There has been a major change to who carries out benefits assessments, including for personal independence payment (PIP) and the work capability assessment (WCA) for universal credit (UC)and employment and support allowance (ESA).  The Health Assessment Advisory Service (HAAS) have taken over providing assessments from 7 September 2024.

The DWP say that if you have received a letter from your previous provider with an appointment date after 7 September, you should follow the instructions on your letter and attend your appointment. If you need further information, new providers' telephone lines will be up and running from1pm on Monday 9 September.

HAAS is part of the DWP.  (Confusingly, HAAS was the name used solely by Maximus up until 6 September, when they carried out WCAs as CHDAUK). HAAS provides training, guidance and software for assessors.  But the assessors themselves work for private sector companies.  There are four companies involved in carrying out benefits assessments:

  • Maximus cover Northern England and Scotland (though PIP has been replaced by ADP in Scotland and is not part of the contract)
  • Capita cover the Midlands, Wales and Northern Ireland
  • Serco cover South West England and South Central England
  • Ingeus cover South East England, London and East Anglia

In addition, a small number of assessments are now done directly by the DWP.

You can find a full list of all the postcodes and which HAAS provider covers them on the website

These private sector companies carry out all benefits assessments in their geographical area, including for:

  • Personal independence payment assessments
  • Work Capability Assessments (WCAs) for universal credit and employment and support allowance.
  • Disability living allowance (child)
  • Industrial injuries disablement benefit
  • Veterans UK

The assessments remain entirely separate, however, there is no joint assessment that combines both PIP and the WCA at a single meeting.  

All the providers offer face-to-face, video and telephone assessments.

But Capita appears to be something of an outlier amongst the service providers. 

It was the last to get its website online today, by some hours.

In addition, whilst the other three providers have published details of all their face-to-face assessment centres, Capita has not done so, at least as yet.

For video assessments, all the providers are using the DWP’s version of  “Attend Anywhere” software, which is also used by the NHS for video consultations. 

But while the other providers all have a simple direct link from their websites to a waiting room for claimants, Capita has no such link and requires claimants to read through long, complex instructions or watch two videos  before typing in a web address to get to the waiting room.

Although all the assessment providers are covering all the benefits listed above, for the time being most assessors will only carry out either PIP assessments or WCAs, depending on which they have been employed to do up until now.  Only after they have undergone training in other assessments, will they be able to carry them out.

So, from a claimants point of view, although the company making the profits may have changed, there will be virtually no difference in the experience of being assessed for PIP, ESA or UC.

However, with the DWP now having complete control over training, software and guidance it will be more straightforward for changes to be rolled-out in the future.

Possibilities include changes to the WCA as Labour push to get more disabled claimants into employment, changes to PIP activities which may be unveiled in the coming months in order to cut the benefits bill and a combined PIP and WCA assessment to cut assessment costs.

But for the moment, it’s simply business as usual.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 months ago
    Wondering who gets the final say on DWP policy will it be Liz Kendall or Keir starmer because it is her department does she have autonomy
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      · 5 months ago
      @Jon It'll be down to Rachel 'Thieves' to decide what targets Liz Kendall has to hit and who they discriminate against in order to achieve them. Policy around PIP will be driven by that.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Jon I am afraid that will be Reeves and the Bank of England who she works for
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      · 5 months ago
      @Jon I would doubt it. Her real boss is Reeves and the Treasury, not Starmer 
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    · 5 months ago
    Before 2010, policies that entailed cutting lifeline support for disabled people and those with serious illnesses were unthinkable. Now, systematically dismantling social security for those citizens who need support the most has become the political norm.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Mike ESA was brought in before 2010. I was moved from incapacity to it in 2009.
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      · 5 months ago
      @dave cartwright Those were the days how I miss that incapacity benefit remember that?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 months ago
      @dave cartwright Agreed, you work all of most of your entire life, pay in taxes, NI etc, only to become disabled and crapped on by all governments.
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    · 5 months ago
    Apparently the American company maximus are going to be sharing the stage with Liz Kendall at the labour party conference at the end of September regarding there plans to getting the disabled back to work
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      · 5 months ago
      @mrfibro They are all deluded because they are so removed from the lives of what ordinary people have to live. They are insulated with high salaries and expense accounts that they have no clue what it's like to be at the bottom of the food chain!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 months ago
      @mrfibro They keep putting up state pension age and the NHS is just ludicrous in terms of waits  if you need healthcare. No wonder the benefit bill is rising as people are worn out and can’t get the treatments they need. Many disabled people are also alive today due to better drugs/ treatments / new medications that before their availability sadly meant many died at birth or young and who  can now live a life , but often with limitations. That and  Oh yeah we also just went through a once in a 100 year pandemic that killed 225000 people and left many with severe illness both physical and mental. This new Labour government seems like they are the new nasty party. I voted Labour most of my life but never again if they go along this cruel and inhuman route of penalising the often most vulnerable in society. It all just stinks. 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Jon I'm wondering on that day, if Kendall will announce that employers will have in the workplace accommodation on site so that claimants can take rest, naps, or longer sleeping time due to their severe chronic fatigue, and or other disabilities.

