Reassessments for claimants in the support group for employment and support allowance (ESA) or who have limited capability for work-related activity (LCWRA) for universal credit (UC) have not stopped and will continue until 2025, the DWP has now clarified.

The department caused enormous confusion when it published its response to the work capability assessment (WCA) consultation last month.  The document repeatedly suggested that current LCWRA/support group claimants would never be reassessed again.

It included phrases such as:

“almost all people who are currently assessed as having LCWRA will never face a WCA reassessment again”

 “no one currently assessed as having LCWRA will face a WCA reassessment, save in some exceptional circumstances”

 “The commitment that no one with an existing LCWRA decision today will be reassessed, except in a few limited circumstances, means that they can try work without fear of losing their LCWRA financial support.”

This last claim turns out to be especially misleading and could lead to claimants losing their LCWRA status if taken at face value.

Because, in a response dated 15 December 2023 to a freedom of information request asking for clarification of whether claimants with LCW or LCWRA would be subject to reassessment before 2025, the DWP stated:

“We have already resumed WCA reassessments on a limited basis for existing LCW and LCWRA claimants, now that we have recovered some capacity following Covid response measures that focused on processing initial claims to ensure eligible claimants were brought into payment.

 “Up until 2025 when the new WCA changes announced at Autumn Statement in November 2023 are introduced, WCA reassessments will continue as normal for both the LCW and LCWRA  groups depending on circumstances, including prognosis period and subject to available capacity in the system.”

It’s worth noting the phrase “now that we have recovered some capacity” which strongly suggests that the DWP and the assessment companies still only have limited resources for dealing with reassessments, in addition to new claims.

And, in the following paragraph, the same caveat is repeated “depending on circumstances, including prognosis period and subject to available capacity in the system”.  Because they have only limited capacity, the inference is that claimants whose condition is unlikely to improve are less likely to have a reassessment.

Though given the DWP’s optimism when it comes to the prognosis for any given condition, the reassessment net could still be cast quite wide.

The reality is though, that the vast majority of current LCWRA/support group claimants will almost certainly be spared a further reassessment, if the DWP follows through with its current plans to end reassessments for existing claimants with LCWRA in 2025.

But that will be scant reassurance to individual claimants, who can never be certain that they will not be one of the unlucky  ones.

Do remember, though, that if you are called for a reassessment, it will be under the current rules, as would any subsequent appeal even if it takes place after any new regulations are introduced.  And the success rate for reassessments remains very high.

Figures from December 2022 show that the percentage of DWP decisions for repeat WCAs was:

  • 83% of outcomes for Support Group
  • 13% of outcomes were for Work Related Activity Group
  • 4% of outcomes were found Fit for Work

So, the probability of the DWP undertaking a mass reassessment programme on current claimants before the proposed changes to the WCA, as some people fear, is close to zero.

You can read the full freedom of information request and the DWP response here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    Just got my esa wca booklet to fill in. Happy new year to me. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @The Dogmother Your prediction was right.

      Although no one wishes to go through this stressful and distressful assessment, I think it's better to be reassessed this year, rather waiting till the new changes come into force, or believing that the Labour would offer better treatment, which I heavily doubt.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @The Dogmother And less than 2 years since your last one, The Dogmother,  that's bizarre. No rhyme or reason to it. Hang on in there, and get help. Very best wishes.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    It's difficult to judge how many reassessments will actually take place, whatever the official line. Some coming through will have been referred before 22 November. and the dwp is going to be busy with new claims, not least for PIP. Best to be constructive and ready with our medical evidence so we can defend our claim if a reassessment comes, rather than stressing about things that may never happen. 
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    · 1 years ago
    As I've been saying it, it's rather the Labour to worry about. Within the Labour you've got a chancellor who said, "We'll offer them support, and if they refuse, we'll cut off their benefits", and a DWP shadow secretary who was the only Labour (with Harriet Harman) who voted for David Cameron's welfare bill restricting and caping benefits.

