3,000 Lifetime DLA Claimants To Be Forced To Apply For PIP Early

From 0 points to PIP appeal success!
“hi guys, i had my tribunal yesterday afternoon and i was…awarded 15 points for daily living and 10 for mobility…I am so pleased. It shows how flawed the system is. i scored 0 points in both the original decision and reconsideration. i wrote the letter from the guides you provide about challenging a decision. ..thank you so much - i doubt i would have been successful without your help!”{jcomments on}


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Dear Reader,

The DWP has brought forward the date when claimants with an ‘indefinite’ or ‘lifetime’ award of disability living allowance (DLA) will be forced to claim personal independence payment (PIP).

The decision is a deliberate snub to campaigners, and to the courts, after delays in processing PIP claims were found to be unlawful just last month.

1,800 assessments a day
3,000 claimants will now start being assessed for PIP from 13 July 2015, instead of from October, to allow the DWP to test the reassessment process, including letters and phone call scripts.

The number being tested is then intended to rise massively, to an average of around 1,800 reassessments every day throughout 2016. All working age DLA claimants will have been assessed for PIP by late 2017, if things go according to plan.

Over half will lose out
More than half of all existing DLA claimants are expected to lose out under PIP, getting a lower award or nothing at all.

In their original estimates made in 2012, the DWP expected:

  • 29% of reassessed claimants to end up with an increase in their award
  • 16% of reassessed claimants to stay the same
  • 29% of reassessed claimants to end up with a decreased award
  • 26% of reassessed claimants to end up with no award at all

At present, the award rate for DLA to PIP reassessments has fallen from a high of 79% last November, down to a current low of 72%. This means that currently 28% of DLA claimants do not get an award of PIP.

Fiddled figures
Even if the 2012 estimates end up being correct overall, they make a mockery of minister for disabled people, Justin Tomlinson’s claim to the house earlier this month that:

“. . . under the PIP system 22% of claimants will end up getting the highest rate of support, which is higher than the 16% under the DLA. We are doing more to help the most vulnerable in society.

We are clear that we will protect the disabled and vulnerable. Let us remember that.”

In fact, because 22% of a smaller number of successful PIP claimants are expected to get the highest rate, it works out as almost exactly the same as 16% of the larger number of DLA claimants who get the highest rate.

So . . . not doing more after all.

But it has already become apparent in a few short weeks, that the new minister for disabled people acts solely as a cheerleader for the DWP, with not a shred of interest in fighting for the rights of those he is supposed to champion.

Meanwhile IDS has sparked incredulity and scorn following his claim last week that the Tories will “ensure that those who cannot manage and have disabilities are treated with the utmost kindness”.

ESA death statistics con
David Cameron’s promise to release the controversial ESA death statistics has also provoked scorn from Mike Sivier, the blogger who is trying to force the DWP to release them under the Freedom of Information Act.

Sivier believes that Cameron intends to produce age standardised mortality rate figures for claimant deaths. This will make it impossible to compare old and new statistics to see if more people are, for example, dying soon after being placed in the work-related activity group.

One more week to go
There’s just one week to go until the Chancellor’s emergency budget, in which he is expected to reveal where the planned £12 billion in benefits cuts will come from.

There’s been strong hints over the last fortnight that tax credits for the low-waged are going to be hit. But that alone will not be enough and Iain Duncan Smith has refused to rule out cutting ESA or PIP for those not considered to be the ‘most vulnerable’ claimants.

We’ll be publishing details on the site of any cuts likely to affect you as soon as possible after the budget statement next Wednesday.

Good luck,

Steve Donnison

Indefinite DLA award transfer to PIP starts early, postcodes announced

The DWP has issued an updated timetable bringing forward the date when claimants with an ‘indefinite’ or ‘lifetime’ award of DLA will have to claim PIP.

Cameron’s promise to release ESA death statistics is a life-threatening con trick
David Cameron told MPs yesterday that the notorious employment and support allowance (ESA) death statistics “are being prepared for publication as we speak”.

