Benefits and Work has compiled a list of over 500 conditions arranged in order of how hard it is to get an award of PIP, using the DWP’s own Stat-Xplore database.

The overall average success rate for PIP claims is 52%.

But this can vary greatly depending on the condition.

So, for example, awards for continence related conditions tend to fall below the average:

  • Urge incontinence  13.7%
  • Stress incontinence  15.7%
  • Faecal soiling (encopresis) 23.8%
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) 26.1%

Awards for arthritis, on the other hand, are above the average:

  • Osteoarthritis of other single joint  56.5%
  • Osteoarthritis of Knee  64.2%
  • Osteoarthritis of Hip 73.8%
  • Primary generalised Osteoarthritis 74.0%
  • Rheumatoid arthritis 74.7%

Awards relating to mental health vary widely:

  • Anxiety disorders - Other / type not known  38.8%
  • Generalised anxiety disorder  42.7%
  • Anxiety and depressive disorders – mixed  49.6%
  • Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)  58.2%
  • Bipolar affective disorder  61.3%
  • Schizophrenia  69.7%

Some conditions are extremely likely to attract an award:

  • Dementia 94.1%        
  • Motor neurone disease 97.5%
  • Down’s syndrome 99.6%
  • Creutzfeldt - Jacob disease (CJD) 100%

But on its own this doesn’t tell the whole tale.  For example, it doesn’t tell us what percentage of claimants got the enhanced rate of one or both components.

We can drill down further into DWP statistics to get these details. But it would be an enormous task to produce this information for every condition.

And it still wouldn’t tell us whether claimants are more or less likely to get the award that they think is correct.

So, we’d like to hear from readers about which conditions you think are the hardest to make a PIP claim for. 

You may have experience of claiming for more than one condition.  You may have helped people with different conditions who have put in a claim. Or you may consider your condition to be hard to claim for because it is treated with scepticism by some in the health professions.

Based on your feedback, we will produce more information about award rates for specific conditions.

Members can download the full list of over 500 conditions and percentage success rates in a pdf file entitled ‘Success rates for PIP claims by condition’ from the ‘Claims’ section of the PIP guides page.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    I’ve had both hips replaced twice I’m now under a review how do I stand with this review 

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    · 1 years ago
    I have Fibromyalgia and just been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis of my lower spine. Would I qualify for pip? 
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      · 1 years ago
      @R.S Thank you.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Tracy Tracy, i do have Fibromyalgia myself. Yes you will qualify for PIP but make sure you talk about how they both AFFECT you.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    I saw a PIP claim refused today where the decision maker acknowledged seven chronic conditions but did not score any points under the various criteria. The Tribunal is going to be interesting because the decision maker basically said they did not believe anything the claimant said in the form or the telephone interview. We will wipe the floor with them. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Jane I hope you win !!!! that’s disgusting 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Juliemillymay They hear what they want to hear  and the woman spoke to me so badly and was really rude and was trying to put words in my mouth then lied on the report!!!!!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Jane I have to admit that's what they did with me on my 30 minutes telephone call to assess me!
      They don't listen and I got two points and that was the second  time I had applied! 

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    · 1 years ago
    I had a range of conditions, both physical and MH related.
    Emphashema, nerve pain, PTSD, anxiety and depression. I was awarded higher amount yesterday.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Jake How long did it take for a decision?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @Jake How long did it take to go through I was awarded 5 years ago have now got added complications and waiting to see if I can get the higher  award I put it in in June and am still awaiting the answer

