18 November 2007

It's been a while since we had a good news feature, so we thought it was time we celebrated some of our members successes. As always, names have been changed and all feedback is published with the writer's permission. If you've got good news you'd like to share with our visitors then please do drop us an email.

" a wonderful website"
Just been to tribunal for DLA won appeal for 2yrs. Was assisted by welfare rights officer from GMB as my wife is a retired lifelong member of the union and didn`t cost us a penny!!
Many thanks again Steve for having a wonderful website we have certainly learnt a hell of a lot from it…….one…NEVER give up the truth always wins.

"almost £2,000 had been credited!"
Hi Steve just had to write to say a HUGE thank you to you and your team for a great website.
I have been trying to claim DLA for my disability for over 4 years! All to no avail, but I found you by accident one day, paid my £16.50 and got in touch with my welfare officer once again, what a result!
I logged on to my bank account one day expecting there to be about £130 in there and found almost £2000 had been credited!
They paid me my back pay from May even before I had any written notification that I had finally been accepted, I had to wait another 3 days before I had it confirmed that finally I would be getting £88 per week.
The shock and overwhelming relief that I have is all thanks to you and my welfare officer who used your pages to help fill in my form.
Now at last I can live a better life without the constant worry of whether I have a roof over my head!
Give yourself a BIG HUG from me!!!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank youXXXX
Faithfully (with tears in my eyes!)
Josie xx

"absolutely splendid outcome"
Hello: This email is to thank you for the information provided through your web site. This was my 4th time of claiming DLA and by far the easiest. About 8 years ago my first and second application were refused. My second time, about 4 years ago, of applying was granted but at a minimal level after examination by one of their doctors (I strongly disagreed with the assessment but did not feel equipped to appeal the decision).
My most recent application was made using the advice and the step by step method in your members' section. I was a bit wary of paying over the membership fee in case your web site was a scam but did join after checking out your bona fides on the internet. My application has just been approved within just 2 weeks or sending in the forms - and the award was at higher levels than before. Absolutely splendid outcome. I would recommend your service to anyone in a similar position to mine.
Thank you very much,

"a huge difference to my parents lives"
Just wanted to email and say a huge thank you for your advice on this site.
I applied for DLA for my father in June of this year. I had hoped that he would be awarded the lower rate mobility allowance and perhaps the lower rate care allowance.
I heard last week that he will be receiving the highest mobility rate and care rate. This is going to make a huge difference to my parents lives. They have always been decent, hard working (well Dad can't work now), honest people who have claimed on two previous occasions but gotten nowhere.
I took my time, read everything on site and made lots of notes - culminating in an extra 8 typed pages of information being provided along with the new "tick-box" form. I strongly believe that it was this typed report that clinched the allowances for my Dad.
I think your site is magnificent and I really can't thank you enough for your insight inot the system - when I was completing the forms I didn't know what "they" were asking most of the time, but your explanations made it clear and more easily understood.
Once again a huge thank you for your help.
Kindest regards

"granted attendance allowance"
I am very pleased to tell you that, having subscribed to your website and taking careful note of your advice, my wife duly completed the forms and sent them off. My wife has today been informed that she has been granted Attendance Allowance (at the higher rate of £64.50 per week).
Many thanks for your help and advice.

"making a difference to people's lives"
I would just like to say a very big thank you to your site for the incredibly helpful information on filling out DLA claim forms.
This is this third time that I have completed these forms for my son, the other two times he was turned down and I wasn't brave enough to go to final appeal stage - although I did ask for the decision to be looked at again but failed.
After finding your site I decided to try once more feeling that I was better informed this time and more prepared to go down the appeal route. I used your guide to fill out the application form. After quite a wait I have just received a letter to confirm that he is entitled to Higher rate care and Lower rate Mobility (and no appeal necessary).
Thanks very much again and keep up the good work, you really are making a difference to peoples lives.

"an enormous difference to our lives"
Just like to say a big thank you for all the help we have gleaned from your website. So pleased to say we are a success story. We applied to have my husbands DLA looked at further, since 1998 he has been getting middle rate for care and lower rate for Mobility. We sent the forms back in March this year and although we have waited a long time to here from them, we finally got a letter telling us that he has been awarded high rate for Care and High Rate Mobillity. This will make an enormous difference to our lives. Thanks once again for a wonderful informative site the small charge was well worth it. Good Luck to all claimants using this site, it really is invaluable.