ILF protestors attempt to get into Commons chamber
Around 20 campaigners tried to get into the House of Commons chamber during prime ministers questions today in protest at the ending of the independent living fund. Commons officials prevented broadcasters filming the events.

IDS condemns ‘absurd’, ‘disgraceful’ and ‘unbelievable’ questions about ESA death statistics
As the DWP continues to refuse to publish employment and support allowance (ESA) death statistics, Iain Duncan Smith accused Labour MPs of being ‘absurd’ and ‘disgraceful’ for asking about them.

IDS promises ‘utmost kindness’ for disabled claimants ‘who cannot manage’ – but refuses to rule out ESA and PIP cuts for the rest
Iain Duncan Smith told MPs this week that the Tories will “ensure that those who cannot manage and have disabilities are treated with the utmost kindness” .

Child poverty figures to be rigged to allow tax credit cuts
There are growing indications from the government that the way child poverty is measured will be changed in order to allow tax credits to be cut, as part of the plan to reduce the benefits bill by £12 billion.

As always, many thanks to everyone who takes the trouble to post in the forum or email us with news of your success. We know it’s many readers favourite, and most encouraging, bit of the newsletter.

PIP success after tribunalImage of Benefits and Work guide covers
“I am pleased to say after 13 months and a lot of reading up and paperwork my son finally got standard rate PIP for daily living activity. ..Thank you to Benefits at Work as I read all the guides and used their examples to contest the claim and help with the Tribunal. I will continue to use the site for advice and recommend it to anyone claiming benefits.”

PIP success
“Hi all, Just to let you know that I was awarded enhanced rate mobility again, but the biggest surprise that I had was they awarded me standard rate care. ..Good luck to one and all, big thank you to B and W and to all the mods.”

ESA medical success
“Attended medical this afternoon full of nerves and trepidation. I was signed off IB in may 2012 with an award of 0 points for all. Found this site which helped with my appeal process of 16 months and prepared me for the tribunal…went on to be awarded 15 points and SG group with a recommend of 12 month review. This review was today …This site has helped in my condition not worsening due to stress, as it gives all of us the strength to fight and carry on regardless of the obstacles put up in front of us by Government…thanks again to all.”

PIP enhanced care and mobility
“Three weeks ago I attended an assessment and today got my results through, which was a full house enhanced care and mobility….Thanks for all your help”

ESA success
“Just been told I have past my ESA medical. Thank you for your help just need to update my PIP now”

Successful PIP claims
“… I had a VERY torrid time with my new PIP claim and after the paperwork had already been submitted I joined here. You talked me through a MR - although I had already got the enhanced mobility PIP I needed another 2 points in care which I eventually got with your help. We[then] made a claim for my husband’s PIP... He had his assessment … and today we received the award of standard care. I think this is fair and will not be asking for an MR this time. Had I not read and used your guides before the fact this time it would have been a very different story…I just want to say thank you”

ESA appeal success
“With the help of Benefits and Work… I won my appeal, and was put in the ESA support group...Initially I was awarded 0 points, but at the appeal I was awarded 18”

ESA appeal success
“hi thanks for all the helpful information had my appeal this week and won went from 6 points to 27 and put in the support group for two years such a valuable site many many thanks”

DLA award
“I have been a member for a couple of years' and thanks' to the help of this forum my Son Michael whom I am the appointee for was awarded high rate DLA both care and mobility”

DLA success
“A very big thank you to all the team and a great site. I had to reapply for DLA …and was awarded MOBILITY Higher Rate, CARE Middle Rate, both until 21/04/2017…thank you”

PIP Appeal success
“Thank you Benefits and Work Forum. I was not awarded PIP on the initial assessment so appealed my case as I felt I was entitled to something. After a long process and the help from Benefits and Work I had my appeal over turned by the Tribunal Panel and was awarded the Standard Rate of the Daily Living Allowance until 2017. Thank you Benefits and Work”

SDA to ESA Support Group
“Hello people I thankfully transferred from SDA and was place in ESA support group... with the support of this fantastic site…”

Good luck,

The Office Team
Benefits and Work Publishing Ltd
Company registration No. 5962666


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