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      · 1 years ago
      @Jake What did they ask you jake.
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    · 1 years ago
    I am enquiring on someone else behalf. She is 61 years old and has a history of anxiety and depression and is on long term medication. She also is taking medication for Vertigo, high blood pressure and now has been put on statins to reduce her cholesterol. The job she does is to physically demanding for her now after 20 years in the same job. Will she be able to claim PIP? 
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    · 1 years ago
    epilepsy is extremely difficult to get a pip award for, which is wrong , when it affects a person and their family constantly. why is it that this illness means a person loses their licence for a year or more, but someone with heart problems etc does not lose their licence . There is no cure just medication which hopefully keeps the seizures under control, but its so hard to get PIP. Infact when my son was diagnosed in 2013 and had unfit for work notes he was forced to go to the Job centre to sign on and was treated like a bit of muck on their shoes and put in a complaint , nothing happened and at no time has he ever been told to apply for PIP or anything . 
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      · 1 years ago
      @MJ Am so very sorry 😢
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      · 1 years ago
      @MJ That is really tragic. I am 51 and was born with epilepsy. It’s a horrible disease, and disability. When I have seizures people often think I’ve taken drugs. I’ve worked most of my life but in 2018 I just couldn’t work anymore. I get UC with the Limited Capability to work as I fall so regularly and I get PIP. I have a very bad memory, the Epilepsy causes this. It does in a lot of people. It also causes face blindness and a lack of awareness of your surroundings even if you’ve been there many times before. I can get lost very very easily. This is why I was awarded the Higher rate of Mobility. So I didn’t get the full amount I got half. Another thing I forgot very very quickly is how or which way I entered a room!! When I went for my assessment this was one thing the assessor picked up on. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @karen The same happened to my son , he started having bad epileptic fits when he was 17and working, he put in for it many times and was declined. Then September last year he was waiting for a train and walked along the platform it was dark and the platform goes to a slight slope,which he sadly tripped and went on the live rail at 11pm when it was dark and then a train went over him, he was only 31,but he got turned down and was going to take it to tribunal .
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    · 1 years ago
    I have PoTS and hEDS, I just had my assessment this morning. It was totally F***ING humiliating!! I often neglect my personal care as I am often too tired, and asked “when you neglect yourself, do you change your knickers?” I declined to answer. I recorded the call and will be making a complaint!
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      · 10 months ago
      @Steph I agree, and this is no time for pride. You really need to know the form and be able to know which points you are hoping for and the justification with no contradictions. My assessor did the same, I scored 13 points DL, and those two incontinence points would be the difference between standard and enhanced. I think she was trying to help me but the report is accurate, she isn't doing me any favours. I scored 4 points socialising with others and I am the most sociable person, but struggle with sensory processing. The same phrases were repeated though: did I have a LT history of MH difficulties, was I taking medication, had I engaged in therapy, and what was the prognosis. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Sarah Exactly and all that and still get declined
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      · 1 years ago
      @Raygen Make a complaint one hundred percent I felt like I was their personal entertainment
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      · 1 years ago
      @Steph More like a number of people on their list to humiliate each day !
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      · 1 years ago
      @Raygen She was trying to help you by getting you on the incontinence track. They have to do a number of assessments a day, leading questions are often to help you.
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    · 1 years ago
    When my pip was declined I read my letter and actually thought they was talking about a different person,the intensity of the assessment mentally wiped me out,and they picked up on the things I could do and totally overlooked the things I couldn't.if you dont have mental health before the assessment,you certainly will after!!PHEEEW
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      · 1 years ago
      @Tracy They are liars
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      · 1 years ago
      @Lisa I agree they did the same with me its so wrong how they treat us
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      · 1 years ago
      @Tracy Hi my daughter was declined after the assessment. Like you there were so many blatant lies recorded by the assessor. The tribunal overturned the decision within minutes. I know its exhausting and demoralising but we can't let them get away with this. 

