12 April 2007

Every so often we try to brighten things up - and blow our own trumpet a little - by publishing feedback from members who've had a result they are pleased with. Names of people who have emailed us are always changed to protect their privacy.

If you have some good news you'd like to share, please do email us or post in the forums.

"brilliant and informative"
Thanks to your brilliant and informative applicant's guides, I was awarded DLA high rate mobility and low rate care components. Several years earlier I was turned down for DLA on the grounds that my disability wasn't bad enough. I gave up thinking I could qualify until I found your website and decided to re-apply. Since then I've also successfully helped my father obtain Attendance Allowance using the same formulas. So thanks once again Steve.
Email 27 February 2007

"not be seeking further information until this time in 2012"
I see you are in search of good news stories to brighten the otherwise depressing vista. I think I told you a while ago that my GP had received a request for information on my claim for ICB. He was very helpful, and armed with the advice on your site I have had my benefit confirmed and am told that DWP will not be seeking further information until this time in 2012. I think it's worth making the point that I didn't have to exaggerate symptoms, just told the truth about how I am affected on a day to day basis - the point is, though, that I gave much fuller information, as you advise, than I might otherwise have been inclined to do; I had not really taken the decision maker's difficulties in assessing these things into account before.
Email 27 Feb 2007

"a great help, and easy to follow"
Hi to everyone ,
Its Tilly here , Just like to say to Steve and co a big thankyou to you all .Last November 06, I asked for some advice with help getting DLA for my Sister who has Osteoporosis .
The guides we downloaded were a great help, and easy to follow She has now heard from the DWP, and is entitled to DLA .
She is now receiving - mid rate personal care , and higher rate mobility .We couldn't of done this without your help , as the forms are a bit of a nightmare !
Keep up the good work , its not all doom and gloom out there !!!
Kind Regards
Tilly x
From forum 5 March 2007

"I had to read the letter a few times for it to sink in"
I received an IB50 in November and solely used your guide books to complete the form. I spent a lot of time completing the forms ensuring that I followed your guidelines. I have to say I would have found the task of filling in the form daunting to say the least if it had not been for the guide. Using some of your words and some of my own I duly completed the form and sent it off in December 2006. I have just received a letter (after 2 ½ months) from Jobcentre Plus to say I had met the threshold of incapacity under the PCA because I had scored the necessary points and my case would come up for normal review in 2012. I had to read the letter a few times for it to sink in as this was achieved without going for a medical or submitting a Med 4. I put this solely down to the advice in your guide whereby we are shown the framework on how to answer the questions properly. It is obvious that a lot of work has been put in to these guides and they are credit to all concerned. I will be better prepared now for the next round when I expect to be sent for job interviews or whatever they are calling them.
I thank you and your organisation for doing such sterling work and just being there for us. Keep up the good work as it is very much appreciated by many.
Kindest regards
Email 17 March 2007

"best 16 quid I ever spent"
hi all,
Just a follow up from previous thread, we attended our daughters i/b appeal today and happy to say we sailed thru! in and out in 20/30 mins, very few questions a short break and have actually gained 1 extra point! thanks to steve and the team here for their brilliant guides, we wish we had had these earlier! so folks take heart, join up [best 16 quid Iever spent] get the guides, do your research and im sure you'll get the results you deserve! good luck all,
From forum 22 March 2007

"eternally grateful!"
We heard yesterday that Paul got his DLA renewed at the same rate, high mobility and medium care. We are absolutely delighted he hasn't had to see a DLA doctor or go to a tribunal. He suffers from fragile mental health and that would have really made him much suffer badly.
So thank you very, very much. I just followed your instructions to the letter and it worked. We are eternally grateful!
Email 31 March 2007

"Wow. What a result."
great news for me.
I invested in your package and completed the Incapacity Benefit form - knowing that, after having a "medical examination" last time I applied, I could expect to have to submit to one this time. And getting angry and upset and embarrassed. In the end I was saying to myself "well, perhaps I am skiving and don't deserve this money.
So I PayPalled the fee, studied the advice and filled in the form. Yesterday I had a letter advising me that I had accumulated the required 15 points or more in x or y or z and won't have to apply again until 2012!
Wow. What a result. Thank you.
Email 1 April 2007

"I was granted it top whack"
I would also like to say how helpful I found the information on how fill in the DLA form
the first time I was turned down and the second time after reading your book I was granted it top whack as well many thanks.
Email 2 April 2007

"your work on benefits is a shining beacon of hope"
May I take this opportunity to thank you for your website and advice on filling in the DLA forms. I fill in the form for my brother, Dave, who has had severe ME for 16 years and uses a wheelchair. Last time I used your stuff, 3 years ago, I got him up from low care to medium care and we were delighted. We have tried to get advice from everyone in the Plymouth region, they were all useless or unhelpful. Not to trash them, but the level of training they get is pitiful. Anyway what Dave wanted me to say is that your work on benefits is a shining beacon of hope in the misery that is claiming disability benefits. We think your site is fab and will be emailing the link to your site to all the disabled people
we know.
By email 3 April 2007

"Cant thank you enough for the guides you publish"
Heard today after only a couple of weeks that my incap benefit has been renewed for 3 more years-phew cant tell you what a relief it was. They didnt even contact my dr for details or send me for a medical-what a blessing.
Cant thank you enough for the guides you publish they were great.
Forums 4 April 2007


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