PIP success
“… thank you so much to this site whose guides I have been reading, following and recommending for years. This year I wrote what was essentially a 7-page essay referring to the questions on the PIP form for my partner, and he was finally awarded the higher rate for both daily care and mobility”


Dear Reader,

There may be an alternative universe in which it troubles the UK government to find itself accused by the United Nations of “systematic violations” of the rights of disabled people.{jcomments on}

Sadly, it isn’t this universe.

A UN report published this week documented multiple violations of disabled claimants’ rights, including the way that they are portrayed as being lazy and a burden on taxpayers, the harm to health caused by unfair assessments, the cuts to legal aid, the imposition of the bedroom tax and the ending of the Independent Living Fund.

The secretary of state for work and pensions, Damian Green, however, gave not a moment’s consideration to the detailed and carefully worded report.

Instead, he dismissed it as “outdated”, “patronising” and “offensive”, insisting that it’s not “the amount of money poured into the system”, that counts but “the work and health outcomes for disabled people”.

Those outcomes are, of course, uniformly disastrous with sick and disabled claimants unable to find employment and likely to have their conditions exacerbated by dwindling incomes and the growing threats of sanctions and unfair assessments.

As part of his plan to increase the work and health outcomes for claimants, Green welcomed the lowering of the benefit cap, which took effect this week. The new lower cap of £23,000 a year for families in London and £20,000 a year outside London will see many thousands more ESA claimants and lone parent families suffer drastic cuts in their income.

The benefit cap has been a “real success” Green enthused and is “delivering on our commitment to make sure work pays more than welfare”. The fact that this is being achieved by slashing the benefits of people who are unable to work in the first place doesn’t seem to be an issue for Green.

Likewise, the plot to force many, probably most, support group claimants to take part in work-related activities - even though they are in the support group precisely because the DWP doesn’t think they are able to undertake work-related activities – is enthusiastically supported by Green.

The plan, revealed in a green paper last week and now up for consultation, is once again dressed up as a way of improving the work and health outcomes of sick and disabled claimants.

Only the most “patronising” and “offensive” observer would suggest that it is simply another cost cutting measure, introduced with no care as to what effect it might have on its victims.

David Clapson, the diabetic former soldier who died in 2013 as a result of having his benefits sanctioned, is one such victim of the callousness of the DWP.

But his family have never given up their fight for justice and for improvements to the system.

With the help of £17,000 of crowd funding for legal expenses, they have now engaged solicitors in an attempt to force the coroner to hold an investigation into his death, on the grounds that it was not a natural death because it was caused in part by benefit sanctions.

Finally, Capita have been accused by the British Medical association of “putting patient care and safety at risk.”

The claim relates to a Capita contract to deliver administrative support services to GP practices. Or not deliver, as the case may be.

A BMA survey has found that:

  • 81% of GP practices stated that urgent requests for records had not been actioned within three weeks.
  • 31%of practices reported that they had received incorrect patient records.
  • 23% had not received the medical supplies they had ordered on the expected date, like medicines and prescription pads.

What a relief Capita are so much better at arranging PIP assessments.

Good luck,

 Steve Donnison

 Benefits and Work guides covers

ESA award
“Received my renewal award today for esa,was so pleased renewed and from wrag group to support group such a big worry over, just the next hurdle awaiting my pip award renewal hope it's as successful these guides have been invaluable a big thank you for the wonderful job you are doing.”


Give yourself the best possible chance of getting the right ESA, PIP or DLA decision, whether you’re making a claim, renewing an existing award or asking for a reconsideration or appeal.

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Claimants and carers get an annual subscription for £15.96, down from £19.95. Professionals get an annual subscription for £77.60, down from £97.00.
Offer ends midnight Friday


Capita putting patient safety at risk, claims BMA
The British Medical Association (BMA) has accused Capita of “putting patient care and safety at risk” by their chaotic handling of patients’ medical records.

Lower benefit cap begins to bite
The government is phasing in the new lower benefit cap between 7 November and 23 January, with more than 60,000 families expected to have their income drastically reduced.

UN accuses UK of ‘systematic violations’ of disabled people’s rights
A UN inquiry has found that the UK government is guilty of “systematic violations” of the rights of disabled people.

New inquest sought into death of David Clapson
Relatives of David Clapson, the former soldier who died in 2013 after his benefits were sanctioned, are seeking a fresh coroner’s investigation into his death.

