Reassessments for claimants in the support group for employment and support allowance (ESA) or who have limited capability for work-related activity (LCWRA) for universal credit (UC) have not stopped and will continue until 2025, the DWP has now clarified.

The department caused enormous confusion when it published its response to the work capability assessment (WCA) consultation last month.  The document repeatedly suggested that current LCWRA/support group claimants would never be reassessed again.

It included phrases such as:

“almost all people who are currently assessed as having LCWRA will never face a WCA reassessment again”

 “no one currently assessed as having LCWRA will face a WCA reassessment, save in some exceptional circumstances”

 “The commitment that no one with an existing LCWRA decision today will be reassessed, except in a few limited circumstances, means that they can try work without fear of losing their LCWRA financial support.”

This last claim turns out to be especially misleading and could lead to claimants losing their LCWRA status if taken at face value.

Because, in a response dated 15 December 2023 to a freedom of information request asking for clarification of whether claimants with LCW or LCWRA would be subject to reassessment before 2025, the DWP stated:

“We have already resumed WCA reassessments on a limited basis for existing LCW and LCWRA claimants, now that we have recovered some capacity following Covid response measures that focused on processing initial claims to ensure eligible claimants were brought into payment.

 “Up until 2025 when the new WCA changes announced at Autumn Statement in November 2023 are introduced, WCA reassessments will continue as normal for both the LCW and LCWRA  groups depending on circumstances, including prognosis period and subject to available capacity in the system.”

It’s worth noting the phrase “now that we have recovered some capacity” which strongly suggests that the DWP and the assessment companies still only have limited resources for dealing with reassessments, in addition to new claims.

And, in the following paragraph, the same caveat is repeated “depending on circumstances, including prognosis period and subject to available capacity in the system”.  Because they have only limited capacity, the inference is that claimants whose condition is unlikely to improve are less likely to have a reassessment.

Though given the DWP’s optimism when it comes to the prognosis for any given condition, the reassessment net could still be cast quite wide.

The reality is though, that the vast majority of current LCWRA/support group claimants will almost certainly be spared a further reassessment, if the DWP follows through with its current plans to end reassessments for existing claimants with LCWRA in 2025.

But that will be scant reassurance to individual claimants, who can never be certain that they will not be one of the unlucky  ones.

Do remember, though, that if you are called for a reassessment, it will be under the current rules, as would any subsequent appeal even if it takes place after any new regulations are introduced.  And the success rate for reassessments remains very high.

Figures from December 2022 show that the percentage of DWP decisions for repeat WCAs was:

  • 83% of outcomes for Support Group
  • 13% of outcomes were for Work Related Activity Group
  • 4% of outcomes were found Fit for Work

So, the probability of the DWP undertaking a mass reassessment programme on current claimants before the proposed changes to the WCA, as some people fear, is close to zero.

