A report by Citizens Advice (CA) released this week has revealed the grim reality behind the government’s claim that work coaches offer high-quality, tailored support to claimants. Instead, jobseekers live in fear of sanctions, whilst work coaches are too frightened to work at their local jobcentre in case they are recognised.

“Found anything yet” is a 55 page, in-depth exploration of the relationship between work coaches and universal credit (UC) claimants.

The document emphasises that the majority of work coaches are passionate about helping people, but finds that they lack the time and the training to offer meaningful support and are primarily used to monitor claimant’s compliance with their commitments in an impersonal tick box exercise.

Appointments typically last 10 minutes.  They are scheduled back-to-back with no time to read a claimant’s file beforehand.  Meetings are often with a different work coach, meaning claimants are required to repeat their personal stories multiple times, including details that are confidential and even traumatic. One of the claimants CA interviewed had 6 work coaches in less than a year. 

Interviews are also generally in open plan offices, with little opportunity for privacy and confidentiality.

The result of not having a consistent work coach is that valuable time is wasted checking basic details and the rest spent checking whether claimants are keeping to their commitments.

Work coaches are often late because of an impossible schedule, but claimant’s who are even a minute late for an appointment know they run the risk of sanctions.

The report explains that “Some interviewees reported hostility towards claimants, amplified by the perceived lack of trust and impatience. A common sentiment was that work coaches wanted to catch people out and waited for them to make a mistake.”

One claimant told CA “I said you [the work coach] really don't seem to be on my side at all. And she said, “Well, at the Jobcentre we're not on your side.’”

Many of the jobseekers interviewed said that work coaches lack understanding of health issues and disabilities and so fail to provide tailored claimant commitments that take these into account.

“This is particularly the case for invisible illnesses, mental health problems, arthritis, recovery from surgery or diabetes. Some interviewees reported work coaches downplaying these conditions and allowing little consideration for barriers they faced.”

Instead of tailoring commitments, CA found that they are often generic and “in some cases claimant commitments are presented to claimants at their first Jobcentre visit as a non-negotiable set of conditions that need to be met, at risk of sanctions.”

These sanctions are often applied unfairly, with some claimants not given an opportunity to explain why they failed to meet a commitment.

One claimant was sanctioned for missing a phone appointment because the their phone was on silent mode. Although they explained this straight away and pointed out it was the first appointment missed in 4 years, they were still sanctioned.

Another claimant was sanctioned for being 20 minutes late for an appointment even though they explained how they had made an honest mistake and attended the next available meeting on the same day.

Because they enforce such a punitive regime, some work coaches also live in fear. 

CA reported that “We spoke to a work coach who travelled for over 2 hours every day to get to work to avoid working at their local Jobcentre, out of fear of being recognised on the streets. From our 12 conversations, work coaches avoiding working locally seems to be a common phenomenon.”

CA include a total of 29 recommendations for improvements in their report.  These range from improved safeguarding, smaller caseloads, private rooms, reduced use of sanctions and prompt replies to journal messages from claimants.

The chances of many of these recommendations being implemented seems slim.

You can download a copy of “Found anything yet?” from this link.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 6 days ago
    Do I have to use a smartphone for claiming UC?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 23 hours ago

       I'm thinking of going to my housing association for help. I was worried I might have to upload pictures as I don't have a phone.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @Andre No, you can use a laptop or desktop PC. I used a laptop. 

      (I realise your post is 5 days old so hopefully this answer is not too late.)
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 7 days ago
    Lets be clear: Sanctions kill. The UN Disabilities Committee stated this last year in its damning report into the UK issued in May 2024. These work coaches are clearly not fit for purpose but they are agents of a hostile state which seeks to continue violating disabled people's human rights.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 12 days ago
    I worked in an old fashioned Jobcentre about 40 years ago! Then the old Dept of Employment was split into two parts, the Benefits service and the Employment side. We Employment officers were highly trained to understand our customers’ needs. We had a specialist
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 12 days ago
    My son is being oressured to agree to Commitments on UC that he cannot do, despite having notified DWP he has Complex Needs.

    My son is going through migration to UC from ESA and it has followed having to complete the horrendously complex WC50/ESA50 in September. A process that has worsened both his physical and mental health. Didn't do my health any good either. 

