Recently, we suggested that if you are are finding it impossible to contact the DWP by telephone you should consider asking your MP for help.

It’s clear from your responses that some MPs’ offices provide really excellent support, even if others are utterly uninterested.

It made us wonder if there are other sources of help out there that might not have occurred to lots of people.

So, we’re asking you to tell us about anybody that has made a real difference to your benefits claim or appeal and what it was they did that made a difference.

This might be an organisation, such as a health specific charity or it might be an individual, such as a housing worker.  Maybe it was an online resource? 

Whatever it was, if you think it might be of value to other readers, please let us know in the comments below.


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    Karen · 1 years ago
    My sister had a face to face interview for her pip 2 weeks ago I went with after weeks of anxiety about attending the man from capita was really nice made us feel comfortable she was told that he was putting her in for the mobility rate as well as extending it for 6 years he was really helpful. 
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    Bina · 1 years ago
    I was told by a one-man-benefits advice service that you can have more than one mandatory reconsideration if there is extra evidence you forgot to submit. He knew someone who had had 3. I sent in more stuff and asked for another as there was "good reason" for them to look at it again as I needed to submit extra medical evidence, and I got it on the second MR. This was good because I was frightened of going to appeal stage as I  have not had to do that before.
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    Maria Nelson · 1 years ago
     I was misdiagnosed 51 years re autism and 8 years re prolapsed degenerative disc disease ( possibly adhd awaiting tests). I have worked 21 years , volunteered 15 some on top of FT and was unpaid carer to a friend with cancer 12 years and political campaigner 6 years,  been a bit of an activist 15 years. I was denied pip 14 years, as wasn’t accessing support n online people let me down. I was then sectioned. And was given a support worker who came to my assessment and I was paid pip , but then no one said I was eligible for EDP ( found this out from martyn Lewis in the daily mirror online). I got a back payment last June. CAB and I did not know I was autistic and I was having melt downs and then not abled to access their services( basically they had me in some room the 2nd time with 200+ pages of drs notes, 4 other families and a screaming toddler that screamed the place down I felt rushed ). Personally treating us like that is a breach of our privacy re medical needs etc). This was after I failed a pip as I had asked my GP for notes and she’d arranged to give me my notes the Friday before my Monday assessment, but a toddler stopped breathing and she had to assist with that. So again refused that pip. I was going to appeal it but had the meltdown as it was too hot too noisy and I felt totally rushed.  2019 I got pip after I was sectioned. Then 2021 they mucked up changing dates with Covid. I phoned up and oddly was passed to the chief decision maker who assisted me with my form. He owned up there was lost forms at Wolverhampton PO Box and when he recieved the firm he helped me complete. I  did not even have to go for an assessment. Which was pretty amazing given I was wrongly denied on NHS errors since 2005 when I needed help. Due again between July /oct time. So getting stressed a bit now thinking on it. 
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    Alison · 1 years ago
    The Isle of Wight Law Centre,  above and beyond.  They were going to be shut down, so we protested,  and got hundreds of signatures and support from our councillors, and it was funded to continue.  My advisor Lorraine  will be retired by the time I next get assessed, and there's no knowing if it'll still be open.
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    Paul Parry-Phelps · 1 years ago
    After loosing the top of my big toe due to gangerine and already having severe COPD and now going through Prostate cancer ( with a Gleeson score of 5) which is outside the prostrate spread out to the hips due to the lymph nodes, I'm a pensioner and get £73-53p weekly and nothing else, on ESA I got £125-60 wkly which stopped because of my teaching 65
    That was 4yrs ago , they told me that I couldn't claim anything at all because of my partner's savings.... that's her money
    Apparently that's the end of it ... I've got my McMillan nurse helping me, but for my treatment I travel 70mile or 140 miles, depending which hospital I'm sent too
    For treatment, I've been told that I have to go every day for a week in March, 700 miles , that's 28 gallons @25-28 mpg or £280 in fuel for the week, and can't claim a health is deteriorating and I'm not happy that after working in filthy jobs with blue and grey Asbestos, Veteran of the Armed force's, ex MN, get sod all
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    Jude · 1 years ago
    OUr Community Mental Health team have a specialist benefit adviser who helped me complete my forms. He knew exactly how to phrase things on the form (for both physical and mental health) - can't believe there was anything he didn't know (Enhanced Care & Mobility is the proof !)
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    Sara · 1 years ago
    I’ve been so grateful to have the help of an advocate for several years. Initially the advocacy service was attached to the local MIND branch - now it is part of Citizen’s advice. I’d hugely recommend searching for a local advocate to stand up for your rights, they are trained in benefit form applications and will sit in on any stressful meetings eg benefits assessments and social service reviews. It’s made a huge difference to me.
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    LM · 1 years ago