You can read the full freedom of information request and the DWP response here.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    "....according to Labour. .." Really, A?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @rookie Yes, according to Labour. That's what they've said. Make no mistake, you're daydreaming if you're expecting better treatment from the Labour Party, as you'll be disappointed big time.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    Hi. Does anyone know if the 2025 plans for no reassessments will also apply to
     those on esa who are in the support group?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @ABC I don't think the current Tory's plan for no reassessment will ever materialise, as Labour is more than likely to win the next general election, and according to Labour, the reassessments will remain as they're currently and claimants will keep getting reassessed at regular intervals of time..
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @ABC Yes they apply to esa support group from 2025 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    I think we need to start learning Rwandan because I fear we will be next! 
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    · 1 years ago
    Not sure how many people will get re assessed and if it's for those on universal credit only or old legacy benefits as well. I've been told different things by people. I know people on ESA who have had notes on their UC journal online saying they won't be assessed again. So don't know how it's working.  If you have a condition that is unlikely to change then I don't see point of re assessing that person.   It's stressful waiting to see if u get the dreaded envelope in post but don't stress 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @dmj. @dmj I'm absolutely paranoid now. I even dreamt they were watching me and had listening equipment in my home.
      I've had about 5f2f assessments for Esa, then 4paper based.(approx don't rem exactly)
      So if I get something through the post, I'll know I'm up for either another f2f or phone assessment before I even open it. 
      Both of which I will completely struggle with. 
      I've proof of postage, too. 
      If they lose it, then they should be going on previous evidence you sent and not put the onus on you.
      It's absolutely ridiculous.
      They play with our lives. 
      Mine only went back 5days ago.The waiting is excruciating and I know I'll have some wait yet.
      Most of my conditions are decades long or since childhood, I'm 58 now. Something that really irks me is sending all your medical stuff to God knows who, it's meant to be between you and your gp or consultants, not for some untrained Herbert to scrutinise, laugh at and trivialise.
      Every day I wonder if there's anything better coming for us. 
      I'm exhausted, afraid,worried and dragged down.
      I hope for the best results for us all.
      It's beyond unfair what we constantly go through.
      And if these changes come in ,I do not know what will become of the majority of us.Lets hope its dead in the water before it ever reaches it potential for harm. Best wishes and luck. X

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @The Dog Mother Hi so am I. Condition unchanged and never will be. My form went back guaranteed delivery, they have now sent me a letter saying form not received. Glad I've kept proof of postage. This is so stressful. They informed me via text at 8am Christmas morning that I'm being reassessed. I’ve had this health problem since I was 37 I’m now 55. Hospital has said it will never change. Fifth assessment. I sincerely hope you get a good result. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Bob I'm being reassessed right now...In support group,have been for years. Looks like anyones fair game. I've many conditions that won't change. I've had them lifelong, one or two no cure for .. tough luck on me. 
      The sensible thing would be not to reassess those who will never get a Job,and that's staring then in the face. But your name pops up and suddenly the life sucking wca booklet is there threatening your MH and exacerbating your physical conditions. But hey, it's all part of the plan to sink us lower into the mire.So will struggle,we fret, we cry with frustration and we get it done, we source as much medical  'evidence' as we can, send it all off and hope beyond all hope we get through,we get to breathe again, .... until the next time.
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    · 1 years ago
    My first attempt to post this got scrambled, so here goes....

    Congrats for getting your forms done, The Dogmother and good luck!

    Difficult not to jump to the conclusion that dwp are trying to get claimants off lcwra/support before criteria changes proposed for 2025, but remember, until the changes are passed into law, dwp will have to go by the current wca criteria, as will MRs and appeal tribunals relating to any wca carried out before the criteria changes.

    So, peeps, if you are lcwra/support now, you will remain in lcwra/support unless dwp can prove your capability has improved. Keep gathering any new evidence you can of prevailing conditions and deterioration, so you have the best chance of getting through if you're picked for a reassessment.

    I'm as freaked as the next guy, but we have to get our act together and fight the persecution.

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Pam And where are all these jobs? About 20% of jobs for  a period of 6 mths last year  where either remote or flexible, which are two different things.If someone with mobility issues might be able to work remotely,flexibility makes no difference to those people.
      This nonsense they say that disabled people "would like to work" does not mean they can.
      I'd like to be a millionaire but will I ever be? Wanting to work and being physically and-or mentally able are poles apart.
      With AI rearing it's ugly head even more jobs will be lost.
      I don't pretend to know it all. But I'm trying to understand what may lie ahead the best I can.
      Their deep seated hatred for us is palpable. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @reasonstobecheerful What worries me is that they might turf everyone off just before the changes so that any appeals will come under the new rules. They're coming for our blood, I don't think it is for votes, they genuinely hate that we exist.
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      · 1 years ago
      @reasonstobecheerful Absolutely. I've done all I can. Ive gathered pip reports ,new evidence,some older suff, and was as Frank as possible re my conditions, or at least my s-inlaw was as she filled it all in, added pages etc,read them off to me and kept asking if things imo were accurate. She's pretty savvy with her understanding of what I go through as she helps me no end.Thank you reasonstobecheerful for your bolstering words and good wishes. All we ask for is a fair chance. X
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    Congrats for getting your forms done, The Dogmother and good luck! 