    And guess what - when Liz Kendall was appointed as the shadow secretary for the DWP a couple of months ago, she said that she always dreamed of this post, and I believe this hints out that she wants to play tough on welfare.

    A society is judged on how it treats its vulnerable and elderly people. But all the politicians of these days care about is how good they dance to the establishment.
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      · 1 years ago
      @A Liz wont be good, she has been refusing to discuss the matter with voters in her area including me. As you pointed out her history isnt good either.

      I remember her interviews when she wanted to be party leader, and all I could think was you are in the wrong party, none of what she said I consider to be traditional Labour socialist values.  It was all Tory speak.  Thats why she fell out so much with Corbyn as she is the complete opposite.
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      · 1 years ago
      @A Agree A no hope with Labour we are on our own
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @paintingthetownred I'm not cynical at all, neither do I care about whether someone else says I'm right or wrong.

      For instance, I've kept saying that the reassessments have not stopped and would continue till 2025, when the Tory changes would come into force, but you all disagreed with me, relying on your wishful thinking and false hope, but you now see it with your own eyes.

      If you hope better things would come from the Labour under the dictatorship of Keir Starmer, you would be disappointed big time.

      Let me tell you also that the current Labour was the last ones that supported the benefit uprating that took place early in this year. They simply supported it because they realised that even many influential Tory MPs were supporting it.

      This is not the Labour of Tony Blair, even though himself, Brown, Mandelson, and Blunkett are still the orchestrators of Keir Starmer's labour behind the curtain. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @paintingthetownred Agreed, paintingthetownred. Sadly, A, you are justifiably cynical, and it ain't easy, but we need to stick to our guns and insist on our rights. How to do it is a challenge and the establishment exploits that. We have to tough out our mandatory reconsiderations and appeals so they see we wont be put off, then they might stop wasting money and start assessing us correctly from the get go.
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      · 1 years ago
      @A Guess you would want someone to say, 'you are right A'.

      However, what most people are doing right now is fighting for hope. So I disagree with you entirely. 

      Public pressure is the way to go, no point projecting a negative view that nothing can be changed. It can be. 

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    Once again the DWP has revealed it self to be utterly duplicitous. It has shifted from the dangerous to claimants future benefits statement that there will be no further assessments for those assessed to be in the support group to in a month sorry folks but we are still continuing to run the useless WCA mangle to crush claimants and throw as many as we into the reconsideration then appeal nightmare. Try getting by with no income for the best part of a year.
    When we are faced with this level of continuous deception we can only assume that every aspect of the DWP can not be trusted and that any promise to help disabled people into sustainable employment is an utter lie. No claimant should voluntarily engage with any discussion with them except to say that we cannot do Any work given the level of disability we have.
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    · 1 years ago
    I'm on a Ten Yr claim I have a list of health problems I see specialists I.e Rhumatology, Cardiologists etc I have Epilepsy,Osteoarthritis, secondary 
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      · 1 years ago
      @MrFibro MrFibro lol 😂😂Joe muggy public not heard that one before all true and correct what you have just said though 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Sharon H Sharon H,

      It doesn't matter if you have dozens of illnesses.  The DWP don't give a monkeys toss.
      They are in the game of stripping you off everything, and also making it look to joe muggy public, that the DWP  are there to help you.

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    · 1 years ago
    My wife keeps getting refused pip we have done reconsider but got refused on that we are not happy because she suffers from mental health issues and arthritis which he so bad that she has to put straps around her legs hands and carnt understand why 

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      · 1 years ago
      @Louise Louis,

      i did what your explaining, and still had to have an assessment, which led me to having a meltdown.  Hence the PIP assessment was postponed 3 times, then they got in touch with my GP as i going to self harm myself, because they basically caused my mental state to explode.  They then  phoned me up, and told me they were doing a paper based review.  The whole shabang was just unbelievable.  Especially having around 6 illnesses, which keep worsening, and i also sent in around 100 pages of evidence to them.

