The DWP has suggested replacing PIP with a catalogue or a shop in the Green Paper on personal independence payment (PIP) reform published yesterday. The department also asks people to choose whether it is more important that disabled people have money for food or money for medication. 

Modernising Support for Independent Living: The Health and Disability Green Paper was published yesterday and is accompanied by an online consultation survey which the DWP say they want as many disabled people and other interested parties as possible to complete (see links at the end of this article).

Different type of assessment

In the first section of the consultation, readers are asked for their view on whether some claimants with medical evidence of specific health conditions should get PIP without any assessment at all.

Your opinion is also requested on whether only claimants with “evidence or a formal diagnosis by a medical expert” should be awarded PIP.

You are then asked to explain how to prevent the requirement for a formal diagnosis from a medical expert having an impact on the NHS - because it will undoubtedly mean a great deal more demands on consultants’ time.

Changes to eligibility

In the second section the DWP want to know whether the need for aids and appliances and for prompting should score PIP points.

They also question whether someone who get a lot of low scoring descriptors should be eligible for PIP at all.

And whether any PIP activities should be removed or any new ones added.

Finally, you are asked whether the current three month qualifying period and nine month forward test should be changed.

Meeting extra costs of disability

The consultation explains that PIP contributes towards the extra costs of disability.  It asks people which are the most important needs that should addressed – suggesting that not all of them can be. 

Respondents are asked to rank in importance from 1 to 10, such items as:

  • Medications and medical products
  • Additional food costs
  • Additional energy and utility costs
  • Additional housing costs

So, people really are being asked to decide if it is more important that disabled people get their medication, eat properly or heat their homes.

The same section asks people to list the benefits and disadvantages of moving to a new system for PIP claimants, which could be:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

The consultation then goes on to ask if there are people who, instead of cash, would benefit more from improved access to support or treatment, for example:

  • respite care,
  • mental health provision
  • physiotherapy

This does raise the question as to whether benefits claimants would get different/better/faster access to things like NHS counselling and physiotherapy?  Or whether they will be pushed onto short courses provided by private sector contractors hired by the DWP?

Passing PIP costs on to the NHS and local authorities

The final section asks some very bizarre questions about NHS and local authority provision, which most people would imagine the government would be better able to answer than the average member of the public.  For example:

“Which of the following do local authorities or the NHS help with?”

  • Equipment and aids
  • Medical products
  • Personal assistance (eg. help with household tasks)
  • Health services
  • Social care

The purpose of the questions, however, is clearly to sound out how much support there would be for pushing much of the cost of PIP onto the already desperately overstretched NHS and local councils.

What this Green Paper is really about

Modernising Support for Independent Living: The Health and Disability Green Paper is supposed to be a Green Paper setting out serious, carefully considered proposals for reform of PIP.

Instead it is a ragbag of random, cruel and foolish ideas thrown together by the DWP to serve the political needs of the Conservative Party, without any likelihood of any of them being acted upon. 

The Green Paper is simply intended to make the current administration look tough on claimants whilst goading the opposition into speaking out against it, thereby supposedly making them look soft on welfare.

The fact that it is causing enormous distress to many disabled claimants and their carers, as is clear from the comments sections on this site and elsewhere, is of no concern to the DWP or the Conservative Party.

At Benefits and Work, we don’t believe that this Green Paper will ever form the basis of new legislation.

However, we do think it is important that readers who feel able to, do take part in the consultation. 

It’s important that whoever forms the next government understands the strength of feeling against dismantling the disability benefits system and instead concentrates on dismantling the department that was cruel enough to publish these proposals.

Take part in the consultation

If you are unsure whether to take part in the consultation, now that an election has been announced, please read PIP changes and UC migration – how will the election affect them?

You can download Modernising Support for Independent Living: The Health and Disability Green Paper

You can take part in the online consultation, which closes on 22 July 2024.  You are not asked to give your name or any other personal details.