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      · 1 years ago
      @Lisa They lied all over my form. I couldn't believe what I was reading.  They told me not to bother with tribunal as I wouldn't win. But this time my daughter is helping me so I'm going all the way. I have fibro, ra, arthritis in my spine,  cervical spondylitis x diabetes, high BP, and they said on my form I jog every day. Funny cos I use a scooter as I can't walk. Horrible people liars
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      · 1 years ago
      @Lisa How true your statement is! I think they are trained to demoralise people
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    · 1 years ago
    They just twist everything you say and blatantly lie about what you actually say. The assessor is not on your side no matter how friendly he or she may appear. Most people will end up having a tribunal . Assesments should be legally taped to prove what actually was said 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Rach lol i actually had my ESA recorderd by the assessor , who lied 12 times then when I complained I was told by Capita that all recordings are kept in a secure room (but they had lost it lol) 51 weeks wait for a tribunal , Which I won without attending and a£4500 back pay . Then they thought they were going to get the same liar to do my next assessment , I refused to her face and stated I have reported you and complained so why would I want you again. Nothing was done about her I dont think , but again without attending I was finally put in the support group. My advice to anyone NEVER EVER BE INTIMIDATED by these people , as they need us to get their wages , and ALWAYS ASK FOR IT TO BE RECORDED. Never think their politeness is real they are blatant liars .
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    · 1 years ago
    I have asbestosis can i claim pip
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      · 1 years ago
      @Lee Should try for pip but I'm sure asbestos is a condition that the government pay compensation for 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Lee Me too just been told I have asbestos would like to know if can get pip
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    · 1 years ago
    Well my husband 61 yrs Oldham got copd emphysema arteries  and liver problems Nd heamotolgy trament and still got nothing after 2 attempts 
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    · 1 years ago
    I have an IBD. When I have a flare I can need the loo up to 15x a day and I’m weak from blood loss etc, plus I get inflammation all over my body so I get uveitis (painful inflammation of my cornea) frequently sometimes in both eyes at once. I was denied PIP as when I’m not having a flare I’m ok to work so they said I’m fine. I get universal credits and this year I was having a bad 6month flare with uveitis twice and they wouldn’t accept my sick notes as PIP said I was fine to work and I literally couldn’t see!!!
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    · 1 years ago
    Pip have never took my recurrent depressive disorder into consideration.  In2016 I had to attend a tribunal which I won and was awarded standard rate on both but even till this day they just ignore the depression.
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    · 1 years ago
    This information is incorrect as i have osteoarthritis arthritis, high blood pressure, asthma,and i was point blank refused,its very unfair that some people with the same conditions can recieve it easier than others ,o also siffer from depression and had counselling and medication ,i reckon its if a face fits senario.
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    · 1 years ago
    I applied for pip 18months ago I have Atypical depression which causes me to black out so are classed as non epileptic disassociate attacks, I had specialist in London doing all my tests but as I didn’t visit a&e in the time that they were at their worst (covid) and the nurse couldn’t understand all the information that I sent in, I have fibromyalgia and have suffered for years I worked full time with all of this up to 2 years ago but they decided that it doesn’t affect my daily life, even though I can’t go out alone, on public transport alone etc as I can have an attack at anytime and will just drop. I appealed and still got nothing, it’s frustrating when you have worked all your life and now through no fault of your own you can’t. The nurse knew nothing of any of my conditions and went against all my specialists and said I was ok to work. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Juliemillymay Exactly I agree 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Benefits adviser Neither, I went to citizens advice and they filled the second form 8n and I was told to get back if they refused me! I don't feel well and DONT NEED THE STRESS!
      I HAVE WORKED SINCE I WAS 16 YEARS OLD and had to look afte family too! What for to pay into the pot for everyone else and my pension to be snatched away when I needed it!
      No one cares when your over 60 they would rather give it teenagers who have private tutors and claim they're unsociable and who are capable of working!
      Social see it as kill off the old then we don't have ro pay their pensions!
      The stress of not having money to pay your bills is a lot less than than fighting for a pittance just to get by anyway!
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      · 1 years ago
      @Benefits adviser Don't you realise when people are genuinely poorly they don't need the stress!!
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      · 1 years ago
      @Emma I know exactly how you feel! And you only ask when you need help!
      It's not a fair system and they make you feel like life is not worth living!
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      · 1 years ago
      @Emma did you appeal to an independent tribunal or did you just put in for a mandatory reconsideration? Because a mandatory reconsideration is not an appeal but a review. After the review  you have the right to appeal to a tribunal and that is where a lot of decisions are overturned -
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    · 1 years ago
    hello, I made a claim about 18 months ago. wasn't awarded any kind of mobility. I also had asked for a relook within the time period but no change. I had sent medical info of xrays drs and my physio appointments for arthritis of the knee and hip on both right sides along with emphysema which im on a anoro ellipita inhaler.. but my pip was still unchanged? also about 9/10years ago diagnosed with ME/CFS plus FND
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    · 1 years ago
    I’ve had a stroke was in a coma for a week, have a brain tumour and blood clots on the brain and have tonic clonic seizures. Spent a month in hospital and have had a few shorter stays since. Having trouble living everyday life due to conditions caused by my illness. Have applied to pip twice ,got refused both times .didn’t even get one point . Thanks for letting me rant

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      · 1 years ago
      @Jacqui Sorry they had to add to your stress! As I said above when your poorly our not up to fighting for a pittance to help along the way and a phone call ignores the condition your in as they can't see you !
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      · 1 years ago
      @Jacqui Have you appealed their decision?
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      · 1 years ago
      @Jacqui wow... that is totally absurd. I really can't believe these people with people's lives in their hands a lot of the time. I can only wish you well and hope somehow your situation is overturned bless you. stay safe and well.
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    · 1 years ago
    I was rejected last year for pip although I have anxiety,depression,have panic attacke due to p.t.s.d.from a sexual attack.since I last tried to claim  I also have bronchiectasis should I try again? How long in between renewal claims does anyone know how long u should wait
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      · 1 years ago
      @Claire I think its 6months but if you get turned down you can appeal and if that gets turned down go to tribunal , and I understand how you feel Claire as I suffer with the same as you and I also suffered something when I was younger which has messed up my head .I got turned down 1st time and 2nd time  so I appealed and got turned down again so I asked to go the tribunal where you can go in front of people or have someone do it for you on the court side but once Dwp got my appeal from tribunal that changed there mind and awarded out of court instead and awarded me low rate of daily living but not anything for mobility which ive been suffering for past 3 years with pain and numbness so something else I need to chase up, good luck .
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    · 1 years ago
    Stephen Watson I have arthritis all over and nerve damage in my neck and shoulders with Unal palsy in left hand I’ve had to go on sick this year and having operation on neck I’m basically housebound and suffering anxiety 
    I’m looking into pip

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      · 1 years ago
      @Stephen Watson I to have arthritis (in my hips and knee). Please apply for PIP as I did and have been awarded standard for now. Gather as much medical evidence as you can to make the process less painful as I found the process very stressful without evidence - good luck!
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      · 1 years ago
      @Stephen Watson Good luck Stephen. I have been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis and so I feel your pain.
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    · 1 years ago
    Can you get Pip for a heart condition? 
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