      It's almost they just don't want to believe you, and they're attitude is !!! fail them, score them down, kick them off benefits.  If they don't like it go for an MR and an appeal.

      Good luck to all

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      · 1 years ago
      @Daniel Sorry to hear that.Is your wife filling in the form correctly?They don't care about your wife's diagnosis they want to know how she's affected by her disability.she needs to go into a lot of detail and explain to them what life is like for her on a daily basis and the help and support she needs to manage her illnesses.keep a diary for seven days documenting everything and refer to this when filling out her form.Has she any evidence regarding mental health e.g does she attend a mental health day centre.or has she had physio or attended the pain clinic? Also of not already request from GP an occupational Therapist assessment this would add great weight to her mobility needs especially if they prescribe her aids.Best regards.
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    · 1 years ago
    I hate the assessment this morning it was pathetic using sign video  I wasn’t very comfortable on my own I should have someone with more knowledge of my situation I think that I have failed the assessment but wait until six weeks whether I pass or fail pip  I really hate it on my own can I asked again to apply again if I had failed 
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      · 1 years ago
      This is so true!

      Sorry for the long-winded message, here:

      My hubby, who was my full time Carer, died suddenly, 5 yrs ago, of heart failure.

      I went through 12 weeks of hell, having to arrange his funeral when our joint ESA claim was immediately stopped, so I had to have my own ESA assessment.

      After much heartbreak, & total stress, they awarded me a 10 year award - it's due to be reassessed just before I turn 67, & can claim my pension.

      Trouble is, apart from when my daughter can come & stay with me, for 2 days a fortnight, literally the only help I have is my cleaner, who comes in for 3 hours a week!

      I'm bed-bound 24/7, & only manage to use the bathroom because it's literally 8 feet from my bed.

      I survive on cupasouos and toast, unless my daughter cooks & leaves me food easily heated up again.

      I've never been offered any help by social services, and use my PIP to pay for everything that needs doing for me. But I actually rely totally on my daughter, & cleaner, for that help.

      I haven't actually seen my Doctor for years, since my gall bladder was removed. 

      But he recently retired, and I get different doctors' signatures - all the doctors in my local surgery are new, & none of them have been to my home to see me.

      Even after I had a really bad reaction to the Covid jab, & suffered for 6 months, trying to recover from a terrible case of Shingles , that the jab brought on me.! 

      I've not seen any of them - just different signatures that I can't even read, when my prescription is delivered to me once a month.

      I live alone, and was awarded the LCWRA when I had my assessment.

      But I'm now worried sick about being forced onto UC, as I'm one of those thousands who will be worse off with UC.

      My biggest worry, though, is that I haven't seen any of my various health Consultants for years now, as there's literally nothing they can do to improve my health!

      I was put under my Doctor's care, as it was he who organised my many and varied prescriptions!

      Literally, the only Consultant I'm still under, is my blood Consultant, as I have 2 serious blood disorders that have to be checked - it used to be every 3 months but, when my health got so bad that travelling 22 miles to the hospital to see him for 5 minutes, had me totally bed-bound afterwards for weeks, he changed it to every 6 months instead, with the proviso that I contact him if things changed! 

      Once COVID hit, the District Nurse started coming to my home to take my blood every 6 months, and it's stayed that way eber since.

      I have immune problems, so have been strictly segregating since COVID, as there keeps being outbreaks of it in my area.

      But the district nurse, every 6 months, is literally my only contact with any kind of medics now!

      In fact, my local pharmacy phone me once a year, to go over my meds, and she discussed them all, and if they are still working etc., and she changed dosages for one of them, as I'd been taking it for years, without the doctor overseeing the dosage, and she told me it was very dangerous at the dosage prescribed!

      My pharmacy looks after me, when my surgery just ignores my existence, other than signing my monthly prescriptions!

