There has been a major change to who carries out benefits assessments, including for personal independence payment (PIP) and the work capability assessment (WCA) for universal credit (UC)and employment and support allowance (ESA).  The Health Assessment Advisory Service (HAAS) have taken over providing assessments from 7 September 2024.

The DWP say that if you have received a letter from your previous provider with an appointment date after 7 September, you should follow the instructions on your letter and attend your appointment. If you need further information, new providers' telephone lines will be up and running from1pm on Monday 9 September.

HAAS is part of the DWP.  (Confusingly, HAAS was the name used solely by Maximus up until 6 September, when they carried out WCAs as CHDAUK). HAAS provides training, guidance and software for assessors.  But the assessors themselves work for private sector companies.  There are four companies involved in carrying out benefits assessments:

  • Maximus cover Northern England and Scotland (though PIP has been replaced by ADP in Scotland and is not part of the contract)
  • Capita cover the Midlands, Wales and Northern Ireland
  • Serco cover South West England and South Central England
  • Ingeus cover South East England, London and East Anglia

In addition, a small number of assessments are now done directly by the DWP.

You can find a full list of all the postcodes and which HAAS provider covers them on the website

These private sector companies carry out all benefits assessments in their geographical area, including for:

  • Personal independence payment assessments
  • Work Capability Assessments (WCAs) for universal credit and employment and support allowance.
  • Disability living allowance (child)
  • Industrial injuries disablement benefit
  • Veterans UK

The assessments remain entirely separate, however, there is no joint assessment that combines both PIP and the WCA at a single meeting.  

All the providers offer face-to-face, video and telephone assessments.

But Capita appears to be something of an outlier amongst the service providers. 

It was the last to get its website online today, by some hours.

In addition, whilst the other three providers have published details of all their face-to-face assessment centres, Capita has not done so, at least as yet.

For video assessments, all the providers are using the DWP’s version of  “Attend Anywhere” software, which is also used by the NHS for video consultations. 

But while the other providers all have a simple direct link from their websites to a waiting room for claimants, Capita has no such link and requires claimants to read through long, complex instructions or watch two videos  before typing in a web address to get to the waiting room.

Although all the assessment providers are covering all the benefits listed above, for the time being most assessors will only carry out either PIP assessments or WCAs, depending on which they have been employed to do up until now.  Only after they have undergone training in other assessments, will they be able to carry them out.

So, from a claimants point of view, although the company making the profits may have changed, there will be virtually no difference in the experience of being assessed for PIP, ESA or UC.

However, with the DWP now having complete control over training, software and guidance it will be more straightforward for changes to be rolled-out in the future.

Possibilities include changes to the WCA as Labour push to get more disabled claimants into employment, changes to PIP activities which may be unveiled in the coming months in order to cut the benefits bill and a combined PIP and WCA assessment to cut assessment costs.

But for the moment, it’s simply business as usual.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 months ago
    And anyone who is a single person, Labour has not denied a rumour that the 25% single person reduction in council tax is to be scrapped. With benefit cuts as well the courts will collapse under the strain of council tax defaulters. And then the rush by landlords to issue section 21 evictions before they are outlawed. We voted the Tories due to a combination of greed, criminality and incompetence, only to be replaced by....
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 months ago
      @Jon Exactly, just goes to show how history repeats itself.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 months ago
      @Matt Remembering the last Labour government some of us were warned better the devil you know tony Blair is pulling starmer strings
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 months ago
    Hi Guys, if we have been re-awarded in February 2024 - 2027, can they still take this away and replace it? Or will our next assessment be when this will happen?

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 months ago
      @Bri Don't know, was finally awarded standard care and mobility for six years in May, under a different Government. I'm calculating three years max before its removed for me
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 months ago
      @Bri I'm due to be reassessed in 2026 to 2027 but I believe they might reassess us all again over the next couple of years 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 months ago
    The Daily Express has confirmed that the….
    DWP warning as everyone who claims benefits issued with October alert
    Claimants have been urged to prepare for potential cuts to welfare, which could affect a wide range of benefits.
    Another penny pinching scheme from the appalling Labour Government.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 months ago
    The Daily Express has confirmed that the….

