The BBC has reported that only one in twenty claimants who are eligible for social tariff broadband have actually signed up, with 4.3 million potentially eligible people apparently missing out. We’d like to hear about your experience if you’ve signed up for social tariff broadband or what made you decide against it.

Claimants on a range of benefits are eligible for social tariff broadband deals.

All the major suppliers offer a cheaper deal if you are on Universal Credit, Pension Credit, Employment and Support Allowance, Jobseeker’s Allowance or Income Support.

Some also extend their offer to PIP claimants.

Prices range from £10 to £20 a month with speeds from 15 to 100 Mbits, depending on the supplier.

The Ofcom website has a full list of suppliers and prices, with links to their individual terms and conditions.

Citizens Advice estimates that one million people have cancelled their broadband in the last year because of the cost of living, with UC claimants 12 times more likely to have done so than non-claimants.

Yet social tariff deals are not proving popular and Citizens Advice wants Ofcom to "hold firms' feet to the fire" to improve their take-up.

But is it just lack of awareness of these schemes that is holding people back? Or is it that mobile phones are a necessity while home broadband is an unaffordable luxury for many claimants, no matter how cheap the deal?

Please let us know your opinion of the scheme in the comments section.

You can read the full story on the BBC website.


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    Edith Rodden · 11 months ago
    I am with BT and inquired about the social tariff as I am on DLA. However as is the case for many things this benefit does not qualify!! I don’t know why because we are basically in the original version of PIP we are not given any of the same benefits!
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      ip · 11 months ago
      @Edith Rodden They have cut my price down to 20£. But I left them still for Virgin!😂
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    Gail · 11 months ago
    My supplier talk talk don’t offer a package quite flabbergasted thought they’d be offering a better service
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    Kim Hardy · 11 months ago
    I’ve recently switched from EE to BT home essentials but it wasn’t easy. I knew from moneysavers that there should be no termination fee but when I phoned I was told otherwise. I asked them to check twice and they asked their manager and I was still told I was wrong. It was only when I requested how much the charge would be and they phoned through to accounts that the no termination fee was agreed. 
    However, my final bill from EE included a termination fee. Another phone call got this cancelled but it would have been so easy to have given up.
    I’m happy I persevered - the service from my new internet is fantastic and the engineer who came to fit it was brilliant.
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    Amanda F · 11 months ago
    I called TalkTalk re social tarif , it took speaking to three operatives then demanding to speak to supervisor before being told they have no such thing . Mine has gone up to £36.50 a month , and I’m not on a contract. F anyone can tell me a company that definitely do a social tarif of can switch . Thanks 
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    Ska · 11 months ago
    Out of contract with Shell (awful!) so first applied to Vodafone and, on completing the online registration, have to wait to hear from them within 5 working days. Didn't hear from them so chased them. 
    They didn't have a record of registration so told them to not bother have someone contact me.
    Looked at BT's deals. Application completed online without hassle and now receive decent service. 
    Attraction of Social Tariffs were that not tied in normal contract for years and, can leave without penalty fees especially if no longer receiving qualifying benefits. 
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    Nadja · 11 months ago
    I heard about "social tariffs" and spoke to Vodafone about it. Alas and alack the worker to whom I spoke had not heard about this and essentially informed me that I am in a binding contract, yadda, yadda, yadda.

    I also have a broadband contract with British Telecom. This is the only company at the moment that guarantees the service that I require. 
    Oh well. I will know better next time. 
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    Gail · 11 months ago
    Can’t get through to anyone at talk talk to see if they have a suitable tarif no wonder there’s low take up
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    dscottieb · 11 months ago
    I applied for this social tariff with Vodafone who I currently receive broadband from at 100mb at £28.50 per month.

    The guy from Vodafone told me that they would charge me £70 to swap my tariff to the social tariff.  Then he told me it wouldn’t be worth me swapping over as I wouldn’t be saving hardly any money due to the £70 charge.  He told me the social tariff was £25 per month and slower internet speeds.

