The DWP is to get the power to arrest claimants, search premises and seize evidence as well as being able to fine claimants where they do not have enough evidence to bring a criminal case for fraud, the government has announced.

The new measures, many of which will not be possible to introduce without an Act of Parliament, are aimed primarily at cutting fraud in Universal credit (UC).

In total, the DWP are to spend £200 million a year on the new initiative, which will see 1,400 more staff in frontline counter-fraud teams plus a new 2,000 strong team solely for checking universal credit claims.

The sweeping new powers will mean that designated DWP staff will be able to arrest claimants, search premises and seize any evidence they find without needing to use the police. The DWP say this will put them on a par with HMRC and the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA).

There will also be new powers for the DWP to force other organisations, especially banks, to provide data about claimants on a much wider scale than is currently legally allowed.

At the moment the DWP can only require organisations to give them information about named individuals where there is already a suspicion of fraud.  The DWP want much broader powers to access information.

They say that a “small test” has been run with a bank to assess the potential of using a feed of banking data to identify possible fraud and error, “with very encouraging results”.

The DWP will be able to impose civil penalties on claimants based on a percentage of any overpayment, where the DWP does not have enough evidence to prosecute. This will be in addition to having to repay the whole amount of the benefit the DWP consider to have been fraudulently obtained.

The DWP already have the power to impose civil penalties, but they have to have evidence sufficient to meet the standard for criminal prosecution before they can do so.  Under the new proposals, a lower level of evidence would be needed in order for the department to impose a penalty.

The DWP will also be able to impose penalties on organisations which the it considers are “promoting benefit fraud schemes online, creators and sellers of fraud toolkits on social media or someone supplying fake ID.”

More details about the anti-fraud plans are available on the website.


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    Amanda · 2 years ago
    The job was for three hours per week as a school lunchtime lady. 
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    ELinda · 2 years ago
    This is terrifying news. We have already heard about claimants being bullied or claimants comments being ignored to reduce successful claims. With these powers how do we know they won't start falsifying evidence to gain convictions? Especially if they are paid on a commission  or bonus scheme. Who will police them? 
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    Amanda · 2 years ago
    I get PIP. Several years ago I tried a part time job (minimal hours) to try and boost my confidence to try working. I wrote to DWP, told them everything and said  I was going to do 'permitted' work before I started. I knew I was within the criteria for earnings and hours worked. Months later I got a fraud letter, asking me in for fraud interview. I was in bits. I went for the interview. Long story short.... They say they never received my letter, then said I never showed up for the fraud interview (which I did). They then said as I had not complied with any of their requests (which I had) they stopped all my benefits for three months (in the kids summer holidays). I'm a single parent. I was traumatised. Months later they said.... Oh yeah we found your original letter you sent and confirmed I had turned up for the fraud interview. But no apology!  I had a panick attack at the job and left. Never would I try 'permitted work' again. Imagine if they had these powers of arrest!!! 
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    Mike · 2 years ago
    How likely is this to pass into law if the government changes?
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    FionaFeels · 2 years ago
    They won’t be happy until they’ve killed off all disabled persons. It’s a disgrace. This is open to abuse by over zealous DWP staff and targets for bonuses.
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    Diana · 2 years ago
    I am utterly horrified by this. IT's completely against human rights. If this news becomes public the Tories don't stand a chance at he next election. We will be looking out of the window for the SS. The amount of benefit fraud is miniscule. Why target the disabled again and again?
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    Slinky · 2 years ago
    This can't come as a surprise to anyone, the DWP have always treated claimants like criminals! As for being able to fine someone if the don't have enough evidence to bring about a criminal case for fraud, this could only be done as a private prosecution, much like a private parking company sending you a 'Parking Charge Notice', it's not a 'Criminal Matter'. 
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    Anne · 2 years ago
    This is appalling. A few years ago the DWP contacted me to say they were looking into my claim as they had suspicions of fraud. The letter was very scary as it said I would be questioned under caution. I was in a terrible state as I have always done everything by the book and never been in trouble with the police in my life. It turned out that it was their mistake. I had to pay back the overpayments but was never given an apology for what they put me through. I put in a formal complaint which was totally ignored as was a follow up letter from me. I know they received these letters as I sent them via special delivery. I thought of taking this further but couldnt face the stress of it all.