    Claimants have been urged to prepare for potential cuts to welfare, which could affect a wide range of benefits.
    Another penny pinching scheme from the appalling Labour Government.
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    · 5 months ago
    At least if I lose my benefits I can say I've had a good run
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    · 5 months ago
    Can anyone tell me How near to the end of a claim for PIP will the claim be extended and by how long While waiting for a review forms to be dealt with by the DWP I have completed/returned my review forms My award expires in May 25
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 months ago
      @John Been waiting four months for mine so looks like I could be waiting even longer if it turns out like you, although I hope like you it gets extended!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 months ago
      @John Thanks that helps as I am now house bound and need a mobility scooter I cannot wait that long to get one on Motability As I need a year on my PIP for that
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 months ago
      @Clare They finally extended my claim in the last two weeks, Today was when my claim award end date. They have had my review forms since February 
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    · 5 months ago
    Please can we have fewer abbreviations.  My memory is not as good as it was and I and I imagine many other people cannot remember what the abbreviations stand for.
    Thank you so much for your attention
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    · 5 months ago
    I have to admit I'm worried about Labour's plans. 
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    · 5 months ago
    From Sky news.

    Rachel Reeves signals first budget will be painful mix of spending cuts, tax rises and higher borrowing

    The chancellor said choices in the budget will be ruled by getting a grip on the public finances.

    "I've been really honest that there are difficult decisions to come in the budget, on spending, on taxation and welfare, after the mess that the previous government created with the public finances and the state that they are in, that was inevitable," she said.

    "I was clear during the election campaign that, if I became chancellor of the exchequer, tough choices lie ahead."
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 months ago
      @Bud Bud it wouldn't surprise me if that was on the cards next.  Possibly means tested.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Ross @Ross ok take care yeah maybe or they might make support group tougher to get so more people get pushed down so they have to see a work coach so harder to get will see I only go down for autistic spectrum and depression and at 50 now so a while to go yet but will keep going for now 
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      · 5 months ago
      @James James I’m not surprised.  I do believe that there will at the very least be cuts for most, & I’d say that’s the better news.  Although I’ve not heard anything about AA.  
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      · 5 months ago
      @James I don't get PIP atm either and like you am waiting to be changed over to UC from ESA (support group) I just really worry that they are going to announce that:
      a) PIP will become harder to get and
      b) In order to get the extra money on UC, you will have to be receiving PIP as well.

      I know that I'm going to have to bite the bullet at some point and prob apply for PIP, but the whole process terrifies me. Had a WCA for my ESA recently and even that nearly pushed me over the edge.
      I suffer from Chronic Kidney disease Stage 4 (kidneys working at around 26% between them). Sjorgrens Syndrome (autoimmune disorder which causes aches and pains all over the body,plus extreme fatigue), fibromyalgia and various other illnesses, none of which are curable :(  I know I prob would get PIP tbh but am putting off applying until I absolutely have to. I just hope that if I do apply, my award will come through before if/when they tighten the criteria.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Ross @Ross I don’t get pip so I’m not try to scare anybody I got my own problems coming soon with the esa to uc shambles but the winter fuel thing shows labour don’t care only sky news and like the other guy said at the top Of the page  daily express they going after all benefits 
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    · 5 months ago
    Capita fall short in every way. Their assessors reports bare no resemblance to the actual assessment interview and seem to be designed to refuse claimants any award, even when they are most entitled.
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    · 5 months ago
    I appealed my Mandatory Consideration for PIP over 3 months ago and as yet have had no response from DWP following it being forwarded by  the Appeals Service. 
    Can anyone advise if this delay is normal or is it due to these changes taking place? I live in Northern Ireland. Thank you. 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Jon That sounds about par for the course
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      · 5 months ago
      @Tel123 I had to wait a year to win my pip appeal at tribunal then received back pay it takes time
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    · 5 months ago
    I'm 62, and was re-assessed again for PIP last year, (2023), and I was given a ten year award, will this still stand ?, or can I expect yet another assessment before this ?, it seems that every time I think thing's are ok, and try to relax, the goal post's are moved again, and it worries me sick !!. ☹
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      · 5 months ago
      @Scarlett destiny Scarlet, Don’t forget that recliner bed either. 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Scarlett destiny You won't go onto vouchers it will only be for new claimants you'll still get cash
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      · 5 months ago
      @Anonymous I am exactly the same, pip gave me a 10 year award, sigh of relief, then pip may change in a voucher system and catalogue, so you can pick the most appropriate item for yourself, I would love a chair that goes back and warm up my poor old bones!! Currently on the waiting list to see a spinal surgeon and awaiting surgery on my right ankle! I have osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, avascular necrosis, and severe spinal stenosis, arthritic shoulders, wrists and fingers, I have worked 49 49 years of my life, and I am worried silly about the future of my benefits, as most of the people are being dragged on to universal credit, God help us...
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    · 5 months ago
    Have you any information about the Government moving over to vouchers for PIP claims? I have co-morbitity mental health issues (43 years diagnosis 1989). I'm extremely concerned that I could lose everything. 
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    · 5 months ago
    So, less than a year ago, I (finally, after a long fight) got awarded enhanced on both with a 10 year light touch review. I've just become a pensioner. My partner is already a pensioner. How will this affect me. I've not yet applied for housing/council tax benefits but I am considering it. 
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      · 4 months ago
      @Miss understood
      Apply for pension credit today:
      Freephone Pension Credit application line: 0800 99 1234 (lines are open Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm)
      Pension Credit claim line (with option to fill in application over the phone): 0800 99 1234 (lines are open Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm)