    UC people at DWP seemed unaware of the reassessment process he's going through, which he was told is so they can increase his benefits as they haven't taken account of his mental health issues. Do we believe that? No. He had a phone assessment last week and await the results.
    Currently he'll be put in the equivalent of the WRAG, which he shouldn't have been put in and, to be fair, the Work Coach said he shouldn't be in it and told him he would not be expected to do any of the Work Related Activities, go to appointments or be contacted regularly. They stuck to that too. 

    Phone call with UC person last week was really reassuring as he was he won't be expected to work, they are there to support him and realise he will be unable to do anything work related. Just be good if he could spend a bit of time updating his CV - he hasn't got one - and something about job market. He won't be contacted again until April and it will be by phone. 

    We didn't know about 'Complex Needs' as weren't told about that when we phoned UC helpline before doing the online claim. I only became aware from the update by Benefits and Work. Too late to notify UC before completing the form but my son put it in his journal, and it was acknowledged but there's been no response related to it. 

    Now he's been notified in his online account that he must commit to doing 16 hours per week work related activity, look at jobs, attend Work Related Activity appointments, complete tasks posted on his 'To Do' list and something with DEA. They want him to agree by today. He is even more unwell than usual at present and his anxiety and stress levels have increased  as well as depression. His doctor is concerned about his blood pressure as it's very high and warned he's at increased risk of stroke. 

    He's struggling to understand what's going on and has been for weeks. Contradictions in what he's been told is making things so much worse and there was no mention of what he'd have to commit to in the phone call last week.

    We've both suffered as a result of DWP and government attitudes. My son has had to go to Appeal 3 times.

    We feel the appeals were successful in part because of the advice and guides on this site.

    Labour are betraying the sick, disabled and the elderly. We thought they'd be better than the Tories but they're worse. Neither party acknowledges that some people just cannot work, nor that the failure to properly support and fund the NHS, plus Covid, means far more people are unable to work because of those factors. 

    The only change was the statement they would not blame people for being sick or disabled and they're not sticking to that. 

    I'm really worried for my son. He struggles all the time and his neighbour contacted me last week, in confudence because he and his wife are worried by the deterioration in my son's mental health. Ive told his doctor of these concerns and they are doing something. Just a shame it took that for them to follow up as he should be having check ups and be monitored as he has Hashimoto’s Disease - hypothyroidism linked to immune system.

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 days ago
      @Helen Shipley So sorry to hear this..so bloody unfair..I hope everything gets better soon and yoyr boy is OK.. poor thing xx
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    · 12 days ago
    I’m afraid I don’t have any sympathy whatsoever for “work coaches” who are too scared or ashamed to work in their local Jobcentre. Maybe they should take their own advice and look for another job, one that doesn’t involve being a conduit for state violence against the most vulnerable people in society. 
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    · 12 days ago
    I worked on a 1 year contract to the DWP as a community partner, one of 10, supposedly to educate work coaches on (in my case) Neurodiversity. This coincided with the introduction in that locality of full Universal Credit and so the project was ill-fated from the outset as a result. Afterwards on reflection, it was clear that one-off training on a range of common disabilities was never going to have any impact. The whole procedure has to start with the question 'how does your disability affect YOU on a day to day basis?' Then the person has to be believed (!) and an agreed statement of the response flagged at the top of the claim. Less than a year later, I was unemployed for 12 weeks. The longest appointment with my work coach was 7 minutes. 
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    · 12 days ago
    everyone read the equality act 
    qoute it to them if its discrimination 
    if you are not trained discrimination is easy 
    nearly every shop discriminates 
    and you can have them if you want 
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    · 15 days ago

    It will publish a fuller plan to reduce disability benefit spending ahead of the spring statement at the end of March.

    There you go so now we know the state of play but I've never known anyone to be signed off due to "Bad Nerves". Again we've said it before they are going to scrutinize Depression and Anxiety. 

    Reeves’ full announcement will be on Wednesday 29 January 2025.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 13 days ago
      @Dave Dee Do you know what time the statement is - I'm keen to watch this on TV, or listen on radio. Given the grim economic news, eg job losses, this is not going to a positive statement, nor will Green Paper be any better and I suspect the Spring Statement (in effect, a mini Budget) will clobber all of us (including pensioners) again....
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 15 days ago
    I would ignore the noise at this moment, ignore the MSM about their campaign against disabled/ill people, wait until the Green Paper is announced. Don't invest your time and energy into what these talking heads have to say until things are set in stone.