    I had masses of help when I first applied for PIP years ago from my children's primary school Parent Support Advisor. She helped me get a form, gave me help and advice on how to fill it in and how to word it, and on which parts of my condition to focus on. I will be forever thankful to her.
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    Mike · 1 years ago
    My mental health nurse called nina from nmmhs helped me immensely to be awarded both enhanced rates  for my pip & esa after being rejected for both by the dwp.
    She helped me fill all the forms in correctly which i could not do without her help.
    She has been an angel on my shoulder & a true god sent angel who i totally admire & thank for all the effort & time she has given me.
    The dwp forms for esa & pip are both scary & confusing when suffering from a mental health condition let alone my physical condition/s but with people like nina who help venerable people like my self is so re-assuring that i/we could not do it alone.
    The dwp are satans helpers but thank the lord for sending angels down like nina to fight them in our hour of need...
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    David Macfie · 1 years ago
    My MP got in touch with DWP and forced them to look at my claim for pip. It hadn't been entered into the system, and they complained about the lack of proof of medical problems; which they didn't ask for... They were supplied, and phone interview soon followed! Awaiting DWP decision now , MP moved things quickly, invaluable help!! Also got me a home visit from DWP rep to help me fill in application for pip, can't fault him at all...!!
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    Jacky Warren · 1 years ago
    For the past 16 years I've had help from Dial in Great Yarmouth they've helped me fill out all my benefit forms; as apart from numerous physical problems including wrist & hand pain, I also have dyslexia. They have been fantastic, are very knowledgeable & also help with any other financial issues. Alongside your guides, their help has been invaluable.
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    J Campbell · 1 years ago
    I lost my nhs phlebotomy position because of long covid,which in turn gave me fibromyalgia. I have had no help from anyone,I've only my husband to help me and he works long hours and rotating shifts. I was awarded a basic PIP benefit which I am very grateful for,but it's as if the assessor didn't even read my mobility section. I was awarded zero points. I live in Chester and my sister is in Scotland. She has such good support there. I was going to appeal,but I'm concerned that I might get assessed by someone who gives me no benefit in the end. 
    It's all so unfair and degrading.
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    Jenny Smart · 1 years ago
    My osteopath was very helpful , and the knowledge from this website .
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    llia · 1 years ago
    For the Dorset area, Diverse Abilities is a disability charity that help with benefits claims. I've been helped by a member of their team on two occasions once for ESA and once for PIP. They have a great team of highly knowledgeable people who can support you through your claim.
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    Bill Turnbull · 1 years ago
    Age UK helped my Wife with her PIP application
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    yonell2016 · 1 years ago
    The people who help me are East Ayrshire Carers Centre , without there help, i do not think i would be able to understand or complete the forms , i must admit that this has been 14 month of worry since i filled the form and sent it off (or rather they did) and just recently got the dreaded phone call , then 3 weeks later the decision letter .It all adds up to more stress and anxiety ,and also thanks to your website also
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    Peter price · 1 years ago
    Yes the C.A.B helped me no end as I hate filling in forms  as they are so complicated asking the same questions but in another way so you end up contradicting yourself
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    Jennifer Woollard · 1 years ago
    It took me five years to get the higher rate mobility component of Pip. I followed your guides carefully . Prepared each question carefully.
    I then sought help from the welfare rights section at Mind.
    I also have mental health problems as I suffer from bi polar for 40 years.
    The lady at Mind was very helpful and took copies of everything I provided.
    Despite relying on a mobility scooter and being only able to walk a few paces I struggled for years to get the higher mobility.
    I was so thrilled when I finally got the award. Thanks for all your help and advice on this site!!
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    Cerephin · 1 years ago
    Strangely the person who has made the greatest difference to my situation was the Lady who did my ESA health review. She was kindness herself, she had patience with my situation ( social anxiety) and really paid attention… even offering me a taxi home from the interview.
    She took my doctors to task for their lacklustre performance on my healthcare. It made a really big difference to be believed. Since my husband’s untimely death ) right in front of me) I have really struggled and it’s not something that is noticeable, it’s a hidden problem that is often not taken seriously. I appreciate that lots of people have had bad interviews but some are truly lovely people. Everything changed when she got involved and I am forever grateful to her. 
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    Russ · 1 years ago
    The worst help I got was from Citizens Advice! The best help I had, without a shadow of a doubt, was from DABD which is a help group that covers Barking and Dagenham in Essex. They seemed to be able to answer all my questions and helped fill out the forms for me. I give them 5 stars.

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