      for housing allowance/council tax phone your council
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      · 5 months ago
      @Miss understood Can you both apply for Pension credit? Now that you are both of age to collect it! 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Miss understood as long as there are no changes to your health/disabilities, you should continue to receive your PIP award as you are now. People on PIP before they become pensioners continue to receive it. 
      If youa re eligible for Housing benefit and council tax support, please don't delay in claiming.
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    · 5 months ago
    Try not to worry too much -
    These assessor companies had to bid for this contract last year and there were some changes to areas providers covered.
    For example, Maximus used to deliver assessments in some areas of London, now Ingeus has that contract.
    A lot of staff in these areas would have been TUPE’d over to the retrospective company who are delivering in the area the work/live - although I’m not sure if that’s a good thing.
    It seems as though these changes aren’t a Labour change, but a planned change they inherited.
    However, I sit up at night worrying about the potential changes to PIP. 
    I receive PIP and I’m in work, as I am lucky enough to work from home, whilst my disability is extremely debilitating and having PIP has helped me to be able to live a slightly better life, despite the pain I’m in.
    I don’t want things to go backwards and it’s petrifying for me to be honest. 
    Look after yourselves and stay safe.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Soph I used to go to ingeus in Nottingham when I was on JSA in 2012 had to do 35 hour a week job search and go through the yellow pages applying for jobs sending out CV never got any responses
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    · 5 months ago
    Rachel Reeves claimed £4500 in energy support just before removing winter fuel payments to most pensioners. This is what we are up against. A completely heartless set of millionaires who are only in it for themselves. Starmer is worth £8 million. Does he know how the poor, sick and disabled live. No he does not like the rest of the cabinet does not know. They are all accountants now and any compassion they had has long gone.
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      · 5 months ago
      @LauraC Reform? Farage has made his views on welfare of any kind more than clear. You can guarantee that you wouldn't even get vouchers from Reform.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Onyx123 I fully agree Onyx. How can these people possibly relate to vulnerable people struggling and the mental stress this causes? As the saying goes they need to walk a mile in our shoes. I thought Labour being voted in was the lesser of the two evils but have fully revised that, think Reform have some good policies and as they are gathering momentum will become very popular.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Onyx123 Oh they know. They just don't care. We're not 'working families' or donors, the only two groups they are interested in (one for votes, the other for cash).
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    · 5 months ago
    I will be a target to get off PIP because I am three years off retirement age. The Labour regime doesn't want you being on PIP when you reach retirement age. Easiest way to cut costs. Attendance Allowance has no mobility component which is an instant saving. Who would have thought Labour would be the one to attack the old, sick and disabled. It seems they are carrying on where David Cameron and IDS left off. I have Parkinson's, COPD, and compressed nerves in my lower back. If I could work I would but the daily changes to how my conditions affects me stops that. I had to give up my job because I could not do carry out the duties anymore. I get sly comments off people could work in an office. If you can press 1 key on keyboard you are fit for work. What they forget employers want a certain standard of work performed in a certain time. Too many igronant people out there who follow the government's propaganda the government puts out via the press and media.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Moof There are consultants at hospitals ME/CFS patients. ME/CFS includes neurological symptoms and neurologists can provide help with pain, ME headaches, relaxation etc. And Gastro Consultants can help with IBS.  Your GP will know. Good Luck.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Onyx123 I was worried about that too. I've just had a PIP review, I'm six months from state retirement age, and I claim for ME/CFS. That means almost no medical evidence (there's no treatment) and I've never even seen a hospital consultant (there aren't any). I thought there was a good chance I'd have to appeal the decision in some way, and possibly go to tribunal to retain higher rate of both components. I got the outcome just a few days ago: same award for an ongoing period, no assessment required. So fingers crossed, you may not automatically be a target!
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    · 5 months ago
    I was awarded PIP Nov '23, standard daily living and enhanced mobility. I was diagnosed with a non curable psychiatric condition in March '24. This triggered another assessment which resulted in me losing mobility element and just standard daily living. The assessor lied and said I can plan and follow a journey by myself. I cannot leave the house without support from family. I cannot go out alone. I am struggling mentally with this constant flogging, especially as my condition is known for an increased risk of suicide.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Julie Kendall That assessment is blatantly wrong from the assessor and I would have vervantly challenged that decision.