Government plans to make many ESA support group claimants undertake work-related activities
The government has launched a consultation on changes to the work capability assessment which they say is aimed at putting “an end to the binary ‘can work/can’t work’ groups.”


As always, many thanks to everyone who takes the trouble to post in the forum or email us with news of your success. We know it’s many readers favourite, and most encouraging, bit of the newsletter.

ESA newsBenefits and Work guides covers
“Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for the information I was able to get from your guides. My husband was diagnosed with alzheimers age 52 four yrs ago, and it has been a massive struggle trying to get help and support, particularly financially. We waited 9 months for a decision on PIP ( but I didnt know about your organisation then) This year we had to claim ESA for him as he could no longer work, what a nightmare that has been, it beggars belief that they were actually considering putting him into the wrag group, but after reading your guides etc and following the advice, not only did they NOT insist on a medical assessment but he has now been put into the support group. It is a huge relief to know that they will now leave him alone, ( well hopefully) and I no longer have to provide sick notes, Could never get my head around the fact they needed them when he has AZ !!!!!!. Anyway once again Thank you for starting this site, I have recommended you to soooooo many people.”

ESA & PIP success! Thanks B&W
“Had a letter from esa which was odd saying due to a recent change your esa will be and then it went on saying im getting exactly what i have before in support group etc , this made me think that Pip must of made a descion so i rang them up today , and they said yes , the descion maker has decided: Enhanced rate care & standard rate mobility…im soooo happy and pleased and its all thanks to this fantastic benefits and work site going through and reading all the guides i dont think i could of manged to even of filled the pip form in properly without the guides and a big thanks to [the Mods] on the forum answering all my endless questions and helping so much not only with lots of heplful information but answering directly and with empathy so that sleepless nights worrying over this process was not so sleepless , all this resulted in no face 2 face for me , i havent had my award letter yet so dont know what points i have got , but i do know my award is for 3 years until 2019 so pleased with that”

PIP Brown envelope – Happy!
“I was very sceptical at getting the enhanced rates on all the PIP and ongoing (2026). So I need to say thanks to this site and reading everything on how to fill out the forms and of course what information they (DWP) require, proves what the Moderators state and print on here - shows that it works correctly…So now I would like to thank this site for all the hard work they do to help people like myself to get what they are entitled to and this includes EESA. 

“Fantastic transition from DLA to PIP, better result than anticipated. Cannot believe it is all over for now. Simply could not have done it without this site. Your guides were extremely helpful as were your hard working and very knowledgable advisors. Now I can look forward to a stress free Christmas. Well worth the membership. Thanks so much”

DLA to PIP success. Thank you
“Thanks to all the help and support here I just received my letter telling me I had been awarded the standard rate mobility and the standard rate daily living when transferring from DLA to PIP…It's only due to the expertise of the guides and help on here that I have been successful so thank you so much for your help. Well worth the subscription fee. I shall continue to subscribe because my husband is due to transfer from DLA to PIP at some point when they get round to it. Thanks for all your help”

Thanks B&W
“Just a quick note to say thanks for all the help and support over last 12 months. Success at my Tribunal, awarded ESA and moved to Support group with increased Allowance. Without the info and advice from this site i doubt very much if I would have even attempted my appeal. Both Judge and Doctor very open and approachable, helped to put me at ease during the 40 minute Tribunal. Thanks again,”

ESA Support Group – thank you
“Just want to says thanks. I applied for ESA and completed the ESA50 with your guide to hand. On Saturday, I had a letter from DWP telling me I have been placed in the Support Group. Best thing is I did not even have to attend an Assessment. Could not have done it without your guides.”

PIP result
“I would just like to let you know. I went to my Tribunal hearing last Thursday. It wasn't a pleasant experience, the judge doctor and disability lady questioned me so much I just answered as best as I could. I was asked to leave the court room and the decision was made while I was there. I’ve been awarded standard rate for mobility and standard rate for living allowance”

Thank you B&W
“Wanted to say thank you for the advise and information I have already received, I know I am at the beginning of a very long road, but having Benefit&Work here is helping me get through. [Mod] has just helped me with a couple of issues that were really confusing me, his answers were very clear and concise, so Thank you again [Mods] for your speedy informative replies.”

PIP claim
“Your guides were invaluable when completing the PIP2 form. Thank you”


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Offer ends midnight Friday

Good luck,

The Office Team
Benefits and Work Publishing Ltd
Company registration No. 5962666



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