Or you can email your response to:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please post a comment below if you take part in the consultation, to encourage others to do the same.

Blank consultation form for you to fill in

Many people have told us that they have found it difficult or impossible to complete the consultation because you cannot save the form and come back to it later.  So we have published a text version of the form, with spaces for you to type in your answers.  You can take as long as you like to do this and save it as often as you need. 

When you have answered all the questions you can either email the document to the consultation email address or, if you prefer to stay anonymous, copy and paste your answers into the online form instead.

Download blank form

Our submission

A number of people have asked how we are responding to the consultation.  We have published a copy of our answers to the consultation which you can download if you wish.  We wouldn’t advise you to copy them, but they may help you decide how you want to answer. 

We have tried to keep our answers brief as we don’t believe people should feel they have to write hugely detailed responses to what is, in our view a bad faith consultation.

Complaint about Question 18

We are particularly disgusted by Q18 and have sent a formal complaint to the consultation email address.  We would encourage other people to complain if they are unhappy about this question. 

Our complaint is worded as follows: 

 We wish to make a formal complaint about question 18 in the consultation related to “Modernising Support for Independent Living: The Health and Disability Green Paper”

The question asks:

“Which extra costs incurred by disabled people are the most important for a new scheme to address? Please rank the following options in your order of importance:”

Respondents are then required to rank 10 extra costs in order of importance. 

If a respondent doesn’t wish to answer the question, the options will remain in their default order and that will be recorded as the respondent’s choices, even though that is absolutely not the case.

For many people, ourselves included, the entire premise of the question is inappropriate:  asking people to decide whether, for example, medication, a specialised diet or energy to power medical equipment and provide additional warmth is more important.  They are all vital to life and all of equal importance.

Even if people wished to choose, their ranking might vary at different times of the year or different stages in their condition. 

In addition, even if respondents feel able to rank these items for themselves, how can they possibly make that choice on behalf of other disabled people with hugely different needs?  Yet that is what the question requires.

We consider that this question should either be removed from the consultation or, at the very least, that there should be an option to decline to answer or to rank all options equally.

As it stands, this question is clearly rigged and has no place in a genuine consultation.

24.05.24 Please note:  we have now had a response to our complaint as follows:

"We would like to clarify that if a respondent chooses not to answer question 18, no response is recorded for that respondent. The default order of the options will not be counted as a response if the question is left unanswered.

"Furthermore, if respondents wish to provide additional details regarding question 18, including if they feel that all options should be ranked equally, they are encouraged to highlight this in question 19. Question 19 is designed to allow respondents to elaborate on their views directly related to question 18."

We are a little dubious about this response, because if a respondent agreed with the DWP's chosen order and so did nothing, they would apparently be recorded as having not answered the question.  And the DWP's response does not alter the fact that this is an extraordinarily inappropriate question in the first place.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 6 months ago
    Anyone on pip shouldn't be made inferior with vouchers etc.most can use the money in ways that suit them the most.They should not be forced to be 2nd class citizens .if paper work passed for the other benefit is paid that way .
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    · 6 months ago
    This is an outrageous idea. Giving vouchers instead of cash is taking away disabled people’s dignity and independence.  It is treating them like second class citizens. All the options in question 18 is equally important.
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    · 6 months ago
    Just a bit more.... not all those with disabilities or 'conditions' advertise the fact and prefer to keep things private; something they can't do having to pass vouchers over a checkout or shop counter with others gawping on.
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    · 6 months ago
    This questionnaire is so amateurish that I was forced into giving some very straightforward answers where I could.  Very poorly constructed and to an extent not really worth responding to.  Talk about steered options for answers to some of the question answer suggestions.

    Altogether very patronising, I think that they must have had school kids putting it together....... mind you that would be insulting to school kids!
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    · 7 months ago
    This is a bad idea, Iam very ill with a condition that has no cure I need to pay a lot of people to help me , so vouchers would be no good. 
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    · 7 months ago
    I've just finished writing my responses - thank you, Benefits & Work, for providing the template, as it saved me a huge amount of time & energy I can't afford to waste! 