    Difficult not to jump to the concluscriteria changes in 2025, but remember, until the changes are passed into law, dwp will have to go by the current wca criteria as will MRs and appeal tribunals relating to any wca carried out before the criteria changes.
    lcwra/support now,lcwra/support. Keep gathering any new evidence you can of prevailing conditions and deterioration, so you have the best chance of getting through if you're picked for a reassessment.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    Sorry I hit send by accident..So I'll finish my comment. anyway, the lady in the PO told my sis in law whrn she went to post my esa forms she has seen loads of people with them over the past few weeks. Hmmmmm. Most peculiar 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    Lady in postoffice told my sister in law when she posts my esa 
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    · 1 years ago
    Ok, one more try -  for another petition, check out the first of joe's posts (4 days ago) in B&W News 'Almost 9 million claimant bank accounts to be put under continuous surveillance'
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    As in this:

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    This too:

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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    I think the DWP need to pull the article and reword it, as I interpreted it in the same way as it meant the changes announced were taking place from the date of the announcement.  I expect given the DWP, it was worded like this deliberately, I wonder how many will fall foul of the highlighted example in the article.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    Very bad news!

    Sunak has said this morning that he's cutting benefits payments, singling out long-term disability payments as one area for savings, to fund income tax cut.

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @reasonstobecheerful Agreed. It's nothing new, just a repackaging of the already announced reforms to placate his voter base. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @A This isn't really news, though, is it. Just another way of signalling intention already stated in changes to wca. Let's not get swept up in the gloom mongering.
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    · 1 years ago
    Today I was supposed to have a Capita assessment phone, 9:15 am waiting and waiting, at 9:35 there is a call from the Capita number, I pick up the phone, answer it and the phone hangs up, so I keep waiting, maybe they will call again. it's 9:49 no one is calling so I call Capita's number, the lady comes in, I explain what happened, and the lady says that we will postpone the conversation to 11/01/24 because they called me but there was no response from me and I didn't answer phone and I said it wasn't true and I was waiting for this conversation and I was ready, so on 11/01/24 I should call, not them. This is what capita is doing to take Pip away by telling the truth and doing evil by trying to illegally deprive sick people of benefits. This is the reform introduced by Sunak. do not allow yourself to be manipulated, call and talk about such practices
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
     Hi The Dogmother - some confirmation feedback from Gaddy below 😊
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    · 1 years ago
    Hi all hope you are all well,just had a look at the published government's figures up to june(a 3 month period) and initial WCA carried out was 23,000 and repeat assessment was at a figure of 2,900,so with the amount of people on ESA which is a lot the chances of a reassessment are pretty low plus them dealing with PIP you'd have to be pretty unlucky to get that brown envelope..hope this year is a better year for us all....
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @The Dogmother Your not the only one the white letter dropped day before Christmas Eve for me, my last face to face was Jan 2020 while passing for esa wrag I’m worried sick now incase they use the fact that I haven’t been to doctors since then against me. I am just still on the same medication with no reviews from drs since before my last face to face,  I am a legacy esa claimant and the memories of the atos wca’s and tribunals are still in my head.  

