Another claimant has inflicted an important defeat on the DWP in the High Court, this time in relation to the department unlawfully paying his rent directly to his landlord without the claimant having any say in the matter.

Less than a fortnight ago we reported that a claimant had won a judicial review of the way the DWP consulted about changes to the work capability assessment, meaning that in the future the DWP will have to be much more honest about the effects of changes to benefits.

This week, claimant Nathan Roberts won his own High Court case in which he challenged the DWP’s right to pay rent direct to his landlord without consulting him, even though he was withholding his rent because of the landlord’s failure to carry out repairs.  The ruling will affect many thousands of claimants in the future.

Roberts was in dispute with his landlord, Guinness Partnership Trust over failure to carry out repairs.  The landlords applied to the DWP for his rent to be paid directly from Roberts’ universal credit (UC) and for an additional £44 a month to be deducted towards arrears.

At the instruction of DWP software, with a single click of a mouse button and without either the landlord or the DWP informing Roberts, the deductions were put in place.

Roberts challenged the decision, arguing that he did not owe the landlord the money that was being deducted.  The DWP dismissed his challenge but then performed an abrupt u-turn a few days later when they learnt that Roberts had begun legal action.

However, Roberts continued with his High Court appeal in order to establish that all UC claimants have the right to be consulted by the DWP before it begins deducting their money and paying it to a third party.

Happily, the judge agreed with Roberts, finding that the process excluded and disempowered tenants and was unlawful.

In future the DWP will have to consult individually with claimants before making any such deductions.

Read the full story on the Bindmans solicitors website and also in the Guardian.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 12 days ago
    What's the point of a High Court judgement being made (and for good reason) if a succesive government decides they don't agree with the ruling and are hell bent on proceeding with their own agenda of benefit reform and cuts?

    The fact that this Labour government has decided to go ahead and implement reforms to the WCA that were originally and dishonestly proposed with a hidden agenda by the Tories is egregious. To make matters worse it was labour who attacked these proposals by the Conservatives. The usual hypocricy of politics.

    In my youth I was diagnosed with several severe mental health issues. I did not choose this as a lifestyle. At the time (1980's) there used to be several 'safety nets' in place and though not perfect, a good support network for mental health. This ranged from Psychiatric hospital admission, half-way hostel, day care and social services. Rightly or wrongly I was told that I was now on the scrap heap of life and society. I wasn't well enough to challenge this atitude and entered another dimension where 3rd rate was the norm, being expected to be pushed around by the system, living in abstract poverty, places and conditions that no self-respecting citizen would tolerate. Sadly over the years, all this has gradually been eroded so that we are left with the  so called 'Care in the Community cobblers. Then there are the ruthless benefit reforms where claimants like myself were being regularly reviewed by the DWP & Atos and being treated in a suspicious manner as if we were some fraudulent scrounger. I had one assessor who behaved like a cross between a children's entertainer and a double-glazing salesman. At the very start of my assessment I purposely asked him outright if he had fully read my application with supporting medical evidence; to which he replied he had.

    What followed from his report left me with a component of my claim being taken away. Accessing his report he had deliberately stated that there was NO supporting evidence to validate my claim. Despite that fact that there was, which had been supplied with the claim review, this cut no ice with the DWP. So, I had no option but to trawl another 4 weeks of completing the Mandatory Reconsideration form, supplying the medical evidence to challenge their decision. Medical evidence that they already had from the outset! On top of the initial reassessment form I then had another needless 4 weeks of completing the mind bending repetitive MRP form. So the honesty the DWP expect from claimant applications isn't necessarily reciprocated by the assessors they employ! I was fortunate to have the component reinstated and backdated but I shouldn't have had to go through the soul destroying process to claw this back. I have always struggled with completing the assessment forms because of my mental health issues. The fact that adjudicating officers who process your claim have no medical understanding or training makes it a constant battle. IT IS ONLY FOR THE FACT THAT THE 'BENEFITS & WORK' WEBSITE CAME INTO BEING THAT THIS PROCESS WAS EASED SLIGHTLY. The process is repetitive and demeaning and has always exacerbated my mental health conditions with the fear and worry.