      Kendall is deluded, and has no idea what reality is about as in regards to disabled people.  The entire government are tripping on a pharmaceutical drug called.... purposely in denial.
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    · 5 months ago
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      · 5 months ago
      @Clive m stone reading the guidance on

      it appears You may need to have another assessment if your WCA is due for a review or your condition changes.

      otherwise not as the following conditions apply 

      If you’re moving from Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
      If you have been receiving Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), you will not need to provide medical evidence such as fit notes, or have a Work Capability Assessment (WCA) if all of the following apply:

      you move from ESA to Universal Credit without a break
      you have already completed a WCA
      you were in the ‘support group’ or ‘work-related activity’ group in ESA when you made your claim to Universal Credit

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      · 5 months ago
      @Clive m stone Hi 
      Id likes to know the answer and that question 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Clive m stone We could all be assessed again in the medium term
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 months ago
    Seems to be a lot of new contracts to do assessments across the country.  Well, I guess we are in for a wave of telling us again what is wrong with you. Can you pick up a coin off the floor?  How many times do the long-term sick need to provide the same answers to the same question?

    Futile waste of money to get the same results.  Good Luck All I guess it's a 90's style attack on the vulnerable to save MONEY.
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    · 5 months ago
    I know I've mentioned this before, but seen a very interesting (if scary) report in the Torygraph from the Institute for Fiscal Studies who claim that millions of self-employed people are not saving or not saving enough for their retirement.  Given that the Government is likely to push self-employment for the disabled (you can work from home) it illustrates that self-employment rarely pays well.  

    My personal concern is that those, like myself, of working age and in employment who currently get PIP may find, by age 65 (or thereabouts) that PIP will be withdrawn leaving me with a small occupational pension plus the state pension, which I will be taxed on.  Ultimately we are going to have to work much longer (if we can) or become very impoverished. And I don't think this is confined to the UK - we have the wrong demographics in both Europe, East Asia and the US
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    · 5 months ago
    The new government took away the winter fuel payment from  all but the poorest of pensioners to save a relatively lowly £1.4 billion. So I expect they will want to go down the route of the Tories planned “ voucher type” payments for certain services or adapatioms etc and reduce the overall  benefits paid as cash to disabled people. However cruel  and demeaning that would be. Most if not all on benefits need  cash payments for rent / bills/ food / travel extra heating. Paying for health services that the broken NHS makes you wait 18 months for! It’s exhausting keeping up with it all when you are unwell anyway. If they will take the flack for taking cash off elderly often poor people they won’t blink twice at the amount they can save form taking it off often very poor disabled people. The whole system of government is meant to be a social contract between it and the people. You work pay taxes , NI etc they provide decent roads, schooling, healthcare , benefits when you are ill or can’t work. Sadly this has basically broken down these days and all they go on about is taxing more and spending less. Tax take is at the highest as a percentage since 1945 and services worse then ever. It’s so horrible being ill and worrying about the money you do get to help you remain as independent as possible being taken away by changes all the time. If they can’t change state pension dates without 10 years notice why can they change the rules on payments of benefits etc when they like? Seems wrong to me. 
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      · 5 months ago
      @wibblum All the parties hate the disabled except the greens
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      · 5 months ago
      @Chris Remember Neil Kinnock's speech from forty years ago about voting for the tories : "I warn you not to become ill, or old, or poor" ?

      I wonder if he realised those words would apply equally to his own party in his own lifetime.
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    · 5 months ago
    I am  not happy with Serco taking over  PIP in  the South West. I have had extremely  poor treatment from another arm  of SERCO, years ago. and now very worried when it comes to my next PIP assessment, that my previous dealings with them will  flag  up  a red mark. Dreadful  company
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      · 5 months ago
      @pusscatsmum So was mine back in 2018 with that health advisor service lies aggression dirty tricks intimidation was just awful least I’ve been left alone for 6 years so not had to go to them places for a while 
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    · 5 months ago
    I suppose if I lose my ESA and pip will have to survive on £380 pounds a month universal credit there won't be treats
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    · 5 months ago
    Before I was diagnosed with psyzchoprenia some years ago I had to undertake six months voluntary work by JSP for only my 75 pounds a week job seekers allowance the only extra I got was my bus fares paid so that's how bad it can be
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    · 5 months ago
    I was required to use 'Attend Anywhere' for an NHS ASD assessment a couple of years ago during the pandemic.  I had no problems using the system itself, but the clinic had to lend me a laptop equipped to use it in the first place as I don't have a webcam on my PC.

