Motability vehicles and Blue Badges.

Citizens Advice say that the latest quarterly data by the DWP show that they have now begun processing reviews again and this has led to a small decrease in the number waiting.  But the result has been a large increase in the number of new claims waiting to be processed.

There are three areas the DWP could focus on to bring down delays, according to Citizens Advice:

“Continue to increase capacity in the system to carry out health assessments by recruiting more healthcare professionals

 “Take steps to reduce the number of health assessments needed by making more decisions on the basis of paper applications and medical evidence (bypassing the need for a health assessment), and making better use of auto-renewals and longer-term awards.

 “Introduce temporary measures to mitigate the problems experienced by people waiting for a review. That includes backdating any awards increased after a review and taking steps to prevent disruptions to passported benefits.”

Citizens Advice say that requests for help in connection with PIP reviews have risen by 19% compared to last year, much higher than the increase in requests for help with PIP in general.  And here at Benefits and Work we hear daily from members who are struggling with the stress and practical difficulties caused by the delay in their PIP review.

Have you had difficulties because of a delay in your PIP review?  Let us know in the comments below.


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    Kirsty · 9 months ago
    I receive pip enhanced care for autoimmune disorders and was diagnosed with autonomic nervous system problems including a type of syncope linked to blood pressure and heart rate problems linked to anxiety during covid lockdown. After lockdown I applied for enhanced mobility in May 2022 and a decision was made in aug 2022 and dwp only paying pip from decision date and not from date of claim. Thus I can only conclude dwp are delaying decisions in excess of 1 yr hoping people will die by not providing the support they need. It’s like student’s having to wait 1 yr for exam results but worse because life’s are at risk 
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      denby · 9 months ago
      @Kirsty Awful, absolutely agree. Just did you mean decision date Aug 2022 or actually Aug 2023 as you mention excess of 1yr?
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    Liz · 9 months ago
    I need a new ebike, it is my only form of transport but budgeting is impossible with them theoretically still reassessing me. Nothing has changed, nothing will change, but if I spend my hard earned few savings to keep my independence and then they decide I deserve nothing and it all goes to a full review and appeals I'll be stuffed. I have no issue with being assessed before being given public money, just frustrated that all this "cracking down on cheats" is just costing the public purse more money and ruining/ending the lives of disabled people. Statistically my life expectancy is going to be 10-15 years shorter than the general population anyway, I'd rather actually live what is left than spend all of it in limbo
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    Paul A · 9 months ago
    I done a pip review form last December2022 which they received and I contacted them to see what is happening with my review and they said they had a backlog and still haven't dealt with my review it's been 8 months now 
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      Andy · 9 months ago
      @Paul A Same here, Paul.  They sent out my six year review forms just before Xmas (Happy Xmas to you too, DWP). (I had originally been given indefinite awards anyway, because my disability is permanent and progressive, but that means nothing to these people). I returned them, completed, by first week of January 2023.
      After 6 months I had heard nothing, so I phoned them (and got through after 40mins listening to their musak). DWP looked at my file and said my review forms had not even been scheduled for assessment yet.
      It's now 9 months on, and still nothing. 
      My blue badge is about to expire. 
      After cuts in my support and benefit rate freezes since 2010, I am even now receiving LESS financial support than I was in 2010. 
      With inflation as it has been, imagine how this has caused me to be isolated at home unable to afford to go out, dependent on the charity of friends and family.
      Is this any way to treat disabled people??
      Why do Conservative governments always pander to the rich, whilst victimising and punishing the most vulnerable?

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    denby · 9 months ago
    A] the sheer mental stress of being terrified of daughter being put through another assessment for unchanged/worsened genetic conditions.(ie no prospect of "cure")

    B] Bank of Mum and Dad payouts, taking away their well-earned, saved-for pleasure in old age.

    Mercifully after desperate phone-calls won review on paper based assessment. But very few get this, so unfair to most.
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      Robert · 4 months ago
      @Claire Sent my review paperwork back in June 2023 and received a text to say it had been received. Had a text in September and November to say I was in a queue. My health has deteriorated over the last 12 months . Had a letter arrive in December to say my review was not yet completed and they would extend my award to receive payments . My award has been extended to January 2025 with no mention of addressing my payments. What a joke !!! 
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      Claire · 9 months ago
      @denby Keep going denby , nothing but stress making us all more ill.I managed to get paper based decision after more than 10 years of assessment,tribunal you know the story.Press would have you believe you fill in a form and given award and are still vilifying the sick.And you’re right about our old age too,helping adult kids who’ve no hope in these ridiculous times.

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