    So, if anyone thinks as Diamond says that if 'you are genuine then you should have nothing to fear' I would think again. I was genuine and they put me through hell. I dread to think what it would have been like if this new law was in place.
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    Alan H · 2 years ago
    being able to fine people where they do not have enough evidence to bring a criminal case for fraud.
    Does that mean they can fine you even though they have no proof?  It's bad enough that they can suspend your benefits when somebody makes a malicious report.
    Just what does "arrest" mean - are they going to  build their own detention centres and lock you up while they investigate?
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      DianaW · 2 years ago
      @Alan H It sounds appalling - but do note that what's proposed is using the lower legal standard of proof, not none at all.
      It is not only possible to prosecute fraud as a crime but to sue for fraud in a civil court, for which the standard of proof is not the criminal one (beyond reasonable doubt) but the civil one (on a balance of probability). So this may just be a further application of that idea.
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    Tracey Younger · 2 years ago
    £200 million? Did I read that correctly. Would it not be a better idea to invest some of that money, training more PIP employees, so there are less delays in initial assessments!?
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    Caroline · 2 years ago
    It will be the useless parasites G4 Or Serco that will get a never ending contact 
    expert at funnelling taxpayers money into Tories pockets 
    they will not do anything though so no change there then
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    Derek · 2 years ago
    I actually said on Twitter prior to the Brexit referendum, that once we left the EU then the Tories would have a go at removing our Human Rights! I'm really Surprised that Benefits and Work have not seen that the UK government has been taken to Court once already by the Court of Human rights a case that was instigated by a British Canadian regarding the treatment of Disabled, I believe that the DWP powers of arrest has not been passed as of yet and that they are already being questioned by the IHRC ? I don't know factually just 2nd hand information so far but I really do trust the person who informed me ( an MP)
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    Mary B · 2 years ago
    This is utter hypocrisy when you consider how many assessments are found to be fraudulent as claiments go to appeal. Stopping the fraud in the assessment process would be better. I am so angry with this proposal 
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    Mike · 2 years ago
    Obviously if they are fining you or someone without a fair trial they will be breaking article 7 of the human rights law which if you know your history was initially put together from Magna Carta. No incarceration or penalty can be imposed without first having a fair trial.
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      shella · 2 years ago
      @otherwise engaged To me the fact that they agree giving you a choice means they do not have enough evidence to prosecute it feels like a scare tactic to me  
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      otherwise engaged · 2 years ago
      @Mike I suspect the way it will go down will be that someone under suspicion will be "offered" the fine as an alternative to prosecution.  There will, of course, be those who say that if you accept the offer you must have been guilty but this ignores the fact that most people would be terrified of undergoing a criminal prosecution, not because they are guilty but just because of the public nature and "no smoke without fire" judgment in their communities or because if the verdict doesn't go their way they could lose their job or simply because they have child / elder / other caring responsibilities that mean they can't be away for the trial or, should there be a guilty verdict, they fear imprisonment leaving their cared for vulnerable - a lot of people will reluctantly pay the fine in those circumstances.  The difficulty here is that, without adequate legal advice most people wouldn't know how to evaluate the evidence that the DWP has against them and be able with any confidence to be able to call the DWP on the "offer".
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    Soosie · 2 years ago
    If only they put this much effort into reclaiming unpaid tax by investigating the 570 billion held by UK residents in financial accounts in tax havens. 
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    lee · 2 years ago
    here we are trying to prevent Ukraine becoming a Russian state ruled by Putin, here we are to allow Nazi style interrogations by a group not unlike the SS.
    Is this what Boris thinks is right, whilst he lies to all about everything,
    This is a very dangerous proposal,

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    Angie · 2 years ago
    That’s really really stupid in my opinion who in their right mind gives more power to people that already abuse the power they have? That’s like handing the school bully a bigger stick to beat up his victims.  Maybe the blooming stick should be used on the folk that didn’t have proper safety protocols in place to stop the fraudulent claims in the first place. Oh sorry silly me that was the DWP and Government and they’re not going to beat themselves up as they’re the blooming bullies.
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      Cath · 2 years ago
      @Angie They could use it to train assessors to learn how to be truthful, we were told brain cells grow back after a stroke!!! Full recovery expected!!!  Tell that to my paralysed sister.  They do everything in their power to make sure the ones in need get nothing, PIP brings to mind scrooge attitude.
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    Ellie · 2 years ago
    In light of the ‘revelations’ of the way DWP workers have misused their power to persecute certain groups of people, it is truly offensive to see them being granted extra powers to misuse on us with little or no excuse or evidence required to do so. This is a slippery slope into fascism
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    Diamond · 2 years ago
    If people claiming a genuine then they should have nothing to worry about they are targeting the fraudulent ones  
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      shella · 2 years ago
      @Diamond you have not had the pleasure of them lieing to your face you will change your mind when it happens to you
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      Mike · 2 years ago
      @Diamond Just because I have nothing to hide does not mean that I should be harassed and intimidated.
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      Mr Flibble · 2 years ago
      @Diamond Erm, are you sure you are in the correct forum?, are you not aware of the sheer terror a lot of people have on here due to the actions of the DWP on Disabled persons. Have you not heard of the Thousands of people who have been "sanctioned" due to missed appointments through no fault of their own and had to fight tooth and nail to recover what was rightful theirs, now add to that the people who suffered the "sanctions" but were too afraid to fight it, there is a reason that suicide rates are so high amongst the population when a Tory Gov is in power*, You live in a World that was won by hard fighting men willing to give up their own lives to ensure we the people enjoy our freedoms, as writ in the law of the land, perhaps like myself you should visit some war graves every year to fully understand what was given to ensure you enjoy freedom from persecution, and or terror of the state, perhaps then you would  not be so Blasé about given over those freedoms on a whim, to give such powers to such an organisation such as the DWP, and then for people like you to just wave it away and say the line you did above, is perhaps the saddest thing I have seen in print in all my long years.    *
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      RAB · 2 years ago
      @Diamond Really?  You trust the DWP not to abuse those powers?  They can't be trusted to deal with sanctions fairly or claims.
      You're going to trust mini Hitler's?
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      Larry · 2 years ago
      @Diamond I've heard that one before Diamond. No offence intended but that is just a naive attitude. 
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    Brenman · 2 years ago
    Powers like this are terrifying. Already, when malicious reports are made towards benefit claimants the resulting authoritarian reaction leaves the claimant traumatised and much sicker than before. 
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