Many Benefits and Work readers know only too well the misery of spending day after day trying to get through to the DWP on the phone without success. 

There’s more than enough evidence of this in the hundreds of comments below our articles on the subject:

Which DWP number are you struggling to get through on?

0800 121 4433 PIP Enquiry Line

Earlier this month, one of our members contacted us in despair at her inability to communicate with the DWP . 

Jane, (not her real name) a full-time carer had moved house and had tried for three solid months to phone the PIP enquiry line in order to inform them of their change of address.  As she put it, this was something DWP letters told them they must not fail to do ‘on pain of imprisonment’.

Jane made numerous attempts to get through on different days and at different times but without success.  She kept a record of all these attempts. She then sent a registered letter but received no response.

Jane was very concerned not only that she might be accused of failing to declare a change of circumstances, but also that any DWP mail sent to her old address would not be forwarded and their claim might be stopped.

We suggested to Jane that she contact her MP, pointing out just how unfair and distressing such treatment is and would they please contact the DWP themselves as Jane was unable to.

We are quite certain that MPs have their own hotline for the DWP and we know that contacts from MPs are generally treated seriously by the department.

Jane’s MP’s constituency office responded the same day, issuing her with a case number.

A week later, we got an email from Jane saying:

“I’m in shock ! The DWP complaints team have just got back to me and it’s all sorted now. I can’t tell you what a relief that is. I know there’s millions of people struggling with the system at the moment so I really appreciate this, and thank you for the suggestion. Good luck with your work, it’s so necessary.”

It really shouldn’t be so difficult to contact the DWP, especially when you there is a legal requirement for you to do so.

So, we’re suggesting that members consider following Jane’s example.  Keep records of your attempts to contact the DWP and, after you’ve made reasonable attempts to do so, ask your MP’s office to do it for you.

We know that most constituency offices are very busy places and that they deal with a  vast range of problems on behalf of people who are often close to despair.

But we think that the growing impossibility of contacting the DWP not only causes enormous stress and fear, but almost certainly leads to some people losing their benefits and possibly being threatened with legal action.

It’s not an issue that is the subject of campaigns by national charities and the DWP can no doubt produce highly dubious statistics showing how quickly most calls are answered.

So, it really is time that MPs were made aware of how big a problem this has become and that they need to do something about it.

So, if you can’t get through to the DWP, instead of it just being your problem, share it with your MP.

You can find out who your MP is here.

You can then either contact them via the form on the website or Google them to find their constituency office.

We know not all MPs offices will be helpful, so we’d really like to hear from you if you try, or have tried in the past, to get support from your MP in relation to benefits.

Let us know in the comments below.


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    Yvonne Warren · 1 years ago
    I am now going through my PIP I have already won my Tribunal case for WCA with Universal credit and claimed my back pay to 2018 when I first applied for it. But now they are saying I owe them money they altered all the payments and figures so I will be back sorting them out and now the Tribunal are waiting for the bundle of paperwork to go to them and I received it on Friday 27th January 2023. No matter what you are entitled to fight them report them to the tribunal and they will deal with it for you. Thanks to you for being there and helping me get through as at times I felt like letting them win as I have had this complaint going right back to 2014 as I was on DLA and told they would swap me over I have been applying every year and I was told to go and do Permitted work
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    Jean Hodgson · 1 years ago
    My daughter contacted our local MP about her carers allowance claim as they kept telling her she was earning too much to qualify even though she wasn’t working except for looking after my husband.  It didn’t matter how many times she told them they just wouldn’t listen and threw out her claim.  Exasperated she contacted our MP and within two weeks it it was all sorted and her claim was backdated, our MP was amazing she even contacted our daughter to check all was well.
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    Arthur · 1 years ago
    Asking Mps to assist may be of help but I suspect that any help they can provide will be based on how they veiw benefit claimants or rather what their political parties veiw is. Many will only help if feel that they it will personally benefit their careers ⁸They are after all so far removed from the sick and poor they cannot understand or don't care how awful and degrading the benefit system has become.
    Afterall all we need is someone to answer a phone or letter. Only people who have tried for hours days and weeks to get help will understand how bad it is.
    These days it is almost impossible getting help.
    I suspect that not answering calls or letters is accepted policy for the Dwp afterall it helps them reduce claimant numbers or at least delay payments.
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    Kirsty · 1 years ago
    I contacted my mp Greg hands for rbkc ie Chelsea about missing pip payments and he was not interested indeed he allegedly no missing payments and only by I c e investigation after 2 yrs did I get the payment made. The system is broken. Need new political parties and new system as current systems are not in favour of the vulnerable- it’s very sad 
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    Rosemary B · 1 years ago
    I have contacted both my MP  Gillian Greenwood, and my sisters MP Alex Norris, on both occasions, about dealings with  the dreaded DWP.  both times they acted quickly and got things sorted. all they ask in return is for you to be a constituent, and provide your name and address.   
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    Sue B · 1 years ago
    My MP is actually a good consituency MP, I've used him a few times to sort out what are largely DWP issues, be that PIP or Pensions. 