      All of this really worries me terribly, as I've no new evidence of my health problems, or seeing consultants, since Covid, really, so I'll have to rely on my original application for ESA, 5 years ago, for any health-related evidence!
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      · 1 years ago
      @MirandaGillian Well done, in any event.
      I find it particularly difficult when asked if I need 'support' to do certain things. often like you I do, but the assumption is that 'support' will be available. Sometimes it isn't, for lots of reasons and we end up doing things on our own, because there isn't an alternative. 
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    · 1 years ago
    have not stopped and will not stop.

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    · 1 years ago
    i received my  capability for work assessment form for ESA before Covid, which i returned within the 4 weeks, iam in ESA support group with all premiums.
    Last week i got a call off DWP,totally out of the blue, the guy said ,he was following up on my form from before covid,as assessments were restarting, he asked me a few questions, i gave him my CPNs details{who visited me yesterday,and he hadnt tried to contact her} .then he said i may need a telephone assessment but would hear in due course,
    As you can imagine i am stressing about it,so i just thought i would share on here
    Thanks Lola
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      · 1 years ago
      @Lola68 Hello Lola,
      You have done well taking the call and giving them evidence (CPN etc).

      They tend to say you 'may need an assessment' to cover themselves.  Which is ridiculous anyway as you have given them evidence and suffering from mental health conditions it just creates worry for people about what is to come.

      I sincerely hope you won't need an assessment and that this will go through on paper for you.
      take care
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Lola68 Oh that's just utterly wonderful. They never give it a rest
      I'm expecting one myself because my form went back 2021,April. So no doubt I'll be reassessed very soon. I usually get about three years in between. 
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    · 1 years ago
    As a survivor of emotional, financial and domestic abuse I am sadly very familiar with the tactics of coercive control and psychological abuse and gaslighting. When a perpetrator uses these tactics it is with the intention of frightening the victim survivor into a state of fear and inaction. That is why the phrase 'rabbit in the headlights' is a fair description of the state of mind that is attempted to be induced. The perpetrator wants to crush the victim into submission and actually hopes they will be so defeated that the perpetrator will no longer have to deal with them i.e. they will jump off a bridge or similar.

    Looking at the headlines today, I honestly believe the government and the DWP are using exactly the same gaslighting tactics with the same aim:


    The wording used in today's headlines includes the following:

    a) The DWP 'will soon be able to'.... (fill in the blanks regards monitoring of bank accounts and various other moves)
    b) The DWP 'could' do X, Y and Z (with regard to above named)
    c) People 'could be taken to court'/ 'could have their benefits stopped' ....for 'reasons' listed.

    You realise if you look closer at the text of these 'news' items that this is gaslighting of the worst kind. And it is gaslighting intended in the first instance to FRIGHTEN and INTIMIDATE people into submission. They are terrorising people, and I am not immune to the influence of it.

    However when you read further down the articles the truth of the matter is hidden between the lines. 

    What these articles are describing is a PROPOSAL and PROPOSALS - ONLY.

    As far as I am aware (and B and W) please correct me if I am wrong - these proposals are not YET legislation and NOT YET LAW. 

    There is also a huge petition circulating signed by major charities and civilians which is objecting to them. 

    The gaslighting in the press is a very familiar pattern to many of us. 

    It is almost as if, akin to a domestic abuse perpetrator - the DWP via the government or both are pushing the boundaries with this gaslighting to see how much the victims/survivors (and the bystanders i.e the general public) will let them get away with. 

    This has happened before as we know and no doubt it will happen again. 

    It has also happened that the government and the DWP more than once has been forced into a corner and has had to do a complete U Turn on proposed legislation - because the general public has highlighted human rights and legal concerns. 

    This is what is needed now, more than ever. 

    Don't lose heart fellow claimants and compatriots. The B and W - motto 'don't lose out because the system isn't fair' has never been so relevant. Respect and courage to you all!
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      · 1 years ago
      @CaroA I am reminded of the class action over the 20 pounds uplift in the pandemic which ESA claimants (I was at that time) did not receive.

