The DWP has announced the date that the first of three cost of living payments for claimants totaling £900 will be made.

A payment of £301 will be sent out automatically to eligible claimants between 25 April and 17 May.

A further £300 payment will be made in Autumn 2023 and a £299 payment will be made in Spring 2024.

Eligible benefits

To be eligible for the £301 payment you will need to have been in receipt of one of the following benefits during the qualifying period:

  • Universal Credit
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Pension Credit

Universal Credit

You are eligible for the first Cost of Living Payment of £301 if you were entitled to a payment (or later found to be entitled to a payment) of Universal Credit for an assessment period that ended in the period 26 January 2023 to 25 February 2023.

Income-based JSA, income-based ESA, Income Support and Pension Credit

You are eligible for the first Cost of Living Payment of £301 if you were entitled to a payment (or later found to be entitled to a payment) of income-based JSA, income-related ESA, Income Support or Pension Credit for any day in the period 26 January 2023 to 25 February 2023.

You are also eligible if you are entitled to one of these benefits for any day during this period but you do not receive a benefit payment because your entitlement is between 1 penny and 9 pence.

Tax credits

You are eligible for the first Cost of Living Payment of £301 if you received a payment of tax credits for any day in the period 26 January 2023 to 25 February 2023, or you are later found to have been entitled to a payment for this period.

If you get tax credits, and no other low income benefits, you’ll get your Cost of Living Payment from HMRC shortly after DWP payments begin, if you’re eligible.

If you’re getting both Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit, you will receive a Cost of Living Payment for Child Tax Credit only, which will be paid by HMRC.

If you’re getting tax credits from HMRC and a low income benefit from DWP, you cannot get a Cost of Living Payment from both HMRC and DWP. You will usually be paid by DWP only.

Other cost of living payments

The disability cost of living payment of £150 will be paid sometime this summer and the pensioner cost of living payment of £150 or £300 will be paid from November 2023.

There’s more details about the cost of living payments on this page.


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    tinytim · 5 months ago
    They say housing benefit is an old legacy benefit and I did get the COP in 2023 all of them but not the 2024 and was only on contribution ESA and that did not count so it is strange.
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    Diane Dukes · 8 months ago
    Joke no 2nd cost 0f living for my I’m on income ESA got the first no problem 
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    Marie Guy · 8 months ago
    I received the first col payment for 2023. I was also in receipt of child tax credit. There was a change in circumstances. And the benefit stopped. But was informed they will restart in April next year. Am I still entitled to the other col payments? Thank you 
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    Treesa · 8 months ago
    I’ve been on universal credit since the 25th August will I get the cost of living payment ?
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    Wendy · 9 months ago
    I’m on income based universal credit and esa . And high pip, Yet Iv not had the cost of living payment . 
    Who do I contact because I feel I’m just going round and round with no one to speak to or message . Or report to , 
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    Wendy · 9 months ago
    How do you report not getting second cost of living payment . No one to ring or message or speak to . 
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    Sarah · 1 years ago
    My son only just got his pip acceptance from sept 22, so he’s missed the last yrs disabilty payment - can I do anything about this please 
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    val · 1 years ago
    i get old style esa since 2016 apparently i qualify under the income related esa and the contribution esa im confussed as why im am not entitled to the cost of living payment can someone explain please i get high pip and my partner work thanks in advance 
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      Sarah · 1 years ago
      @val Contribution ESA counts out your old style Esa. Those on Contribution based ESA for some reason are not qualifying for the COL Payments, However, you SHOULD of had 2 of the DISABLED COL by now of £150 each! …. Mad I know, I’ve a friend in the same situation! Don’t shoot the messenger 🙏
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    FieldL2015 · 1 years ago
    I got my payment on the day they started the 25th April, I’m on universal credit. I hope anyone who hasn’t had theirs yet gets there’s as soon as possible, it’s not fair they leave people struggling. 
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    Tempasfujit · 1 years ago
    It the 2nd of May and still no payment received !😭
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      Sarah · 1 years ago
      @Tempasfujit Have you reported it online? Or called your benefit that qualifies you? …. It’s the only way. 
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    Seels · 1 years ago
    Ok. I'm confused. Obviously I'll ring the DWP as soon as I can. My oldest adult son has ASD and has Bipolar amongst other things. He has PIP and ESA contribution based.
    This morning he checked his account and found the £301 cost of living payment. Has anyone else had this? 
    I'm assuming they'll realise they made a mistake and take it back out?! 