    I returned my renewal papers in good time, with some attachments.  I always send Recorded Delivery as I don't trust DWP and in this case it paid off.  I knew the papers had been received, the Royal Mail receipt even said who had signed for them.  Meanwhile, the deadline was drawing near and I just had a hunch something wasn't right so I sat on the phone until I got told, no papers never received here.  And tomorrow is the deadline! 

    So I get Royal Mail on to this for further evidence, marking it cc'd to my MP (I hadn't at that time got round to emailing him, to be honest ;) ). RM did their own investigation and, wait for it, they found my OPENED envelope with confidential info back in the Royal Mail system. They delivered next day, the deadline day and their investigation department confirmed by email it was definitely there now, by hand delivery especially for me as it was urgent.  The tracking was updated with all of this as well.  

    DWP then wrote to tell me that my PIP had stopped as I had not returned my forms before the deadline. But I had evidence that it had been delivered. Several long hours later waiting on the phone, they were adamant they hadn't received and good bye.  So now, incensed, I was on to my MP - who always tells me that he has no clout with DWP but would enquire, and I keep telling him he doesn't need clout he needs to make them aware that an MP is on the case (years ago when I worked in another government department, an MPs letter got something  'promoted' to a manager to deal with as a priority)  It seems that they had lost my claim papers on receipt because there was attachments. They had erroneously been put back in the outgoing mail by the mail department who handl all the mail going to that that building!  No apology from the DWP, but eventually after a couple of emails from my MP they accepted fault, reinstated my claim but made sure that I had a phone assessment (not really needed as nothing had changed and they had supporting evidence, according to the only humane assessor I've come across).  Fortunately my PIP was reinstaed and back dated to the date they stopped it bBut i left me without PIP income for several months. My MP was of the opinion that they are incompetent and vindictive but seems that he can't do more than express that to the Minister concerned, or rather not in the slightest concerned, since nothing is changing.
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    Andrea Mardon · 1 years ago
    My son and I have had severe ME for 22 and 32 years respectively. Son can't concentrate to talk on the phone and we've put that on his forms. We ask DWP to write to him. He was sent an appointment for a telephone assessment in January. I lose my voice regularly and it's just come back after 6 weeks. So neither of us could phone to ask for a face to face. In frustration I emailed our MP. She immediately sent a letter of complaint asking why they've ignored his requested method of communication for over 30 years. Got a case number and an appointment for f2f on 7 February. He only gets PIP and ESA for short periods, has an assessment every time then MR and appeal then when he wins each time they decide he didn't lie on his forms after all. They waste so much time and money on all this. MP has asked us to update her on the assessment and to contact her if we need further help. 
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    Anne Kearns · 1 years ago
    Well I had to lodge an Appeal just to get response from DWP. I am profoundly deaf and am shocked that DWP can't provide an email address.  
    Mine is a complex case around Shielding.  I am trying to have Contributory ESA reinstated but it is looking like my Appeal will be thrown out
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    Ani · 1 years ago
    Yes, my MP Desmond Swayne did intervene at the last minute, speaking directly with Jeremy Hunt when he was health minister to force the DWP to restore my benefits after 18 months with no income, as I was very ill and facing homelessness. I had been living off meager savings while enduring one underhanded cut after another from the DWP and the money was almost gone