      There was a class action I believe led bravely by a firm of solicitors called Osbournes Law in London. They went to the High Court i believe but the case was rejected and further rejected at the Court of Appeal. 

      Not for nothing do people refer to them as the 'nasty' party.

      However, in the end - whether you believe in karma or not it is the intention behind such actions which counts. The intention was and is cruelty not compassion. 

      I honestly believe they are reaping the horrendous 'rewards' of that now - that the party is imploding. Not soon enough for us. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Carol K Surely there should be some sort of class/group action against them for this type of behaviour and the way we have all been treated over decades.  

      The Equality Act 2010 should have protected us from the type of undue pressure they they have put us under to work full time when we are not well enough.  Anything other than full-time work  always meant that you would then be pressured into full-time work - not supported in doing flexible work with disability benefits in the background.  

      The Conservative government are all about taking personal responsibility but blame others and hide behind the corporate government facade at every opportunity when they are called to account; do any of them take personal responsibility for the immense suffering they have caused over decades?  
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      · 1 years ago
      @Carol K I agree.
      It is difficult to bring a coercive control prosecution.
      Perhaps there are people with more knowledge than I about legal matters that might advise on first steps on how to do such a thing. 

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      · 1 years ago
      @paintingthetownred It is psychological terrorism by the government and DWP and this should be taken to the Supreme Court, we need somebody to make a case that the government are gaslighting us and using coercive control. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @paintingthetownred Well said 👍They're trying to win over voters the sneaks, by bullying the vulnerable.what really sickens me is the way they keep saying The sick must work.Is the clue not in the sentence i.e SICK. Sure does sick not mean we are ill either physically or mentally?Would they work if they were sick? 😷 no blooming way they'd go off with full pay . corrupt isn't the word for it.
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    · 1 years ago
    It's horrible because some of us are going to have our number picked before 2025 when we know the vast majority won't be reassessed. They should just stop them completely. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Carol K Iv been in the wrag for years the last reassessment I had was jan 2020 and after reading that there was a slim chance of being reassessed again I thaught things was looking up for me. I suffer from mental health and have been constantly dreading the esa reassessment coming for years.  
      And only a few days of thinking I was probs not gonna get reassessed again the letter dropped day before Xmas eve. It’s horrible 
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      · 1 years ago
      @John and you, thanks for giving me a laugh.

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      · 1 years ago
      @paintingthetownred That's brilliant never thought of it like have a talent DWP will get you a job as a writer lol.merry Christmas 🎄
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      · 1 years ago
      @MrFibro Sometimes I think the DWP and members of our so called government would do well to remember the original Christmas.

      That was two homeless persons - seeking refuge - one of who was pregnant. Both not being able to secure local authority housing - in Bethlehem - having been rejected by a private landlord (no room at the inn) and taking refuge in makeshift building. 

      Peace and solidarity to you all. Better times ahead I sincerely hope.

      Big virtual hugs (only if appropriate) but genuinely meant. 

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      · 1 years ago
      @Carol K Carol K,

      I fully agree with you.  Remember you may be one of those who doesn't get picked to be re-assessed.  I Guess this is a tactic to put fear into claimants, and a master stroke just to also ruin claimants Xmas'es.

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    · 1 years ago
    I guess the bigger question is what exactly are Labour's plans ?  All this Tory stuff could be pie in the sky (like they are going to be).
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      · 1 years ago
      @paintingthetownred Painting, they far from immune, ESA is their child, it was designed to kick a million sick people of benefits, introduced horrific changes to the WCA compared to the PCA, and people were being reassessed super frequently, some as often as every 3 months, ironically under the tory regime, a lot got toned down, up until the very recent u turn.  Because of this Labour scare me more than the Tories, their history on sickness benefits is horrifying.
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      · 1 years ago
      Labour are in win election mode so they deliberately trying to avoid revealing certain things. At least in detail.

      But here is what they have said.

