Which DWP number are you struggling to get through on?  Benefits and Work wants to find out more about which numbers have the longest wait times and also whether things improve with the introduction of ‘almost human’ AI chatbots answering calls.

Back in February, the DWP announced it was introducing Conversational Platform software to answer telephone calls.  The DWP described the voices claimants would hear as ‘almost human’.

Perhaps not coincidentally, the following month the DWP announced that it was closing 41 offices and that some staff would be redeployed to different roles.  The jobs affected are ‘back of house’ such as staff who answer telephones.

It may well be the case that wait times fall as a result of the introduction of AI.  But it’s also possible that the actual responses callers get will be of little help because they are simply talking to sophisticated FAQ software which can only give pre-programmed responses and can’t deal with follow-up questions.

As a first step we need to find out which are the numbers that you struggle with most and is it solely that no-one answers or do you get unhelpful responses, get cut-off before you’ve finished, get offers to call you back that never happen or get answers that are just plain wrong.

And do you know if you are talking to a human?

Some of the most likely suspects are:

Universal Credit helpline

Telephone: 0800 328 5644

PIP enquiry line

Telephone: 0800 121 4433

Jobcentre Plus for ESA change of circumstances

Telephone: 0800 169 0310

But there may be other numbers related to the benefits we deal with that are a problem for you.    Please let us know your experiences in the comments section below.

What to do if you can't get through

Some of our members have successfully got their MP's office involved when they have been unable to contact the DWP themselves. If you do try this, please let us know how it goes by leaving a comment.  There's more details here.


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    Christine · 1 years ago
    67 minutes. Still waiting. How can they have a queue this long when I rang 30 seconds after lines opened!
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    Stuart · 1 years ago
    Trying to get through to esa after 7 minutes the phone line cuts off just as you get all information done so you have to start again five times I’ve tried so far and I just want to know why my money is not there
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    lorna paradise · 1 years ago
    the pips number ive been on hold for an hour and no answer
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    janette wyllie · 1 years ago
    i have been on the line for 58 min now dont think it will be answered now.its a joke 
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    Frustrated · 1 years ago
    On line for 40 + mins with no sign of getting through.  It's beyond frustrating, especially as this was in response to call them urgently for my brother who has suffered a stroke!
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    Annoyed · 1 years ago
    I have been waiting for 45 mins so far for an answer. For some unknown reason my ESA claim from 2010 wasn’t closed properly and is still ‘open’ despite me working since 2011. 
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    SUE SCOTT · 1 years ago
    Currently waiting for DWP employment support allowance on 0800 169 0310 after making appropriate selections. 17mins 24 secs so far. This is my second attempt today. The first call was cut off after about 20 mins. Earlier this week it was cut off after 34 minutes. My wait time when I called back was 33 minutes. Cut offs happen so regularly I suspect it is a deliberate policy
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    Deborah · 1 years ago
    0800 169 0310‬ over 6 minutes waiting to be put into the queue then over an hour of 'thank you for your patience'. Luckily I got through to a lovely guy in the end. 
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    Mandy · 1 years ago
    I have tried several times to get through to PIP helpline. I got cut off twice this morning, before even been put through to an operator. The chatbots are a nightmare. When I answered a question it misheard my answer three times. When I did get put through, was kept waiting for 30 minutes before I gave up. There’s not even an email address that can be an alternative form of contact. So frustrating!!!
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    Danielle · 1 years ago
    Rang jobcentre / DWP on ‭0800 169 0310‬ to cancel appointment, I was on hold for 1 hour then gave up, as it got to 5pm and they had probably all gone home and left me holding on the phone!
    Very frustrating, how am I supposed to cancel my appointment?!
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    Paul · 1 years ago
    What’s happened to this country. DWP text to say I need to call straightaway. So I do then on phone waiting for an hour. Gave up. Not good for blood pressure 
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    Julie · 1 years ago
    Jobcentre ESA Change of Circumstances 51 minutes and it's 5pm now so offices closed.
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    jo · 1 years ago
    Been trying to get through to ESA to tell them I have started work since 16.08.2022 i have tried twice today 1 and a half hours and still not got through it's now 4.55pm so i guess this call won't get answered either
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    Jo · 1 years ago
    1:25 minutes and still on hold, what an absolute disaster.
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    Sb · 1 years ago
    Called Pip telephone number twice on both occasions waiting on hold for 25 mins plus. When I eventually spoke to someone, gave NI Number then cut off 😡
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    Vickir · 1 years ago
    I've been trying for 3 days sitting on hold for over an hour each time then having to give up. I just can't get through!
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    Sabran S · 1 years ago
    Today would have been my fourth time to a get a figure for gap in my national insurance contributions so that I can get my record upto date. I have had no success so far since end of July. Although i have heard that people have paid up have also not heard back either. Please can anyone throw some light 🚨 on this situation. Thank you
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    Shirley Allan · 1 years ago
    Have to return call 4 times on hold for over 30 minutes then finally hang up  to esa department they ask me to call impossible to get through asked all security so must have a log I've called 
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    Claire · 1 years ago
    1 hour 18 mins so far to PIP...trying to inform them of change in circumstances...third try this week..absolutely shocking service!!!
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    Julie · 1 years ago
    Absolutely demoralizing!  I've just spent 3 hours and 20mins being passed between PIP and DLA helplines.  Approximately 50 minute wait time to speak to anyone each time.  Each department told me they needed to speak to the other.  Disgusting service - really needs reviewed by Government about what's going on, it's shocking!

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