    There will be reforms, there will be legal challenges also.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 15 days ago
    re your post @ Rik, "Liz Kendall warning as 'too sick to work' benefits bill could reach £100billion"

    What about too thick to work, in your case, Ms Kendall? Got a job, no need to do the job, get paid a shed load anyway. Actually costs a lot less just to pay the sick who can't work. 

    Let's have a fully costed audit of the value of the return on mps' and ministers' salaries. What do they use that money FOR? How many houses, designer outfits, fancy cars and lunches do they NEED? Surely some of their pay could be issued as vouchers - for public transport, say, or overnight stays in a bunk house and a warm morning drink to set them up for the day.

    How much could be saved and transferred to the needy by culling the ineffective and inept on the government payroll? One wasted government salary worth how many disability benefit awards? Get Rachel onto it - she's an economist. She says she's an economist. I'm an astronaut.
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    · 15 days ago
    I’d like to see the dpo’s becoming much more vocal than what they are regarding the avalanche of untruths and negativity currently being dumped on every ill or disabled person out there. 
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    · 15 days ago
    Watch out for my further update on 1st march migration to uc wrag group income esa im getting very worried im still hearing about the horror stories about the fit notes so i think if mine turned into a shambles too it’s to much stress all this so im just going to try part time work 18 hours it’s a lot easier 
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    · 15 days ago
    I just don't understand the concept of this work coach if you have seriously have MH issues. 
    Personally I don't think I could go through this ,yet I know soon enough I'll get that migration letter to apply for UC.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 15 days ago
    So what are we going to do hold on this labour government worsen then the last government listen up keep your head up high keep moving forward thanks 
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    · 16 days ago
    "Liz Kendall warning as 'too sick to work' benefits bill could reach £100billion" - this is what Labour are briefing the press with.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 16 days ago
      @Rik More of the same old rhetoric, to turn every rag & social media against us.  

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    · 16 days ago

    These absolute pure evil measures against us disabled never ends
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    · 16 days ago
    Iconic that kier starmer was a human rights lawyer be for coming prime minister so he really should stand up for the disabled rights you couldn’t make this situation up with all these reforms against disabled people 
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    · 16 days ago
    I'm sure "Sir Charlie" will fully understand how we manage our illnesses day to day Not !!! 

    I think this paragraph from the article, from the link below,depicts everything.this heinous Labour government thinks about the severely Disabled.

    "The government is on the side of working people and is unashamedly pro-business. That’s why this review will be critical in getting businesses the people they need to unlock their full potential."

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 16 days ago
      @Harry No he won't Charlie doesn't give a toss.  So long as he's in a life boat, that's all that matters to him and his entire family.

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    · 17 days ago
    Why don't the government just freeze everyone's benefits for the remainder of the parliament that would save billions
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      · 12 days ago
      @Bert Great idea! Perhaps they could look into extending the food banks! And don’t you think that they should bring back workhouses too?! 
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      · 16 days ago
      @Matt Starmer more likely already has his blind eyes on the state pension.  After cutting pensioners winter fuel allowance, and then joe public claiming pension credit to counter act that.

      Starmer & Co realize by now, that they shot themselves in the left wing foot lol.

      So their bright sparks in their think tanks surely are conjuring up ways to get a way around that.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 16 days ago
      @Bert They will uplift benefits so they can use it as ammunition against us by claiming the welfare bill is out of control. If they freeze it we look vulnerable and they have no argument then.
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      · 17 days ago
      @Bert Don't give them ideas! Especially the state pension....they vote, you know.
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      · 17 days ago
      @Bert Don't give them any ideas 🙄
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    · 17 days ago
    For as long as I can remember Jobcentres have been places of foreboding and ritual humiliation. There have been countless Ministers in charge, the worst was Ian Duncan Smith an obvious Christian Conservative similar to Jeremy Kyle. Interested not in helping, but sadistic humiliation for pleasure. They are tired dusty ancient buildings. Eyesores in our urban environment that hurt employees as much as clientele. All this against a backdrop of low wages and benefit levels that amount to financial terrorism. Depression is baked into the equation, which is why the health benefit section of the system is ballooning.
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