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      · 1 years ago
      @Stevie d I'm pretty unlucky then.😒
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    · 1 years ago
    WTF?  <- Refers to HM Government
    Thanks for the information. 
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    · 1 years ago
    Hello all, currently fighting with this esa wca form.. ugh!! Trying to word it appropriately is a flipping nightmare. Theres so much relevance on it for me, only two areas dont apply ,But we are getting there.
    Another question, boring,i know, but is it worth mentioning in the wca form I'm in receipt of pip?,I do understand they are two different benefits and it's diff criteria for both,even if some descriptors overlap, I've never mentioned it on a wca form before, but wondered what you guys would do normally.
    Or am I barking up the wrong tree? 
    Any other advice very very gratefully recieved.  Thank you. X
    I'd say Happy New year...But.! 😔
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      · 1 years ago
      @The Dog Mother I always contact a advice centre to get help to complete WCA forms don't understand all the questions so better to get help with it. And to include medical evidence to back it up.  Most people won't get re assessed but it is worrying to think you might get the dreaded envelope through the door. But don't get stressed.  👍
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      · 1 years ago
      @Gaddy I've never heard back from them yet, the only time I got anything was when I eventually asked for the report.I was to afraid to phone and ask anything.So it was at least a year before I requested the report. Wonder why they never send me a letter to state that I'm to be left in SG or otherwise. So if I get a letter this time I'm going to be very scared opening it. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @The Dogmother I do hope it goes well for you, in my case there was about a 6 week wait before I heard anything, but like you I had done my best and once its sent its up to the DWP what comes next. Wishing you all the very best x
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      · 1 years ago
      @Gaddy Hello,@Gaddy, I got my last two pip reports and the most recent one states it was rewarded at MR so I'm enclosing both with the WCA review form, and a few bits of older evidence, and the new bits when I get them. So thank you for that advice. My previous WCA reports where always far more favourable towards me than pip, but as the end result was a pip award I guess it won't hurt to include them.esp as the recent one was given back after MR. So I've still ten days to go before I send it off,still allowing plenty of time for it to get to them, and I will send it to be signed for,as usual. 
      Very best wishes.x
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      · 1 years ago
      @Gaddy I had norovirus at Christmas, flu just before  and now I've tonsillitis, so you can guess how hard it is trying to get my head together while dealing with my permanent issues. Luckily my sister in law who does a lot of caring for me and knows how bad I am is writing most of it for me. Once it's gone back its out of my hands and it is up to them after that. I will certainly look at my pip report and add to the esa wca accordingly.  
      Thanks again. 
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    · 1 years ago
    Question, can anyone answer.
    Do I include any new evidence, it's only things from Nov last year. Along with older evidence.(for esa,wca) or do I just send form off and if I get called or denied the benefit then show the new medial evidence. I've been so unwell lately.
    They always seem to send pip or esa forms when I'm at my very worst. My new evidence includes, different tablets for anxiety and panic disorder and I've a physio report that she had to give me an aid for walking plus I'm on a waiting list for scope test, as I've a new stomach problem and awaiting OT MH and pain clinic input. It's been three years since I've done one I'm really all at sea over it tbh. So much has gone on this year. Any words appreciated.  Tia.
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      · 1 years ago
      @A @A last time was start of 2020.feb I believe. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @reasonstobecheerful Thanks @reasonstobecheerful. I normally do all that,it's just I've been so unwell lately I'm confused, and my brain fog is to the fore.
      My gp surgery reopens later today,so I will see if they will get copies of my new evidence and I can have them collected. I need someone to spell it out so I can get my head in gear. Thanks again. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @The Dog Mother The last thing you should be doing is not including any new evidence in your form. In other words, make sure you include any new evidence, and even let them know in the form in case any other new evidence might be coming up.

      It's you to built up and defend your case.

      By the way, if you don't mind, when was the last time you were assessed, or reassessed?
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      · 1 years ago
      @The Dog Mother You should definitely send new evidence, The Dog Mother. Prescriptions are a good indicator of your state of health, so send evidence of all your current medication. If your physio report shows you need an aid that is a clear example of disability. You can mention any assessments you are waiting for, then send any outcomes/diagnoses you get later. Label all your documents with your NI no.

      In the section of the booklet where it asks if you have anything to add, say that in addition to the evidence dwp holds, you would like them to consider the new evidence you are including.

      Try to supply supporting evidence for each of the problems you mention in your answers to the questionnaire. 

      If you possibly can, get help from the CAB or another organisation, and keep a copy of your completed questionnaire and the evidence you send.
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