    He talked me out of having the cheaper internet.  I then find out on this site that they can’t charge you for swapping to the social tariff and the price he told was also incorrect for the monthly charge.

    Vodafone’s social tariff is 38mb and £22 per month.  I don’t know what to do should I speak to Vodafone and ask why I was told wrong information.  To be fair 38mb is to slow anyway,  this social tariff isn’t worth it as people need faster speeds.
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    Stu · 11 months ago
    Vigin want £20  for 10mb and that is not a package deal ! We have TV, broadband and phone just now because I need a disability pendent so can take up offer,10 mb by itself is shocking by todays standards.
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      Peter · 11 months ago
      @Stu In my experience (which is a few years out of date) Virgin raises your price every year until you tell them, "That's too much." And so, every year, I'd call them and say, "Please disconnect me because I'm switching to Sky [or whoever was offering a good deal at that time].

      They'd offer to knock a couple of quid off the price, but I'd refuse, and then, a few days later, they'd call me again and ask, "How much are Sky charging you? Hmm. Well, you're still within your 14 day cooling off period, so if we were to offer you..."
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    Lin · 11 months ago
    apologies - my comment was garbled when posted, it should say: 

    (citizens advice) client with learning difficulties really wanted to watch the weekly football which we learned was only available on sky. our call to request broadband social tariff from sky ended with him signing up for sky tv with football for £63 a month of which £17 was for the broadband social tariff. cheaper tv packages would have been available if he wanted sports excluding the football. I have since learned that his bill has increased to £119 a month since he has added things like disney plus to his package.
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    Kat Cohen · 11 months ago
    I'm working part time but claiming UC, I never had a problem being accepted and I've never had to provide details of my earnings either. I think they'll check again next February (after one year) if I still claim UC. I'm more than happy with the service 
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    Sheena · 11 months ago
    We arranged for social media internet for ring cameras for aged parents. Barely adequate internet speeds and BT monopoly. No pc/tv/etc. Only cameras. Can only get with BT phone line.
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    Mike · 11 months ago
    Quite literally (and even BT admit), the conditions of service are EXTREMELY restrictive and the speeds are totally inadequate for todays consumers requirement. Even a basic years old smart tv requires faster speeds, never mind for YouTube or Netflix and running a laptop or pc? Games machine? Forget it.
    Also there are no ‘extras’ available such as range extenders to cover the wifi in the whole flat/house.
    It’s VERY basic and kept unattractive and controlled by a BT monopoly.
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    Amber · 11 months ago
    I signed up for BT’s Social Tariff last year, my previous Broadband provider was terrible, overpriced and virtually no internet speed. I spent a while looking through ‘Social Tariffs’ listed on Ofcom’s website, most were unavailable to me because they only served certain areas. 
    Reluctantly I signed up with BT (had problems with them years ago, vowed never to return) surprisingly I’m bowled over with the service after a little hiccup to begin, needed an Engineer to connect my service at the local exchange. Customer Services were incredibly helpful. Don’t be afraid to ask them everything you need to especially any hidden extra charges during the set-up phase. 
    I’m in receipt of Legacy ESA Support Group Benefit and BT Fibre BB with free calls for ltd time per month. Great! It’s half the price I was previously paying.
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    Dawn · 11 months ago
    because we were never told that we could get them.
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    Caz · 11 months ago
    Why on earth would I go to an expensive social tariff when my three broadband is cheaper, quicker and more responsive to customers. The social tariffs are a con, pure and simple 
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      Karl · 11 months ago
      @Caz Hi, I've never applied for the Social Tariff due to the speeds on offer. I have cameras, phones and TV that all connect to the Internet. 100MB would not supply my 8 or 9 cameras with enough speed, so I'm stuck paying the full price. I'm currently on 300+MB and don't have any problems. I do wish they had faster than 100MB for the social tariffs. 
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    Polarbear · 11 months ago
    I have social tariff with BT and it's great. I was disappointed their v cheapest offer has less broadband but they have an option where you pay sightly more and have top speeds, feel part of society and unlimited calls including, crucially, to mobile phones. 
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    Mick Egan · 1 years ago
    Having been with Virgin for 17 years i inquired regards this some months ago, i was told that i was on the 'wrong' benefits but got the distinct impression had i said any others they would have been wrong also
    However when Virgin increased prices this year by £9 as opposed to the usual annual £3 i rang to leave and raised benefits issue again before the price increase kicked in, after much overseas language barrier attempts at re-re-informing me what i currently receive and plan for my now £48pcm soon to be rising to £57 pcm, is up to 100 mbps.