    Now when I want to contact the DWP, I lie back with something to read and a cup of tea and listen to the hold music for as long as it takes for them to answer, usually 40 mins to 1 hr 15 mins. I just think, I'm not going to let them beat me ;)
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    Alison · 1 years ago
    Surprised to say, my useless tory MP made a complaint,  ATOS took it up, saying my assessment was totally unsatisfactory,  then I had a massive 3 way assessment and had my pip reinstated. For a while there, I was both grateful and amazed. So don't be put off if you think you might not get help.
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    Taffyboy · 1 years ago
    Waiting 14 months for pip review really stressful time, contacted my MP Gerald Jones spoke to helpful staff, got letter from DWP apologies for the delay, two weeks later review complete, increase in mobility, standard rate retained, shame it got to this but my MP was on the ball.
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    John Weston · 1 years ago
    I first became aware of PIP, when listening to a radio 4 programme that PIP was soon to open phone lines to request the necessary application. This was quite a few ago when PIP was just about to be rolled out. I phoned DWP at 8 am on the day of the roll out and got through straight away. I was one of the first, if not THE first to apply. I got the forms about a week later and submitted them only to wait 6 months before getting a decision or a face to face appointment. When my original application  was made, I was 6 months away from my 65th birthday, so time was of the essence. As a last resort, I wrote to my MP in Bournemouth, Tobias Ellwood. The response was immediate from the MP's office. They sent me a copy of their letter to the DWP demanding that my case to be reviewed urgently. Within two days, I received a face to face appointment, which resulted in my PIP award, backdated 6 months. I'm 74 now and still getting PIP. The moral is, CONTACT YOUR MP FOR ACTION.
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    Helen · 1 years ago
    I have contacted my MP Mark Harper 3 times in the last few months regarding my PIP and have not had a reply. It's disgraceful.
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    katybay · 1 years ago
    I get so fed up wasting my time trying to get DWP to answer any form of contact that I also go via my local MP for Dorset , who is has always contacted me regarding DWP. I know MP's are there for us but surely DWP are being paid a decent wage to work for the people and should be looked into , not only their inability to answer phones/letters etc , but why they have such an awful attitude to the people that need their advice etc. Maybe DWP need reminding if it wasn't for people needing the benefits they would be out of jobs also .

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    Pat McCarthy · 1 years ago
    Also that DWP Central Office in London doesn't have either an email address or a telephone number? I had to drop something in by hand just to get it there and be guaranteed the DWP had received it  - it was evidence to one of the DWPs so called 'consultations' and their shoddy handling of disability issues.
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    Paul · 1 years ago
    I too contacted my MP after trying numerous times to get in touch with the DWP about the delay of over six months in my claim for carers allowance with no help from the DWP I turned to my MPs office and low and behold my claim was granted and back pay sorted within ten days
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    Elsy · 1 years ago
    I wrote to my MP for help after the DWP reduced my PIP from enhanced mobility and daily living down to standard mobility only. This was a 50% reduction of income administered within 2 weeks of the assessment and without notice. My MP wrote and received a letter from the Complaints Department claiming everything decision was made in an above board way - albeit within a week of the assessment. Luckily, I was able to use that letter when ESA wrote to me demanding a weeks worth of money by way of overpayment for the seven days immediately following the assessment. I imagine the award decision WAS made on the day of the assessment but to make things look ‘clean’ the complaints department juggled the dates forward a week. Doing so saved me £87 off pounds which without the letter and coupled with the 50% reduction would have been disastrous for me. I’ve lodged an appeal against the award decision after the MR was unsuccessful. The DWP ignored the letter the scheme manager here wrote outlining the fact I live in supported sheltered housing because of my disabilities and have a welfare check and support with independent living each day., and it ignored the findings of the two tribunals who assessed me five years ago - one of which had awarded me the enhanced rate for dl and mobility. So it’s sad that I can only get a fair assessment by going to tribunal. The DWP does not seem to make awards for mental health. 
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    Ash6f · 1 years ago
    I have contacted my mp several times over the last 4 months as was waiting for a esa assessment and also complained about tge fact that I was given no hand outs as they have put me on new style esa which is the only money I have to live on. They contacted the treasury and also the dwp after 7 months I finally got a telephone assessment how ever they only wanted to know about my mental health not my physical disabilities as she stated she had all the info she needed to complete this but i have a letter from my mp which states that the dwp did not have enough info to complete a report very strange. I now have to wait for a letter and then more than likely have to appeal there decision I think they are delaying things on purpose I sent them my medical records letter and report which was more than enough for a paper assessment for pip but now they say not enough info and tge provider said there is they just need more on mental health the letter they sent to my mp looked like a standard reply they send to everyone not a detailed response to my questions but they man was just sacked for his tax fraud so what do I expect 😢 
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    Mary · 1 years ago
    My MP didn't help directly but a member of staff was very helpful when I contacted them 
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    Sharon May · 1 years ago
    I had to contact my MP when I couldn’t find out what was happening to my car tax refund for PIP. I waited over 9 months and then miraculously I received it after my MP contacted DVLA. Which really brings me on to another point for PIP car tax refund, why do we have to send all the paperwork through each year and why can’t people with a disability and are entitled to refund have to pay the annual amount and cannot pay on direct debit each month? I’ve complained to DVLA and told them that is discrimination against the disabled for those of us on limited funds to have to pay the whole amount then apply for a refund. 
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      Steven B · 1 years ago
      @Sharon May If you have pip mobility component you do not pay for road tax. Register your vehicle as disabled online with dvla or via post office .
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