      1 - Back in December 2022 their previous shadow DWP stated he thought it was unacceptable so many were on benefits with no obligation to work, this seemed to be the trigger for everything to follow, as prior to this the Tories had no announced plans.
      2 - Liz Kendall has made multiple tweets already suggesting clampdowns, the most clear one in that she will get "Britain back to work" stealing the Tories slogan.
      3 - Labours response to the Autumn budget a flustered Reeves, decided to state she will do what it takes to get the benefit numbers down even if it means she had to make a new WCA to achieve it.  This was said live in parliament.

      However no clear actual plan revealed, just multiple signs of intent.
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      · 1 years ago
      @paintingthetownred Hi paintingthetownred,

      Labour will do the same, but worded differently to justify their regime.  I haven't heard a peep from LibDems, what their intentions may or would be!!.

      There again they wont win next years GE, as Labour is favourite.
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      · 1 years ago
      @carbow32 Very good point CB. Like yourself I don't believe  a New Labour government would necessarily be immune to similar terror tactics of claimants. We need to hold on to hope for the future with a change of government, but also as you say, remain vigilant. 
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    · 1 years ago
    Thanks for the best and most reliable  available information regarding the DWP and benefits it's very much appreciated for the average every day person who has disabilities mental or physical, and may not understand the system. Explaining it in layman's terms make it much easier to understand and get to grip with changes.

    I have a question if anyone knows the answer:

    I'm In receipt of ESA have been placed  in the "support group" , I've only had one assessment that went to tribunal, in the 10 years I've been receiving this benefit. 

    I've been awaiting the dwp migrating me onto universal credit and giving me transitional protection, for many years but it keeps getting delayed. 

    Could I in theory be transferred onto universal credit through these WCA changes before managed migration?
    So basically these changes will mean many ESA claimants are bypassed the managed migration and be placed into a universal credit health element instead? 

    It's very confusing and conflicting with the promises that were given to be transferred with transitional protection but now there are new WCA reforms. 

    Furthermore it's totally confusing for Scots who are having their PIP claims transferred to the Scottish Adult Disability Payment. I receive the  enhanced disability element because I'm on esa. How the two systems will communication I have no idea but I suspect neither government will come to our aid when these issues come to ahead. 

    Thanks, wishing you all a peaceful and prosperous Christmas and New Year. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @paintingthetownred It depends I think whether you are on UC support group or legacy benefits S/G. I'm on income based ESA S/G no tax credits so I was told I won't be going onto UC till 2028.  There's mixed messages from DWP as far as repeat assessments I think it's just pot luck if u do get picked out 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Aaron Hello there,
      As far as I am aware and someone might be out there to correct, the situation is as follows:
      If you have a change of circumstances you may be transferred before official date.

      For example, change of address, telephone number, change of savings, google for a list or ask the Citizens Advice.

      As such, (and Scotland is no doubt different). UC as such is not too bad, it is the three month waiting period with basic rate that I experienced as so difficult). But if you are transferring from ESA you should not need to have the waiting period before you get sickness payment on top of basic rate.

      That is my understanding of it anyway. 

      Peaceful time to you. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @The Dog Mother I'm hoping that it will apply to new applicants that need reassessed who will end up going onto the universal credit health element. I'm not sure legally where they stand if they withdraw transitional protection but then during covid they got out of giving legacy benefits an uplift.

      Based on this govt time line for 2025 and the way they've continually extended the managed migration deadline I doubt they will actually be ready to implement the WCA changes. They'd rather get us all worked up on the reforms including being more invasive (looking into bank accounts regularly etc) in the hope they can find more than 1% of benefit fraud instead of concentrating on covid fraud. 

      I don't hold out much hope that a future labour govt would rescind these plans sadly either. 