    Finally got an answer regards the benefits plan that was available to benefit claimants, i could have 10 -13 mbps for £45, a saving of £3  per month but a loss of capacity, fair enough for my simple laptop but disgraceful and blatant fraudulent advertising to say that these plans exists
    To be honest its a surprise this question requires asking, it was quite obvious and apparent that these companies are interested in charging ore, not providing help or freebies, about time OFCOM were involved , but are thy bothered, doubt it.
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    Stokie · 1 years ago
    Some reasons, valid or not, that people may have in mind:

    1. Leaving fees, on trying to leave the current broadband provider.

    2. You may find you're locked in to the current contract, even if you think you're not. For instance, add so much as free 'caller ID' service on an long-standing contract... and the 12 months lock-in kicks in again.

    3. New sockets needed for superfast = home visit by an engineer to fit a new socket. As we all know the BT engineer system an be a nightmare + it can be a cost. Also a new router needed, possibly.

    4. From what I read a while back in Computeractive magazine, many want to do a "credit check", and then also look at your bank account every month to spot the Universal Credit payment level.

    5. It's said you can't earn anything while with BT, and perhaps with others. Earn even £2 while on ... and for some providers you're "earning" and off their discounted rate.

    6. Apparently they need you to send some of them an official statement every month, proving you're still on full Universal Credit and not earning anything. Their systems have no connection to the DWP system, so I'm told. Hence the credit checks and the bank snooping.

    7. May be a capped service, by Gb's downloaded per month - a disadvantage if your current broadband is uncapped. Sometimes speeds are also slow.

    8. No idea how or where to apply.

    9. Some only supply discounts if you live in a certain 'deprived' postcode, it seems.

    10. Don't want to loose the copper-wire proper landline just yet. Most telesales people will have talking-point scripts that push you onto digital voice and a new router, new phone, possible also a new number = lots of hassle.

    11. Worries about switching and having to depart from a vital old email address (PayPal and others get very itchy, re: swopping addresses, and you risk having your account blocked).

    13. Worries about switching only to find it suddenly goes up again. "Full price after 12 months", and so on. Plus whatever price rises they want to add then.
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      Fibrogal · 11 months ago
      @bend Have a look at sky sim only deals. 40mb for £20 they have other offers too
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      bend · 11 months ago
      @Stokie all possible good reasons. I am getting an increasingly high monthly EE bill for sim free contract with unlimited call minutes, unlimited  texts and a set amount of Internet data (GB) a month, but I don't remember or know how to check the GB amount I get per month, 
      My bill was around £20 a month but the previous month £35 & my last was £41. The EE helpline takes ages while they look for best Internet amounts and its confusing.  I would love to pay less. I only look at inquiry videos and things linked to my problems.  so I don't like paying more than the £18 monthly which EE offered me a few months  ago  but it always starts creeping up to about £65 monthly until I call to complain. 
      Does anyone know the cheapest deal for sim free mobile  phone  contract,  with unlimited calls, texts and as much Internet data as possible? Thankyou. 
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    kefkat · 1 years ago
    I'm with Virgin Media. I haven't looked into it as I far too good a deal with top speed broadband. 

    I couldn't change anyway as I'm still on legacy ESA 

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