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    · 12 days ago
    Nathan you are a ruddy STAR
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    · 12 days ago
    Wow, thanks to Nathan Roberts for not just thinking of himself and accepting the U turn. He forged ahead for the good of others as well. He has my respect and admiration. 
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    · 12 days ago
    Never withold rent if you're in dispute with a landlord, even for repairs. It leaves you open to being evicted, even with severe disrepair it makes no difference. Non payment of rent does nothing about repairs, but it means they can evict you. Don't believe me? A quick search will confirm it's true. 
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    · 12 days ago
    They should be accustomed to this..
    Well done Nathan 👍👍👍👍
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    · 12 days ago
    Sorry, not sure if anyone is interested
    It makes me think of my bus journey today. I am on crutches and managed to use my taxi card to take me to the swimming pool today. Swimming (in the slow lane) is the only joy that I have these days. Am 77 and last year I had an ankle fusion. A year later and still cannot put any weight on that foot. Still using crutches to mobilise. I used the tax card service (com cab to get to the pool). I need help getting in and out of the pool and the staff at the pool are wonderful. Decided to try the bus going home. I cannot tell you the effort it takes to walk even a few steps outside. Not sure if anyone can identify with the use of crutches but my arms have developed repetitive strain injury (they hurt like anything). So here I am managing to catch the bus, no mean feat trying to get on the bus with crutches. Like climbing Everest. Long story short, get to my destination, bus floor all wet and driver refuses to let me off the front, even though I asked polititely. Reason for getting off the front - bus floor can be lowered. I am petrified of slipping on wet pavements and wet floors. The crutches take on a life of their own. Driver refused to let me off the front, I could not get to the other exit because my crutches started to slide along the floor. Still bus driver would not let me off the front. A couple of people kindly helped me get to the middle door of the bus.
    Bus driver seemed to take great delight in putting me through torment.
    Long story short, many abled bodied people seem to think that we are all "putting in on/exaggerating"
    I am sure members can identify with all of this and it makes me wonder whatever happened to compassion.
    Able bodied people forget that they are only one step away from becoming disabled themselves.

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      · 10 days ago
      @lesley I am so sorry that this is how you were treated. 
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      · 11 days ago
      @lesley The rhetoric in the media, 
      makes what happened in your situation worse. 
      Also the way they mention disability benefits and benefit fraud in the same sentence, even though there’s very little evidence of that!
      I wish you the best of health.

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 13 days ago
    I feel the way Labour are acting they clearly don’t like disabled people. And as a disabled person with special needs and epilepsy I feel worried and upset about all of this . But I try my best to get on with my life. But clearly Rachel reeves doing interviews with the sun isn’t a good sign . 
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    · 13 days ago
    The country’s biggest civil service union has written to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to express its “disgust” that it has entered into a media partnership with The Sun newspaper, which it accuses of “demonising benefit claimants” - Peter Stefanovic
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    · 13 days ago
    Basically it's the backdated claim against his benefits was illegal they had no right to do. But the rent is not being paid then the landlord can apply to have that part paid. But to take a debt from a law says you need to live on was unjust and should've gone through small claims court.
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    · 13 days ago
    Probably the wrong place for this but don’t know if it is another labour government attack on sick and disabled. My mother applied for HC1 but they will only give her partial help. Had full help last year. They are now saying they have deducted £20 from the rent she pays because  I as a non dependent am expected to contribute to houshold expnses. This was not done last year. Makes me think labour have made a change to the rules on the quiet.
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    · 13 days ago
    they wont take any notice... DWP/ Labour Government  systematically ignored the WASPI ruling .....
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    · 13 days ago
    When and where is the DWP going to learn their gross diversity and their unprofessional practices on the vulnerability in today’s society therefore, if it had been another professional organisation it would have had a heavy price to pay without a doubt and misconduct proceedings would have been followed too to correct it’s gross decision making.
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      · 12 days ago
      @Robin Hood Roberts should had been compensated for his ordeal, which obviously caused him considerable fear, stress, anguish, distress, and pain , which in turn during this entire circus performed by the DWP, negatively affected Mr Roberts mental health.
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    · 14 days ago
    Love this. 
    Well done Mr Roberts

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    · 14 days ago
    About time people fought back… good for him. I’m sure they are plotting their revenge on us all somehow, but for now let’s all celebrate another win…🍸
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    · 14 days ago
    The DWP become more like the mafia every day it seems. They have the mindset that laws don’t apply to them and therefore they think they can ride roughshod over anyone on benefits. It’s a shocking state of affairs. Thank God we do have laws and an independent judiciary…. At least for now…
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 12 days ago
      @David I have served my country and I’m disabled if they cut my PIP I won’t be able to live a life and I will contemplate ending my life shame on Labour 💀
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      · 12 days ago
      @James When we were fit for work, they were happy to take taxes from us.
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      · 13 days ago
      @David I stand by the thinking that the name change from Department of Social Security, caused a internal change on how they view their role. That they are there for people in work and pensioners only - no one else. And that mindset has never changed.
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      · 14 days ago
      @David The DWP don't think the sick and disabled have any rights and protection under the law. That is the real thinking amongst them and they ought to be taken to court for disability discrimination at the very least
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