      It annoys me about the lack of joined up working and systems that are out of date. I helped by being a panel member to design the Scottish disability benefit system and there was constant stonewall with dwp not transferring cases in a timely manner. I still have no idea how I will still receive my enhanced disability premium if I get moved onto the Scottish PIP equivalent system (Adult disability payment) because it's absolutely linked to being in the support group for ESA 

      Im actually planning to write to my MP to ask the questions. We deserve answers and explanations in advance of huge reforms and changes so we can at least prepare for scenarios. I don't like change much nor being told last minute it only exaggerates my anxiety and over analyse situations that haven't occurred. 

      Im grateful for the safety net but I think we're more than entitled to scrutinise and be included in how the system operates. 

      The DWP deserve to have a university degree subject based about them because it's a full time job keeping up with the system and fighting it continuously. So many have lost their lives because of the system and the lack of empathy and compassion will only lead to more tragic deaths as many people don't have the energy left to expend dealing with the system. I think of them at this time of year and hope enough of the right people will fight for those without a voice. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Aaron I wondered about that too, being in support group with so called transitional protection and being pushed onto UC via these new reforms.Or will that still not go ahead until 2028,which is a fair way off.And we know how they like to mix things up and take away any little bit of hope we had. 
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    · 1 years ago
    So on my UC journal it says I will no longer be required to attend work focused interviews. I am in LCWRA.

    What do I do now? 
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      · 1 years ago
      @paintingthetownred Enjoy the extra money.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Mike Thanks Mike, really appreciate it. I would but my PIP Is still 'under review' got a text message this morning. I may 'still need an assessment with a 'health' professional'.

      2018 I had two asessments in the space of a month. ESA and PIP - health went downhill and nearly had a breakdown, took me three years to get my PIP back as when I had the assessment I clammed up and couldn't speak. Went to tribunal on paper.

      Don't want to go through that again. Wish me luck. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @paintingthetownred paintingthetownred Have a sit down relax and make a cup of tea no need to worry 
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    · 1 years ago
    Fills with me with fear and dread just reading this and with me still being on esa income based and in the “work activity group “since 2019 and still not heard a thing about a medical makes me think what’s around the corner I’m just gonna forget for now and get on with life until it happens it’s one thing saying well just appeal it these appeals can take up to 18 months if it goes to tribunal and it the meantime they leave you with nothing 
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      · 1 years ago
      @James I'm not sure how it works and if its on an individual basis but I've been on esa for at least 10 years, I had an assessment a year or two into claiming and basically was treated with contempt and lies be told about me. Worked with an organisation here who are solicitors and represent you on benefit matters. Was in the tribunal for 5-10 minutes and the decision was over turned. I haven't had another assessment since.

      Im unsure if this is because I'm in receipt of enhanced pip on both elements and I've got a 10 year award review that they may have not reassessed me because the likelihood is my health will have not got any better. Or they've forgotten and I'm jinxing myself and will receive something after writing this comment. 

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    · 1 years ago
    So if you are reaccessed would your conditions be based on any older rules or new ones ?
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    · 1 years ago
    So the DWP has been putting out misleading statements. I'm shocked and stunned.*

    *not shocked or stunned.
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      · 1 years ago
      @tintack tintack Typical,same old same old, but we get away with nothing. 
      Even when you have enough medical evidence to sink a ship we aren't believed. 
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    · 1 years ago
    I said they wouldn't. Makes no sense they would. Why would they allow so many to stay on benefits without reassessment when their entire MO is to get us off them
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      · 1 years ago
      @tintack Yea I think they have only limited resources to re assess everyone it will just be put luck if u get picked so I guess people will be stressing 
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      · 1 years ago
      @The Dog Mother
      Fortunately it sounds as though they only have enough capacity to reassess a small proportion of existing claimants and there will still be new claims to cope with as well, which should use up some capacity. The reference to the prognosis period also suggests that the minority who are reassessed are likely to be those with a shorter prognosis/review period.

      It's frustrating (though not exactly surprising) that they've put out misleading statements about this, but as the above article says, the chances of being reassessed are pretty small and even if it does happen the chance of remaining in the support group/LCWRA is high.
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