    Rhetorical question: I wonder if the DWP will be as accomodating?

    Practical answer: I suppose I'd better buy a wecam.
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    · 5 months ago
    Possibilities include changes to the WCA as Labour push to get more disabled claimants into employment, changes to PIP activities which may be unveiled in the coming months in order to cut the benefits bill and a combined PIP and WCA assessment to cut assessment costs.

    Obviously the Tories have rubbed off onto the reds.  Labour is now not for the working, or vulnerable class people of Britain anymore.

    There's tonnes of ways that they could fill in this imaginary so-called 20+ billion black hole in finances.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Jon I wish the politicians would stop saying this about being for the workers. They are far from it. If a worker gets sick, disabled, or old they are the first to screw them with their talk about being for the workers. It is an utter and  complete lie and this soundbite ought to be banned
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      · 5 months ago
      @Jon Only for the VOTES of the workers.

      Truth is, the red ones are actually for the rich. Just like the blue ones.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Jon She meant it too. Workers. If you aren't a worker, you're economically inactive and therefore a lesser human it seems. It's Apartheid by any other name.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Michael I am going to post some bits and pieces of history information that may help broaden your understanding

      I have cited the two main socialist countries histories and background. Russia developed into a superpower from the October revolution in 1917 to a super power by 1945 and China also developed into a world power and the largest economy from 1949 when the Nationalist were over thrown following a civil war between the communists and nationalists. 

      Britain too had to rebuild its economy after the war by going socialist to rebuild the infrastructure such as Railways, Roads, and industry and they too were under a mixed economy.

      To come up with a statement that socialism did not work is very misinformed and shows a complete lack of understanding of the dynamics of what really happened. 

      Also socialism has also worked in the Scandinavian countries and is still prospering given that they had a much more peaceful time achieving it
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 months ago
      @Michael How can you make such widespread comments. Socialism built Russia from serfdom into a super power, Socialism is also the reason for China's progress because without the investment into housing, education none of their current gains could have been achieved. Socialism was also put on the back foot because it was attacked right away leading to it having to invest into armaments diverting investment away. It's not that socialism has failed but more a case of it has never been allowed to work, but you need to look at what it has done and created the infrastructure that have allowed those countries were it was used to prosper and eventually beating capitalism at its own game. One only needs to see China, Russia, Vietnam to see how it helped those countries to prosper and pull themselves up by the bootstraps! To say it failed is a bit of false narrative in my opinion. 
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    · 5 months ago
    I believe Liz Kendall is on a well meaning crusade to get the disabled to fill the 900 thousand spare jobs going no matter there disability and believes there is a cure for everyone you could almost compare her akin to a religious zealot
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      · 5 months ago
      @Jon The road to hell is paved with full of good intentions 
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    · 5 months ago
    Hope assessments go online or more simple..
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      · 5 months ago
      @jlee Online would be great. Having to get to a centre is tough for many on many levels.  Fingers crossed. 
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    · 5 months ago
    So many changes is heading towards the perfect storm 
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    · 5 months ago
    Where I live now theirs even one in an old Argos store 
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    · 5 months ago
    Sorry I don't understand.. The Health Assessment Advisory Service , isn't this atos ??? The company that just recently lost out to contracts for doing assessments??? 
      How are they now in charge of all ? My area is maximus for pip and ESA etc.. 
      My brain feels like exploding with all this change and uncertainty recently! 

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      · 5 months ago
      @wibblum Thank you for explaining .  It will probably all be changed again by the time we get our heads round the latest changes !
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      · 5 months ago
      @T EDIT: Aaargh! Ignore (most of) my last post, seems like I'm confused, myself! Rereading the article, HAAS *was* Maximus until this week, but now that acronym is being re-used by DWP (!), just to make things more delightfully confusing, complex and labyrinthine for claimants, probably.

      Atos, though, are now definitely out of the picture altogether.

      I think.
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      · 5 months ago
      @T No, they're not Atos. Atos had 'rebranded' the DWP assessments branch of its company as Independent Assessment Services (IAS). HAAS is Maximus. Apparently, Atos (or any of its aliases) will no longer have *any* role in assessments.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Neal Thank you. But I understand it will be maximus because I'm in the north west.    I'm just confused as to what the role of atos (HAAS) is,,, my understanding is that they lost out on the contracts for ESA/pip , so I'm confused as to their new role as it seems to say they are actually running the dwp now ? 
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      · 5 months ago
      @T Please go google and write: Find your health assessment provider
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