DLA to PIP success
“I have been sick to my stomach the last 6 weeks waiting for the dreaded brown envelope to land on my doormat. I received my PIP decision letter today and am delighted to say I have been awarded Enhanced Rate for both Care and Mobility until 2020 ( I previously had DLA for both indefinitely). I was so relieved that I burst into tears as I did not have to attend the humiliation and trauma of a face to face medical assessment. Plus I have now been awarded a higher rate for Care. I have been a B&W member for many years and would have been lost without them. So I want to say thank you to B&W for your excellent guides, newsletters, forum and website. It is invaluable to me and I don't think I would have got such a good outcome without your help. You really do make such a huge difference to peoples lives. "Thank you"!"
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Dear Reader,

Just a very short newsletter this time around, with the Easter break almost upon us.

We have had 70+ comments in responses to our question in the last newsletter asking whether you have had your ESA review deferred for a further two years.

We haven’t been able to see any pattern in the replies.

For example, we’ve been contacted by some members who have not had their award looked at since 2013 and have simply heard nothing from the DWP.

“I was last reviewed in 2013 when I was placed in SG from WRAG. I was never told when to expect the next review. It's been nearly 4 years and I've heard nothing.”

Others have been explicitly told that they have been given a deferral, although even this can be less than straightforward:

“My review for ESA has been deferred for another 2 years. The review WCA was supposed to happen in February 2015, that was pushed back by 2 years when ATOS had a backlog and then threw in the towel. My then new review date of February 2017 has now been changed to January 2019 though I was told that "it may happen sooner" than January 2019 or it may be then when it happens! It's impossible to tell what is going on with the DWP...”

Other people seem to be getting targeted for frequent reviews:

“After my fourth WCA in seven years, I was put in the ESA support group in April 2016. 2 weeks ago I had to fill in and return another ESA50, less than a year after the last one! Surely there's something going on - Are they trying to get me out of the support group around the time the WRAG gets removed?”

We’d be very happy to hear from more people with their experiences.

Perhaps Maximus and the DWP’s criteria for reviews will suddenly become clear if we get enough replies . . . though somehow we doubt it.

The DWP is continuing to do its best to ignore the law when it comes to PIP mobility criteria.

As readers will know, the law relating to PIP mobility was changed on 16th March to make it harder for claimants with mental health problems to get an award.

However, even though the change in the law was not retrospective, the DWP has been writing appeal submissions asking tribunals to apply the law as if it had been.

It would definitely be an error of law for a tribunal to do so.

For decisions before 16 March, the much more favourable decision of a panel of upper tribunal judges should apply.

Although we understand that this decision is now being appealed. This may mean that some appeals will not be heard until the appeal has been adjudicated on.

But that still doesn’t give the DWP any legal right to try to enforce a law that wasn’t in place at the time of their original decision.

Not that a little thing like breaking the law is likely to trouble the DWP, as long as it’s them that’s doing it.

Good luck,

Steve Donnison

Benefits and Work guides covers

Thank you thank you
“Today I had the desicion for PIP. I was previously on DLA both high. I have been awarded PIP enhanced for mobility and care for 4 years. The award statement actually said ' I took both the application form and the additional notes into consideration. The ASSESMENT was at home with a friend as support. All following your wonderful advice. Again THANK YOU”

Give yourself the best possible chance of getting the right ESA, PIP or DLA decision, whether you’re making a claim, renewing an existing award or asking for a reconsideration or appeal.

Subscribe now and get instant access to all our guides.

If you’re not already a member, join the Benefits and Work community before midnight on Friday and you can get 20% off the cost of your annual subscription.

Just type the following code into the coupon box when you pay: 24648

Claimants and carers get an annual subscription for £15.96, down from £19.95. Professionals get an annual subscription for £77.60, down from £97.00.
Offer ends midnight Friday, 14 April

As always, many thanks to everyone who takes the trouble to post in the forum or email us with news of your success. We know it’s many readers favourite, and most encouraging, bit of the newsletter.

PIP & ESA success
Benefits and Work guides covers“I have heard today after a 4 month wait that I have been awarded PIP. The process started in early December 2016 and after submitting my PIP form with a report from my wonderful GP, a report from my hospital consultant and a copy of a community care plan from my local authority I was told I could have a medical assessment at home. The assessment went well conducted by a nurse and two weeks later received the award Pip enhanced mobility and Daily Living component on an ongoing award. Furthermore, I also had a decision based from that assessment on my ESA and was placed in the support group. Thank you so much for your wonderful guides.”

A surprisingly good result!
“Partner has successfully transferred from DLA to PIP. I rang up last week for the report as I could take no more of it, & although I never expected them to tell me I dared ask if they'd reached a decision on the assessment, they had & they did. He went from low rate DLA care & mobility, to enhanced care & low mobility. I expected to have real a battle with them, tribunals .... judging by the horror stories I've read on here. Also never expected him to get mobility since they changed the rules… we're so relieved with the outcome after almost 14 weeks. Thanks so much to you all on here for supporting us along the way, it really does means so much. All the very best to everyone, do not give up, ever!”

A sigh of relief
“Many thanks for all your help. Today I received my winning appeal. Heard in my absence, and upheld. It appears I still have not passed schedule 3 descriptors, but still won. Albeit confusing as ever, I got what I felt I deserved.. Many thanks.”

