The DWP has told claimants not to be concerned if a “human-like” voice speaks to them when they call. 

An article in the DWP’s Touchbase online newsletter this month explains:

“Conversational Platform (CP) is one of a suite of new strategic solutions being introduced by DWP to provide an improved modern telephony service in line with changing customer needs.”

It is not clear what ‘the changing customer needs’ are, but enormously long waits are being reported by claimants calling the DWP and a software solution is clearly cheaper than one involving actual human beings.

The article goes on to say that:

“CP will transform the customer journey by providing an automated conversational experience, replacing existing Interactive Voice Response (i.e. press 1 for X, 2 for Y) with a voice led solution (‘What are you calling about today?’).

 “As customer experience is critical in supporting the development of CP, from the end of March 2022 data will be collected regarding the reason for the call. Customers should not be concerned if they hear a “human like” voice when they contact us.”

Conversational platforms can be anything from an FAQ chatbot to something like Siri or Alexa which uses machine learning to improve its responses over time.

The main advantages to the DWP are that phone calls can be answered much more quickly at considerably lower cost than employing people to staff phone lines.

Where the query is a simple one, an automated response may be sufficient.

But for anything even remotely complex the fear must be that automated systems allow the DWP to claim that all calls are being answered quickly whilst, in reality, claimants are left without any meaningful response.

Benefits and Work would be pleased to hear your experience of calling the DWP.  How long did it take to get an answer and did you speak to a real person or did an artificial intelligence bot deal with your query?


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 8 hours ago
    Pip is sick they are a waste  of time  i been on the phone 4 times for over a hour no answer they should be sacked for wasting my time
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    · 5 months ago
    I am absolutely livid with the way I am been treated and I am heavily pregnant and has lots of hidden disabilities that have not yet been diagnosed but I can’t even get the money I’m entitled to because of the staff working at dwp, I have been on the phone 4x now this is a currently ongoing call which I am trying to deal with now, I am in financial difficulty and heavily pregnant people are lying about me and even a police officer just insulted me over the phone this kind of treatment is unexceptable I want to take it to the papers and the top, as I’m due a lot of  back pay and compensation from the government, pip, universal credit, NHS and West Yorkshire police continue to let me down! I am reaching out to good people please help me I’m stuggling to cope with life, save me and my babies I’m a good mum 😢
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    · 7 months ago
    The AI had absolutely no understanding of what I actually needed. I needed to speak to an advisor for ESA. I was eventually put through to the advisory line for ESA, and put on hold for 1hr and 13mins, only to be cut off and never spoke to a real person. Would try again but with the kind of chronic conditions I have, I simply can’t try again today 
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    · 11 months ago
    Hello I have been trying every number possible to get in touch with jobseekers and its pretty terrible. You get cut off!  How do they expect us to treat them when they call for their stupid nonsense check up calls. Worse service ever
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    · 1 years ago
    Luckily, mmy PIP claim was settled some time ago but trying to get a replacement entitlement form is unbelievably difficult. I have made 27 calls over 4 weeks at all times of the day from 0800 to 1400, and I ALWAYS get cut off after answering their identity questions.....useless.
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    · 2 years ago
    It's a bit contradictory. The dwp employing bots,as that is the reason, many of us,who are on the phone ,have had our jobs taken over by bots.
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    · 2 years ago
    in a digital world why DWP cannot update systems to have another form of contact digitally to send in messages than having to wait 50+mins to even speak to someone. Especially when the postal strikes have caused delays DWP aware of but their generic systems just send out reminders causing claimants more distress but we have to wait an hour to get through at best to be told extend and ignore letters, how much money is being wasted of tax payers money sending out these generic letters, so much money is wasted in out of date systems overall. Rant over.
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    · 2 years ago
    Why can't we email?? 
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    · 2 years ago
    I refuse to speak to a machine,
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @tom Understandably, as these machines have taken our jobs, I used to work in admin and as a sales assistant online shopping close the shops.
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    · 2 years ago
    Hmmm, 'human like' voices. I was under the impression that Priti Patel had moved on to be Home Secretary where she now displays human like behaviour towards Ukranian refugees.
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    · 2 years ago
    Does this mean that over the phone assessments will be carried out with robots? A Q&A format, yes or no, with a robot that does not have feelings or any empathy toward the claimant what so ever. Making it much easier for the DWP to turn down claims, and tick a box at the same time. I smell a conspiracy here. I wouldn't trust them as far as i could,  shit is that the time? Got to go.  
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    · 2 years ago
    Spent nearly 2 hours on phone to DWP
    yesterday after nearly 2 hours the previous day. Finally got through, only with a query fortunately. Luckily I am retired so have time to sit on the phone, not good if you have time constraints. The whole system is pretty awful and it’s not just DWP but most government departments.
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    · 2 years ago
    I am waiting for a decision on my PIP review. I returned the forms in December but have heard nothing since. I decided to call them to chase it, even though I find this exhausting and stressful. I was on hold for over an hour after their AI deemed that my call required I had to speak to someone. Eventually I had to hang up because I was so upset and tired.

    I had received a letter in early 2021 saying my award had been extended to July this year, but then out of the blue I received the review form with the instruction that it had to be returned by 9th December or payments would stop. As it happened, I didn’t manage to send it back till the 22nd due to having Covid but the threatened stoppage hasn’t happened so far. 

    I have seen posts on here from people who have repeatedly tried to call them and been unsuccessful, and I currently have no idea when they’ll look at my claim. There seems to be multiple people who sent forms back in mid 2021 and they’ve still not had a decision. It’s horrific.  
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    · 2 years ago
    It's a good job that they don't have really advanced AI bots as they would undoubtedly want to destroy the DWP the moment they were activated !
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