      The activity your talking about refers to 'planning & following a journey by yourself' 

      The indicators state it doesn't matter how many times you go out, it states in effect what percentage of times you need assistance when you DO go out. There is no such thing as "out of scope" Again,, it's NOT the amount of times you go out, but if you need assistance when you do.

      You could go out just once a week, but if you need assistance on that one time, then you need assistance 100% of the time.

      Im afraid to say you were robbed.
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      · 5 months ago
      @S Farnsworth challenge the mobility element- get help from a local welfare rights service x
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      · 5 months ago
      @S Farnsworth The same thing happened to me. I can’t get the higher mobility because they said it is out of scope as I hardly leave the house because of my mental health. I don’t drive and getting to places is expensive for me so I can’t go because I can’t afford to. It is making my mental health worse and I feel isolated.
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    · 5 months ago
    What amazes me most is this "Black hole" that is pulling in the country to a singularity collapse. What has caused this blackhole could anyone explain ? Was it the cuts to NI payments made twice by the Tories or the lower taxes on the workers? or the rich? and why did labour fall into the Tory trap of promising no tax increases when clearly they had been lowered. Could these all have contributed to the so called singularity that we call the black hole ? Or is it a bunch of failed policies like Brexit, Covid pandemic, and leaderless Tory government wasting money on their friend in supplying PPI that were useless and such like ? I still don't see a clear explanation of what has caused this black hole!
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      · 5 months ago
      @K There isn't one really or you could say there is  almost always one.  It depends on how you view government borrowing. Most governments borrow as a percentage of the national GDP this has traditionally been pretty stable outside war time over many decades at 2/3/4% annually. The annual deficit has widened massively over the last few parliaments. Firstly the 2007/8 financial crisis when Labour bailed the banks out with 100+ billion and needed to borrow 40 billion extra leading up to the 2010 election.  Although much of that the Tories got back selling shares in Lloyds etc and from dividends at natwest bank . Which is still mostly owned by the government. Then after the Brexit vote in 2016 government receipts fell as the pound depreciated around 15%. The pandemic years the government borrowed over 300 billion more than planned. Stupidly the then Tory Chancellor Sunak  linked a proportion of this debt via short and long dated Gilts which are bonds the government uses to borrow money from the markets to RPI inflation low at the time but that went into double figures later on . Therefore borrowing is really high now and has been up to 10% of GDP some years recently. Much of that is higher interest on settling inflation linked short term bonds. So more of the money taken in in tax is simply paid out to the holders of the bonds. The interest annually is more then the defence or school budgets at around 50 billion and will rise to 70 billion before falling steeply later on. Yes the 4 p cut to NI was a large amount of unfunded tax cut at a cost of around £9 billion a year. The richest 20% of working households get £4 billion of that each year the other £5 billion goes to the next 80% although the poorest 20% get around £1.75 a week only! 
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    · 5 months ago
    If HAAS is a public body and part of the DWP, who are the trainers ? Civil Servants ? Medical professionals ? And why then outsource ? That just transfers public £ to profit. Why not just employ the assessors under the same umbrella as their trainers ? Directly as civil servants ?
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