"appeal was successful"
just to say thanks for your helpful site.
I only discovered it shortly before my DLA appeal - but it still helped. Especially with my nerves, as i had much more idea what to expect.
so my dla appeal was successful. Now all i have to do is hunt down your IB literature, as heh, guess what i have an IB medical in two weeks ....
Thanks again.

"fantastic service"
Thank you for the recent updates and please please keep on with the fantastic service you provide. I was turned down for DLA Mobility and Care allowance last year. However after joining your service I appealed under several issues and was awarded higher rate Mobility and lower rate care.

"Good news!"

Good News!
I have just had my renewal for IB agreed.
Thank you for showing me how to complete the form correctly.
I also went to see my GP to explain my limitations on a typical day and on a
very bad one with a severe flare up.
Thank you so much for your help and hard work.

"recommend it to anyone"
I found your site and its information invaluable in successfully applying for incapacity benefit for my wife last year. It is by far the best website of its kind on the web and I praise it and recommend it to anyone without hesitation.
Thanking you again,

"successfully appealed"
I have successfully appealed to get my incap benefit reinstated and am delighted to pass on the good news to you, having spent much time poring over the guidance on the benefits and work website. I'm quite sure I was then able to provide appropriate information.
Best wishes,

I have just been awarded higher rate mobility, and middle rate care. I would never have done this without your website. The system is appalling and has drained myself and my wonderful fiancée who god bless him has always believed in me. I urge anyone to fight on, but I am sure there are some people who just can't, what happens to these vulnerable people I wonder?
Thank you ever so much, you have been invaluable in my fight.

I became a member of your site some months ago , the information has proved to be worth more than its weight in gold !I mean this as a fact i have tried to get my wife on D.L.A.for years , always with the same outcome Zero. I filled in the forms as you directed and Bingo!
Joining your site was the best money i think i have spent in a long time and would highly reccomend your service without reservation. Once again thank you for all the help ,

"absolutely delighted"
We heard yesterday that David got his DLA renewed at the same rate, high
mobility and medium care. We are absolutely delighted he hasn't had to see
a DLA doctor or go to a tribunal. He suffers from fragile mental health and
that would have really made him much suffer badly.
So thank you very, very much. I just followed your instructions to the
letter and it worked. We are eternally grateful!

"Wow. What a result!"
Great news for me.
I invested in your package and completed the Incapacity Benefit form - knowing that, after having a "medical examination" last time I applied, I could expect to have to submit to one this time. And getting angry and upset and embarrassed. In the end I was saying to myself "well, perhaps I am skiving and don't deserve this money."
So I PayPalled the fee, studied the advice and filled in the form. Yesterday I had a letter advising me that I had accumulated the required 15 points or more in x or y or z and won't have to apply again until 2012!
Wow. What a result. Thank you.

"sterling work"
I received an IB50 in November and solely used your guide books to complete the form. I spent a lot of time completing the forms ensuring that I followed your guidelines. I have to say I would have found the task of filling in the form daunting to say the least if it had not been for the guide. Using some of your words and some of my own I duly completed the form and sent it off.. I have just received a letter (after 2 ½ months) from Jobcentre Plus to say I had met the threshold of incapacity under the PCA because I had scored the necessary points and my case would come up for normal review in 2012. I had to read the letter a few times for it to sink in as this was achieved without going for a medical or submitting a Med 4. I put this solely down to the advice in your guide whereby we are shown the framework on how to answer the questions properly. It is obvious that a lot of work has been put in to these guides and they are credit to all concerned. I will be better prepared now for the next round when I expect to be sent for job interviews or whatever they are calling them.
I thank you and your organisation for doing such sterling work and just being there for us. Keep up the good work as it is very much appreciated by many.
Kindest regards

"brilliant and informative"
Hi Steve
Thanks to your brilliant and informative applicant's guides, I was awarded DLA high rate mobility and low rate care components. Several years earlier I was turned down for DLA on the grounds that my disability wasn't bad enough. I gave up thinking I could qualify until I found your website and decided to re-apply. Since then I've also successfully helped my father obtain Attendance Allowance using the same formulas. So thanks once again Steve.


© 2007 Steve Donnison


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