    I'm totally disgusted with this Green Paper, and can't believe it was even passed to be considered! 

    There's no thought, whatsoever, as to how people will survive without cash!
    I rely on my PIP totally, to pay for my Care Needs, as my local authority couldn't offer me any help after my husband, who was my full time Carer, died suddenly of heart disease, that he didn't know he had!

    I've been left, a widow, and bedridden, with nobody to help me, except what I can afford to pay for, with my PIP! 

    If they pass this terrible Paper, I'll be in severe trouble :/ 
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    · 7 months ago
    These politicians need to get in the real world. Ridiculous 
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    · 7 months ago
    Gosh what a long badly designed form. Seems to disregard the individual needs of people who need PIP and whose needs vary greatly. My family member relies on PIP to live independently its essential not about 'extras' as they form seems to suggest. However important to complete it to give our views and I have done so. 
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    · 7 months ago
    I rely on my pip cash to keep my car on the road, & pay for some bills I need my car to see my parents who both have parkisons..Im also disabled with ostieo arthritis cant get to shops with out my car voucher are useless to me
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    · 7 months ago
    I have just sent an email to the address you gave us, to complain about these cruel and mean ideas that the dwp are considering putting forward. I couldn't face the questions on the form but I wanted to  register my disgust. Thank you to B&W for bringing this to our attention.
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    · 7 months ago
    This is disgraceful 
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    · 7 months ago
    Having read all the information I must agree with all the comments listed concerning the voucher scheme, may of use rely on the pip award to not only help with the cost of living it also helps disabled people like my self to get around, you can't put a voucher in the tank, you can't pay for your gas and electric with a voucher, this is silly and should be left alone for people who need it and rely on this.  I'm a pensioner of 68 who is disabled and have cancer and I'm house bound, my only income is the new state pension and the pip helps pay for extra things as stated and a better quality of life other wise what's the point. 
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    · 7 months ago
    I am a registered dissabeled female of 67 years.I have many disabilities to live with I have to try (with help guidance what best to use my benefit money for.I was neglected by the NHS in discovering my disability also had to work till I was 66 before qualifying for my pension as a Waspi woman.Working very hard did not help me with my disabilities it put pressure on my already struggling body we are only receiving benefit we are assessed as needing .I am not alone in struggling living alone with help ,When are government going to realise we need this help.
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    · 7 months ago
    I think its stupid we don't need vouchers we need money to help with living cost. Vouchers aren't gonna pay for petrol for my car. And on going price increase on gas and electric.
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    · 7 months ago
    Also on my phone I could not get past q18 because trying to scroll just reordered the items in the q. No way to scroll past it.
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    · 7 months ago
    My wife is 61 and has 80% multiple myeloma cancer, 12 spinal fractures, and osteoporosis, I am 65 and have a brain injury, left side paralysis, and epilepsy - our only income is 2x PIP - if PIP goes over to a catalogue voucher system we will have NO access to cash, we will become totally house bound with no quality of life - so what is the point of living?????
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      · 4 months ago
      @bionic bits Hi
      They don't take PIP into account  with other benefits. Could you not claim universal credit.
      It's frightening what they are proposing
      Let's hope they do the right thing
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      · 7 months ago
      @Cas My stroke symptoms makes it extremely difficult to fill in this lengthy form. I really hope the new government abandons this silly and threatening idea. Exhausting just trying to figure out what were they thinking, compiling the form....
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      · 7 months ago