PIP success!
“I had a letter today from pip Saying I have been awarded pip. Thank you everyone on here that have helped me and to this site for all the information. I have been awarded pip until 2121 thank you again”

PIP success!!
“A huge THANKYOU to all at B&W. I have been awarded PIP enhanced care and standard mobility… The site was like someone holding my hand throughout the process. Without such clear information and online community presence my health would have significantly deteriorated and I wouldn't have had the strength to accurately convey my difficulties. Thankyou also for keeping the rates of subscription so affordable .”

Mandatory Reconsideration success
“After face to face assessment I scored 0 for both care and mobility. Submitted a letter asking for mandatory reconsideration. Brown envelope just arrived and gone from 0 to 12 points for enhanced mobility. Care has stayed at 0 but over the moon I got the mobility back. Really thought I would have to go to tribunal but no… Many thanks for all the information you put on your site it has helped a lot”

PIP success
“Today I have got my pip results: enhanced care and standard mobility for 3 years.the results feel fair. I suffer from Boderline Personality Disprder, Depression and Anxiety, OCD, Lupus, Chronic Migraine. I cannot Thankyou enough for the information you have provided. The guides and forum provided such clear support that they were like a hand holding mine. Without such support my mental health would have greatly deteriorated. You provide such a valuable buffer. With much much gratitude indeed ! I recommend you to everyone who might need support”

PIP success
“Hi guys, just want to say thank you so much for your site and the excellent advice on ESA and PiP claims. Using your information I have just been awarded standard rate in both components of PIP.
Not entirely successful mind you, as I now have to appeal the fact they have dropped me from Enhanced Mobility Rate to the standard rate. So your site will come in useful as I do battle again!”

PIP result
“After just three weeks I received the Brown Letter confirming enhanced Care and Full Mobility, very pleased and would like to add, IF you follow the guidelines provided here it will greatly enhance your chances of success , BUT medical evidence is a must have today.”

PIP award!!
“I would like to thank you for the advice I received about PIP, I was asked to go for a medical assessment for mobility after 3 years on mobility PIP and after the interview because of what they found and using the advice I was awarded not only mobility but also the care component which doubled my payment and the payment was back dated and was told I should have claimed for the care component before so once again thank you”

PIP appeal success
“Attended Pip Appeals Tribunal yesterday, Awarded Standard Rate Daily Living 11 Points, and Standard Rate Mobility 8 Points. Would like to Thank Benefits and Work for all the Help given to me, Especially Gordon (Moderator) that enabled me to Succeed in my PIP Claim. Big Thank you to All.”

PIP award
“Thank you so much for your help and advice , Been transferred from DLA to PIP been given enchant rate on both ,with a life time award”

Thank you ALL
“…thought I should share the good news, I was successful in my transfer from DLA to PIP.. I was awarded Mobility Enhanced Rate & Daily Living Standard Rate for an Ongoing period with no contact until 2027....When the envelope arrived I was extremely apprehensive about opening it, it was about to tell me if I could continue to get out and about using my much needed car..... I was successful !!! but more importantly for anyone about to go through this process, The report about me and what we discussed at the home visit was accurate… I was completely honest about my situation, I explained, as B&W's guide tells you to about my daily life and how my disability/medication etc affects me..... All I can say is THANKYOU to Gordon, Mrs Hurtyback and the rest of the forum...Your site helped me to clearly understand what was needed of me, the information to provide and the best was to present it.... Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.....”

DLA to PIP success
“I have received the dreaded brown letter with the result of my change from dla to pip, my result was higher rate for care and mobility. I am so relieved to be able to sleep again. My experience was a reasonably good one we had an excellent nurse at our exam and she seemed to listen to me and observe how tough life was for me. The overall experience of this process is it is absolutely brutal I understand why this is the case but the pressure being put on already vulnerable individuals is just cruel. Good Luck to all of you this is a truly amazing website and I would be lost without it.”

DLA to PIP success
“Following 2 years of worry and stress regarding being forced to transition, despite being on Highest rate mobility and middle rate care indefinitely, I have just received the decision regarding that transition, and have been awarded Higher rate for both categories ! …End result took a mere 16 days from the face to face assessment, and my award increased overall. I can't put into words how delighted I am. The award says "ongoing" though no date was added, as in some claimant cases.
I can't thank Benefits and Work enough for the advice and assistance I found in the "guides", they were invaluable and were IMO, 100% responsible for helping me towards the right result. Thanks guys ........... YOU ROCK !”

Give yourself the best possible chance of getting the right ESA, PIP or DLA decision, whether you’re making a claim, renewing an existing award or asking for a reconsideration or appeal.

Subscribe now and get instant access to all our guides.

If you’re not already a member, join the Benefits and Work community before midnight on Friday and you can get 20% off the cost of your annual subscription.

Just type the following code into the coupon box when you pay: 24648

Claimants and carers get an annual subscription for £15.96, down from £19.95. Professionals get an annual subscription for £77.60, down from £97.00.
Offer ends midnight Friday, 14 April

Good luck,

The Office Team
Benefits and Work Publishing Ltd
Company registration No. 5962666


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