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      Sarah · 1 years ago
      @Karen There’s 2 types of ESA, income related and Contribution based. The Contribution based doesn’t qualify for the COL. but you Should qualify for the Disabilty COL £150! I think there’s been two of those now? Worth ringing your ESA OR YOUR PIP and checking x 
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      Karen · 1 years ago
      @Caroline I am on esa aswell and didn't get any cost of living payment.i have read today that people on esa are not getting it.suposedly because they get national insurance contributions.but doesn't everyone else on benefits
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      Caroline · 1 years ago
      @Seels hi I am on the same didn't get any money let me know how you got on
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    Bob · 1 years ago
    Can anyone tell me what the new rates are for people on ESA income based for single person in support group I was told it's gone up from £135 a week to £142 that's what I get 
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    Mick · 1 years ago
    Anyone received theirs yet?
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    Sam · 1 years ago
    I got a  universal payment 1st February but nil 1st march do I still get the cost of living payment I'm on universal credit now
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      Sophie · 1 years ago
      @Sam I got a payment on 16th feb but didn’t get any In jan!  Im confused as to weather I will get it or not ! Does anyone know ? 
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    J Bellamy · 1 years ago
    I’m recently widowed and have both a state pension and a company pension which means I am now taxed on my work pension plus as I am £12 per week over the Pension Credit limit I don’t get the Cost of Living payments! So I’m being taxed on money I put into my work pension and the income tax was taken off immediately even though you’re paid your state pension in arrears I don’t receive my new increased state pension until May the increased tax was taken off in April. So I feel penalised for working and paying into a pension for my retirement and the good old tax man gets his cut a month before I see any increase! Plus £12 has meant I’ve lost the Cost of Living Payment, well thank you government. By the way I was a nurse and then went into teaching, finally working with young people with special needs who were home educated. 
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      Sarah · 1 years ago
      @J Bellamy I know a few in the same boat, your tax was taken from April as your paid a month in arrears. - as for the £12 pension credit - have you tried lately? I think as so many MILLIONS of pensioners are missing out it’s worth a call! My parents were insistent for yrs they couldn’t get, wouldn’t listen to me, made a call and they ARE and no it wasn’t back paid x 
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    Mary Smith · 1 years ago
    It is ‘fair’ that the Cost of Living payment itself, reflects the increase in Cost of Living during the past year; that the amount of £301 is increased to reflect the percentage of inflation from 2022.  Simples. 
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    Mrs M · 1 years ago
    Another thing I disagree with… When was the last time it was reviewed on how much savings you can have when in receipt of benefits? They are not factoring in the cost of living now, £££ to pay for a burial  is £5000.+ to buy or replace white goods, an unexpected bill? It’s a joke, 
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    JustinR · 1 years ago
    This is a bit confusing when it comes tonESA. The info says income related ESA. So which is it? ESA Support group or ESA work related activity group? 

    I did get COL payments and disability payments last year. Maybe it’ll be the same for me this time around, or not? I’ll keep an eye out.
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    Aw · 1 years ago
    It's disheartening to see so many on contribution based feeling they are better than others or deserve more. You've been lucky to be well enough to be able to be in paid employment, many would have loved to have been able to but could not due to illness or disability. Don't fall victim to us & them mentality, it's what this government counts on. We must stand together as we are all struggling.
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      welshval · 1 years ago
      @Aw Aw you're right it's the oldest trick in the book divide and rule we end up squabbling amongst our selves over crumbs whilst they steal the biscuits !
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    John · 1 years ago
    and once again those of us on Legacy Benefits get nothing, thanks Rishi......!!

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