      @bionic bits Hi I also have so many Health problems and also Disabled and have had 4 Strokes 1 in 1993 and 2 in 2020 they was Silent Strokes and another Stroke in 2021 and I have got no feelings down my left side off my body and I cannot see from my left eye any more from my Strokes. Plus I have got 2 white mass in my lower Spine and I was also born without a Thyroid Gland and it left me with some Brain Damage and load off other Health problems plus I have got Asthma and got Depression and Anxiety. And I have to use a walker to help me get around. And all this what the DWP are thinking off doing to us Disabled and ill. They are really trying to kill us all off. We cannot not live without our money we get from PIP we really cannot pick any off those we really need money not Vouchers. And I really feel like ending my life. As I really cannot even able to fill that form they are on about as I do not understand any off it at all. And since I had my Strokes I really cannot concentrate it is really hard. And I was never any good at all that stuff even when I was younger. And to be honest I really wished I had Died when I was a baby with not having a Thyroid Gland which is so very rare. I never asked to be born this way with all my Health problems. And I have got no one to help me either to fill out these forms. I really hope that the new Labour Government do not do what the evil last Government was thinking off doing.
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    · 7 months ago
    Who ever came up with the voucher idea clearly has no idea what life is like. I'm lucky, in a way, in that my husband works so we can afford the food and heating bills. However, it also means that I don't qualify for grants for adaptations. So when I needed a walk in shower, PIP paid for it. When I needed a stair lift, PIP paid for it. It now pays for it's annual service and any repairs too, which isn't cheap! When the OT suggested an electric garage door for ease of access to my scooter, PIP paid for it.  I'm also lucky to have a motability car. But it's got to be big enough for my scooter. This means the AP is high and the car has to be adapted. PIP pays for that. But there are 101 other things too that make life easier... prescription costs, scooter insurance, Audible (the only things I have for my condition are pacing and rest and this helps A LOT), an electric bed to replace the humming NHS one, easy to put on clothes, ear plugs, my lovely cleaner, the list is endless.
    As always, I don't think the conservatives had thought about the sheer cost and complications of the administration of such a scheme either. 
    Who would decide when you could have a new wheelchair or scooter? Would you have to be assessed? How often would you be allowed to change it? Would you be able to only buy from specific retailers? (Hmmmm, reeks of the PPE debacle). It's supposed to be about independence. This would be about control.
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    · 7 months ago
    Ridiculous idea of vouchers for PIP
    How do I continue to be independent & live my life with all my disabilities. Having carers in who need paying cash how does it work? As other people have mentioned we wanted to be given the same rights as a human being. I need the extra help with severe sightloss & other disabilities. Treated the same with cash to live my life fairly & with dignity. I want to shout out but how do I send my objection please.. Forms are a nightmare to fill for me... Thanks 
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    · 7 months ago
    I want to fill the form in to register my views about the whole disgusting notion of vouchers/catalogue scheme and the rest of the bizarre package but I due to my condition I don't understand how to respond to the way the questions are worded. I am helpless and so of no use to our cause. Once again, I am just another worthless disabled person left behind.
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      · 7 months ago
      @Chilli This is what they want. This is exactly why the questions are worded in such a confusing way. We are all meant to feel helpless and worthless. But we are not. I am not and you are not. We are human beings and deserve to be treated with respect whatever our problems. You deserve to be treated with respect. I've just finished the survey and I am utterly exhausted. I have no idea if I've really answered some of those questions because of how they are worded. But what I've written is for you just as much as for me. Everyone who answers any of the questions is doing it for everyone. We are just little people, but all of us together can move mountains. Xxx
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    · 7 months ago
    I have been registered disabled for the last 15 year’s following a serious high level spinal cord injury which has left me with more issues than I care to go into.
    I find the whole premise of this so called consultation abhorrent and an insult to everyone who through no fault of their own is unable to work.
    Their proposing to give us vouchers how utterly ridiculous  will said vouchers pay for taxis, trains and busses as these are now my only means of getting from a to b what about the odd holiday I can afford which now has to have full disabled facilities, I could go on but I’m hopeful that the new government will ditch it for what it was purely a propaganda exercise to satisfy the right of the Tory party.
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